
Cyberpunk: Love, Death + Me

Lucas was born with supernatural powers, living a peaceful life in Night City until fate had other plans... Yeah, I have no idea where I'm going with this. I usually write in my spare time for fun, but 'I THINK' this first chapter was too much of a banger not to share.

Evo · Derivados de juegos
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Chapter 5

Lucas had known Rita since they were five years old—just little kids who were still oblivious to exactly what kind of environment they were living in. The two were neighbors, both with two loving parents who did their best to shield them from the harsh realities of Night City.

However, for Rita, that would all change drastically. At such a young age too.

Rita's parents were ordinary law-abiding citizens. They kept their heads down, didn't stick their noses where they didn't belong, and just stayed out of trouble.

But in Night City, trouble had a way of finding you, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it.

One night, when Rita was about eight years old, her parents became collateral damage in a gang shootout. The violence was a result of a territorial dispute between two gangs that didn't belong in Japantown but had spilled over into their neighborhood.

The aftermath of that night changed Rita. She became tougher, more resilient, but also more cynical and guarded.

As they grew older, Lucas and Rita remained close. Lucas's parents did their best to take care of her after she lost her parents, even teaching her self-defense skills. His dad showed her how to shoot a gun and how to kill someone efficiently, while his mother taught her what or who to avoid, when to fight— basically how to survive in Night City.

At some point, Rita joined the Moxes, a gang of former sex workers, punks, freaks and all kinds of outcasts. 

But this wasn't really surprising considering that Megabuilding H8, where they lived, wore the colors of the Mox gang. Many joytoys and various personnel associated with the sex industry in the building were under the protection of the Moxes. It was only natural for Rita to be drawn to the gang, since she was already accustomed to their presence. 

Of course, if it was any other gang, Lucas wouldn't have supported her choice.

Might have done something about it... Maybe convince the boss of the gang to get away from Rita with his fists.

However, Lucas had only heard good things about the Moxes. The way they were formed was rather inspiring, something you rarely see in a shit hole like Night City.

The Moxes were founded in the wake of Elizabeth "Lizzie" Borden's death. She was a strip club owner and former prostitute herself. Perhaps she didn't want others to go through the same struggles she faced or it was some kind of business strategy, nevertheless, she had been known for treating her workers fairly and defending them from violent clients. 

After Lizzie was tragically killed by a Tyger Claw gangster in retaliation for avenging one of her girls, who had been murdered by another Tyger Claw member, a riot broke out. People went ballistic—girls, pimps, simps, horny dudes, outcasts—the whole lot rose up. They caused riots all over Night City, and Tyger Claws' members and businesses became the main targets of the violence. 

Later on, her ideological successors honored her legacy by rebuilding her place and naming it "Lizzie's Bar." They formed the Mox gang that united those who felt threatened and oppressed, particularly sex workers and sexual minorities.

So the only problem Lucas had was his worry that someone or the environment might influence Rita, and involve herself in prostitution for more eddies. She had been wanting to get more implants, which he didn't have any problem with.

Not everyone was like him— most likely no one was. He understood the need for her to get implants. It was better to chrome up than end up dead. 

But as Lucas thought of this, his grip tightened, and the metal railing of the elevator he was holding onto was crushed under the pressure of his hand. "Shit, not again."

He let go of the railing and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Soon, the elevator dinged, announcing his arrival at his floor. He quickly stepped out, eager to avoid any more accidental damage. Making his way down the hallway, he reached Rita's apartment door. He pressed the buzzer and waited.

The door swung open a few moments later, revealing Rita with a bright smile on her face. "Hey, didn't expect you so soon."

Lucas didn't reply immediately, his mind momentarily going blank upon seeing what Rita was wearing. The woman was clearly teasing him with that white crop top and black short shorts, which accentuated her toned abs and long legs— Nah, she was just incredibly comfortable around him. 

And it made sense. 

Rita had always been the tomboy type of girl— preferring to wear shorts over skirts. Cars over dolls. Action movies over romantic comedies.

Whatever the case, Lucas wasn't complaining. He was a guy and didn't mind the view at all. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "Yeah, well, I figured you must have just woken up and you'd be hungry."

"You know me too well," Rita chuckled, her eyes twinkling. 

Lucas shrugged and walked in, taking off his shoes at the entrance before setting the bags of food on the small kitchen counter. He glanced to one corner of the room and saw clay sculptures lining the shelves. "Sculpted any new ones lately?" he asked.

"Nah," Rita replied with a sigh. "Don't know what I should make next. Been kind of stuck."

"Ever think about sculpting this perfect body of mine?" Lucas asked as he laid down on the couch, causing Rita to roll her eyes. "Anyway, how was work yesterday?"

Rita started unpacking the food. "Same old, same old. Had to kick out a few drunk gonks who couldn't keep their hands to themselves. You know how it is. What about you?"

"Not much really. Just the usual school stuff," Lucas replied, crossing his legs and folding his arms behind his head, using them as a makeshift pillow. 

"Fun," Rita said sarcastically as she set the ramen bowls on the table. "Well, come on, let's eat." 

Lucas got up and joined her at the table. They both started digging into the ramen, enjoying the meal and each other's company. They simply enjoyed the moment as they ate, and talked about various topics, from their childhood memories to the latest happenings in the city. 

"Besides going out for a drink, where else are you gonna take me this weekend?" Lucas asked, taking a bite of his food. 

"You know, Lucas, it's usually the man's job to plan these things," Rita pointed her chopstick at the gonk in front of her. 

"True, but you're the one who invited me if I remember correct—" Lucas paused and cleared his throat seeing Rita's glare, "Just kidding, I was thinking we should go to an arcade or something."

Rita's eyes lit up with excitement. "Haven't been to one in ages."

"Same. Heard there's a new one in Watson that's supposed to be good. We can go there if you want," said Lucas.

"Yeah, I'm down," Rita replied, smiling.

The two continued eating until they finished their meal. Afterward, they settled onto the couch and lazed around for the rest of the day, watching several movies and tv show episodes on the holoscreen…


Evocreators' thoughts