
Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

It follows the story of Hanako Arasaka's secret child. That she had to hide from everyone including her family in order to protect him. For the sins of the father of her son. --- -- - For all those who like the story and want to support it I leave the link to my Patreon; patreon.com/user?u=8326781

Jhunior_ll · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
142 Chs


[Japan, Yamanashi Prefecture, Hakone Castle, April 1 of 2055]

In the vicinity of Mount Fuji was Hakone Castle, which was bought by the Arasaka Corporation after the third corporate war in which the Japanese government became too indebted for the services that the Arasaka Corporation performed in that war.

Not only did they have to sell Hakone Castle, a Japanese tourist and historical landmark, but they had to sell all the land around Mount Fuji.

It was not only this land that the government had to sell, actually the Arasaka Corporation owns 29% of the land in the country of Japan, almost 1/3 of Japan's land was privately owned by one family, the Arasaka Family.

Hakone Castle has maintained most of its original form, but has been renovated to become larger and more imposing. The latest alloys have been used to fortify the building, giving it a darker tone, almost black.

They had also built 4 towers in the form of classic Japanese pagodas, all this on top of a base of stone bricks that raised the castle about 35 meters above the lake with the same name, Lake Hakone.

Inside the castle, more precisely inside the stone brick base on which the castle was built, there was a hangar full of black Aerodyne or Avs with the symbol of Arasaka in red.

In the hangar there were 30 men lined up in 5 columns, in front of two other men, they were the elite members of the armed branch of the Arasaka corporation, they were personally in charge of protecting the heirs and members of the most important family of Japan, the Arasaka family.

This group of soldiers, unlike the rest of the soldiers and workers of the corporation, had to follow the ancient way of the Bushido as a requirement to enter the unit by order of the leader and instructor of the unit.

Who stood in front of the 30 men. He was Musashi Hakate, Saburo Arasaka's main bodyguard for 50 years, head of security at Hakone Castle and the most influential person in the castle after the Arasakas themselves.

Musashi was older and had already reached over 70 years 55 serving the Arasaka family, he had 3 sons and all 3 died for Arasaka, for Musashi he missed them every day but he was also proud of how his sons died for the sake of his Daimyo, that in this current era who else than the Arasaka family, could fill the description of a Daimyo.

Musashi had a large and trained body, along with a lot of cyberware, made him look younger, Musashi had his four black artificial limbs, with red markings, which gave him a more intimidating feeling, along with his Katana at his waist, He is considered the best swordsman in the world.

Currently Musashi had retired from active duty as head of the security team of the Arasaka family boss, because he made an unforgivable mistake for him and almost endangered Saburo Arasaka, His lord and with so many years of service Musashi became a friend, confidant of the Arasaka family.

Although Saburo had not reproached Musashi for the mistake he had made, it was he himself who did not forgive himself for his slowness in reacting to a situation dangerous to Saburo's life, he blamed it on age and suspended himself from active service.

Thinking that he was past his prime, he decided to train the next generation of warriors who would protect the family.

Musashi was explaining the 7 main principles of bushido, by which they are governed. In this unit

< Gi - Justice or Righteousness>.

<We believe in righteousness but we do not force it on others, forge our hearts>.

< Yu - Courage or Bravery>

<We rise in the face of danger while others fear to act, We must have extraordinary courage, accepting risks involved being true our own principles. This leads us live a life full, complete way>

< Jin - Compassion or Empathy>.

<We through intense training and meditation become fast, strong wise. Enough not to use that power against others weaker, have compassion for our equals inferiors, but never enemies.< p>

< Rei - Respect or Courtesy>.

<We have no reason to be cruel nor do we need show our strength. We are respectful because force without reason, turns us into animals.>

< Makoto - Honesty or Sincerity>

<We when we say will do something, it is as if already done. Nothing on this earth stop you from realizing what have said do. We not to "give our word", need promise or threaten, because the simple act of speaking part action. Speaking and doing for us are same thing.>

<Meiyo - Honor or Judgment>.

<The most important virtue of all. We have only one judge our own honor, and that is ourselves. The decisions we make how carry them out are a reflection who really are.>

< Chugi - Loyalty or Responsibility>.

<Having done or said something, means that something belongs to us. the responsibility for it and all consequences follow from will be ours.>

While Musashi was explaining reciting like a mantra the 7 principles of Bushido, which of course he follows as his own.

Someone came interrupting Musashi, it was one of Hanako Arasaka's private Servants, who stood out in comparison to the members of the unit, dressed in training clothes and with combat cyberware installed on their bodies, compared to the woman dressed in a light red kimono, and a delicate figure.

Musashi seeing someone coming, stopped his explanation turned to his second in command, his disciple and said.

<Goro I leave you to continue with the training of others, do not get distracted, serious want come back and see having another fight Oda while others bet> he said while reprimanding the behavior of his men while he was not there, and also of his disciples.

<Yes, you can count on me Musashi-Shisho, come let's start running a couple of miles around the castle!> shouted Goro Takemura, Musashi's disciple, for 12 years.

Leaving Musashi alone with the maid.

<Musashi-San, Hanako-Sama has asked me to come in search of you, wishes speak with you> said the maid as she bowed, performing Ojigi respectfully to Musashi.

Musashi only affirmed serious without showing any emotion, but inside he was glad to be able to see the little Hanako for himself, he had known her since she was a baby and was one of the few people who held her apart from her parents.

Even though one of his three sons died while protecting her during the Fourth Corporate War. When Militech attempted to kidnap her, Miyamoto, the eldest of Musashi's sons, managed to stop it, eliminate 28 elite Militech attackers with precise headshots. His accuracy remains a record at the Arasaka Military Shooting Academy.

While he arrived, following the maid, to the private room of Hanako Arasaka. Which was in the part of the castle protected, by the four towers in the form of pagodas that created a shield that could not be seen with the naked eye.

Musashi, through the large windows, could appreciate the shield generated by the four towers with his left eye that was an implant, it was not shaped like an eye but a blunt patch with a small red light in one of its corners.

Musashi seeing the landscape from the top of the castle, came to doubt that the land was contaminated, that there are large radioactive storms, desolate and wasteland areas where before there were forests or jungles.

Because if all that was true, then what was in front of Musashi had to be another world, green as far as the eye could see, with a forest of Sakuras in bloom surrounding the Castle, and the small village next to the Castle, kissing the lake. The large red Torii gates in the four cardinal directions of the lake, truly a paradise on earth. Musashi thought before entering Hanako Arasaka's room.

Author's Note: English is not my native language. I originally wrote this story in Spanish, and in the first season, I had the "brilliant" idea to use an auto-translator to save time. However, in the second season, I decided to stop using the translator and translate it myself. It takes longer, and I release fewer chapters, but the quality has improved. If you come across any mistakes or odd phrasings, please feel free to let me know, and I'll correct them as quickly as possible. I still hope you enjoy the story!

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