
don't go


Chapter 11

Mama please just a little while longer,and Margaret lost it,she immediately grabbed her wrist and started taking her home,Deborah screamed so hard,it drew many attention from the farmers,but Margaret didn't pay any attention to the stars she was getting from them.

By the time they got home,Deborah was still in a sore mood,Margaret felt bad for allowing her daughter belive such nonsense.

Suddenly a knock was heard ,who is it? The emperor has sent us,a man voice was heard outside the tent,Margaret stiffened,and the knock came again,oh a moment please.

She immediately went outside,she saw two royal guards, goodday gentleman ,may I atleast know why am being summoned?we are not allowed to see ma'am,the first guard answered, I see,and Margaret looked at the second guard,she was taking aback by the hatred she saw in his eyes,she immediately smiled at both of them,why her hands were tugging her clothes so tight.

Please tell the emperor I will be there shortly, I have to tell my child, oh go ahead ma'am,but we won't be leaving,we were asked to bring you,the second guard spoke.

Deborah honey,leave me alone I don't want to talk to you,I will be back soon,do not leave the tent,you have to listen to me okay.

As Margaret walked inside the throne room she was shivering inside,but she held her outward look,she was tugging on her clothes so tight, that it was a miracle it hadn't ripped,she kind of wished the guards had come inside with her and not stop at the door.

Walking to the throne,took a lot from her,she could feel different eyes starring daggers at her,but she wouldn't dare bring her head up,the moment she made the mistake to raise her head a little,she met with the eyes of the person,she hated and loved the most,the look she saw in his eyes made her even more confused,it wasn't hatred or pity as usual, it was something she couldn't explain.

She finally got to the throne,she had already bit her lips soon hard,she could taste her own blood,your majesty she bowed,Woman you are not fit to mother that child,the emperor went straight to the point he did not like having this crazy woman in his throne room.