
Chapter - 20 - Protagonist 2

When humanity discovered the new element 'Illuminati' everyone knew new possibilities are going to arise.

New technology and Techniques were discovered and humans build a huge machine after getting inspired from a movie , the machine was able to change a planet's geographical structure as desired

and that's how Mars was also developed by converting it into a new kind of Earth with its own environment

One of the few first companies that settled in Mars was Goldpharma , it was a medical company belonging to Chris Jordan's Family.

Chris was a nice going guy despite being so rich and he never felt any jealousy until he met Ted who was far more fit then him despite being a goof

Chris's family always believed that one should take care of their health from the start that's why Chris was used to running from age 3 unlike Ted who's family also thought something similar but still Ted started late.

Chris tried every medication to improve his results but nothing helped except the motivation to beat Ted and when he heard of a game called ESCAPE , he knew that Ted would someday definitely play it and at that moment he will show his character which would be strong by that time.

As soon as the Game went public Chris immediately brought the top gaming capsule model , his father's company had heavily invested in the game because unlike other people Chris's family knew why the game was important.

The game was supposed to increase the brain's working capacity , like our brain for a short moment can use the majority of it in some actions , but what if the human brain can increase this time , that's what the game company actually focused on and that's why GoldPharma developed special nutritional fluids that can help a human body to go further , go beyond human.

When the geological changes were over in Mars and the environment got similar to Earth , many people noticed mutations not like sci-fi movies but normal mutations and focusing on this mutation the game company founded a way to increase it , that's what the base of the game was but they never thought that the game would become such a hit.

Chris logged in and named his character Light and he was a smart one because he read the manual instead of ignoring it

Chris knew a little about how to get a specific class as his company was deeply involved in the game , so Chris decided to went further in the East continent desert where he was alone and trained in seclusion under the harsh environment if the desert and heat of Sun

until one day he slowly gained resistance against sun and slowly day by day it increased until one day the Sun descended upon him and granted him the class - Descendant of Sun God

It changed his Race to Half-God that can be evolved to God , his special ability or power was that he can get powerful by absorbing Sun Rays and his special stat became Spirit instead of getting a new stat

" This power.... I can feel it it's incredible I'll be the Protagonist in this Game Ted and wherever you are I'm gonna haunt you " Chris said and decided to travel and explore the desert.


Edge was in the middle of going towards the forest when he stopped in his way

( Update is going to happen in 10 minutes, no need to log out but some changes will happen )

after 10 minutes another announcement occurred

( As more than 80% players have unlocked their special stat and 50% players have reached level 100 , Congratulations )

( From now on the Pain simulator will be gone and automatic Pain simulator will take place which can give you pain from 1% to 100% depending on the circumstances)

( a maximum limit will not be crossed that can be assured but from now on players will feel that the game is more real due to almost life like pain simulator )

( The starting manual will not be provided anymore )

Soon a notice and detailed information was also posted on the forums by the gaming company assuring that the pain for a bruise will be as real as it can get but pain for stab or kill will be minimised till a tolerable level.

The concept of Pain was still confusing so Edge just ignored it and decided to focus on leveling first because from the moment he got level 100 and Update happened he was getting really less EXP so he understood that maybe level 100 is the main starting point.

Edge was mainly used to fight in the forest with individual or group opponents and he didn't cleared many dungeons because mostly , party was required to clear them , he could solo them with his new Skills but they consumed a lot MP and maybe he can not even use them before level 200 they were like a supercar which were good to have but he couldn't afford their Fuel.

Edge wandering in the Town to see a Blacksmith, he wanted to make a mask for himself to hide his face , he thought he could get from killing monsters but he could get only weapon which he didn't required.

" Excuse me sir I was wondering if you can custom made a face mask for me " Edge was standing in front of a huge blacksmith shop which was showing the sign ( Legendary blacksmith workshop) when he inspected it but for some reason the blacksmith accepted very few orders

" I can but I have some conditions first It will have to be made from special ingredients that you have to provide for yourself and I will charge very less compared to other legendary blacksmith I just want new materials to work upon " The 7 ft blacksmith with a large belly said with a nonchalant tone.

" I don't have any special mineral with me but can this work ? " Edge showed a vile which was filled with his blood

" hmm Liquid platinum.... but it seems far more pure , special and concentrated " the blacksmith was too much focused on the vile when he used his special skill to inspect the liquid metal and the skill showed what was the potential for the liquid metal and immediately stored it in his space ring

" Sir that was Mine "

" don't worry I accept your order just give me the details and I hope I can get more of this metal in the future to work upon " the blacksmith said with a sigh

" just a normal face mask that will never fall of my face just a simple oval shaped plain mask without any features not even eye slits but I should still be able to see and please colour black "

" hmm. that's easy but don't you want any special feature or anything"

" just print a big number 13 on the surface in a different shade of black "

" alright you have weird preference but it's alright as long as I can work on this special metal "