
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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199 Chs

Chapter 198

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Arasaka Tower.

Public Relations Department.

Tang Yu stood in the Director's office, bringing up the panoramic electronic mirror behind him, waiting for the video signal to connect to the boardroom.

He sat at his dedicated desk, opened the holographic projection of the office system, and watched Militech's public statement.

On the TV screen, Militech's Public Diplomacy Director, Meredith Stout, appeared solemn and formal, her business suit paired with a fitted uniform skirt, exuding a mature and capable aura.

Facing numerous media cameras, her eyes were fearless as she loudly criticized Arasaka Corporation's recent provocative actions.

Meredith firmly emphasized, "Militech will not tolerate any form of infringement and will spare no expense to get the justice and compensation we deserve."

A journalist promptly asked if Militech would similarly respond with military force.

Meredith answered decisively, "We will never abandon the use of force. If negotiations do not meet expectations, we will face the consequences."

Recently, Arasaka had launched an armed counterattack against Militech, but the operation did not go smoothly and had been traced back by the latter.

Militech, known for its unyielding stance and unconventional methods, went public with the matter, accusing Arasaka of orchestrating attacks and demanding a direct response and compensation.

The incident quickly became explosive news, spreading across Night City and reaching global attention.

Numerous think tanks and authoritative media predicted that this attack would become a catalyst for a new round of corporate wars.

Militech's public statement was uncompromising, with no prior private negotiations, catching Arasaka off guard.

They held solid evidence to point out Arasaka's indirect or direct involvement in multiple attacks.

Meanwhile, the city government held a press conference, where Acting Mayor Holt personally called for peaceful dialogue between the two companies to avoid escalating into a larger armed conflict.

How these two companies handled the attack would affect not only Night City but also the world, drawing intense scrutiny.

In response, Arasaka urgently convened an emergency board meeting to discuss the aftermath of the attacks.

Alongside the board members, key department heads participated remotely.

Tang Yu watched various news reports repeatedly emphasizing Militech's stance, dramatizing the severity of the situation to gather more viewership and traffic.

Since his promotion, he suspected that following the attack, someone would shift the focus to him. He didn't expect the fire to burn this fiercely.

Even before Arasaka's board meeting began, Tang Yu anticipated the outcome.

Arasaka would publicly declare their willingness to negotiate but under their terms and conditions—terms Militech would struggle to accept.

Then, they would seek a negotiation representative, conveniently pushing Tang Yu into facing Militech head-on.

Tang Yu found himself oscillating between the two corporate giants, a single mistake potentially leading to ruin and disgrace.

Even if he successfully handled the negotiations, there would be no benefits.

Cleaning up the mess for the Special Operations Department was a thankless task.

Thinking of this, Tang Yu found it somewhat amusing.

Everyone assumed that his position was of utmost importance to him, not realizing he didn't care.

The authority and scope of the Public Relations Department's affairs were much smaller than those of the Counterintelligence Department.

This meant that whether Tang Yu performed well or poorly, it wouldn't make much difference.

The true core factor in determining corporate diplomatic relations had always been the company's own strength.

Even if he botched the negotiations and faced demotion and salary cuts, it wouldn't endanger his life as it might in the Counterintelligence Department.

Moreover, the two giant corporations couldn't really engage in full-scale war. Arasaka had Saburo's presence, and Militech had Meredith's balanced judgment.

Tang Yu just had to make an appearance; the pride of Arasaka or Militech held no significance to him.

Soon, Tang Yu's office video signal remotely connected to the boardroom.

Holding a cup of tea, he slowly turned in his office chair, calmly watching the board members' performances.

The board had already undergone a round of discussion before the various departments' video signals connected to the meeting.

Now, the board members' faces were varied and silent, creating a tense atmosphere.

What caught Tang Yu's attention was Michiko Arasaka's behavior. Unlike before, she wasn't standing at the head of the table but quietly seated in her spot.

Michiko sat with her hands folded in front of her, eyes slightly closed, showing disinterest in the board's discussions.

Seeing her "nonchalant" attitude, Tang Yu couldn't help but smile, speculating it was related to Yorinobu Arasaka.

He knew Michiko was deliberately feigning this attitude to avoid being used as a pawn again.

The board members knew she was a staunch dove, always advocating for peaceful competition with opposing companies. In times of conflict, she would be the first to propose negotiations.

At such times, the board members could oppose her stance, loudly calling for Militech to pay a price, and ultimately, the pressure for negotiations would fall on Michiko.

Michiko would then bear the main responsibility for the negotiations. If successful, she could avoid disaster; if they failed, she would face ridicule and greater pressure.

Anyone with clear eyes knew that negotiations were inevitable, but who would be responsible for them became the key issue of this board meeting.

Tang Yu scanned the board members, all remaining silent, not wanting to be the one to stand out.

Clearly, Michiko's uncharacteristic behavior had disrupted the members' plans, each trying to avoid drawing the fire to themselves.

With the attack becoming a sensational news across the city and showing signs of further escalation, self-preservation seemed the best option.

As the key department heads connected to the meeting, the board's stalemate seemed to take a new turn.

Board member Takahashi, representing the hawks, glanced at Michiko and saw her resting with closed eyes, then spoke coldly.

"This attack resulted in significant mistakes. Militech is out there denouncing us. Should Arasaka just stay silent?"

Board member Yamamoto, part of the hawks, also aimed to put the pressure on Michiko, adding, "Director Conti, what are your thoughts?"

Director Conti, sounding aggravated, replied, "My thoughts? You were the ones who unanimously proposed and supported this attack in the first place. Now that it went wrong, how come you have no opinions?"

"Whoever was in charge of this attack should handle it. If they can't, sitting in that position is no different from being useless."

Susan Abernathy: "???"

Her previously calm expression turned unpleasant.

The boardroom atmosphere didn't match her expectations; no one seemed willing to take responsibility for the attack's mishaps.

Director Yamamoto, with an indifferent expression, said, "If things aren't done well, there must be consequences. But now the fire is already at our doorstep, and we still haven't reached a decision. Isn't that inappropriate?"

"Director Michiko, what do you think?" Yamamoto's eyes darkened as he looked at Michiko.

Michiko's eyes were half-closed as she softly replied, "Let's first severely punish the department heads involved in this operation, then discuss how to respond to Militech."

Susan Abernathy looked even more distressed, never expecting the fire to spread to her. All her previous plans were completely disrupted.

She waited anxiously, hoping a director would defend her.

Another director added, "Despite some flaws in this operation, there were certain achievements. The R&D department acquired the experimental equipment they needed, and Lord Saburo approved and acknowledged the results."

Susan Abernathy felt a wave of relief, as if clutching a lifeline.

If no one spoke for her at the board meeting, having already been heavily punished before, this time she would face an even harsher penalty.

She quickly recalled the events of that day. An Arasaka outpost suddenly reported that a special agent involved in the transport convoy attack had returned, bringing with him a box.

Upon opening it, they found the experimental equipment the R&D department needed.

Susan Abernathy had the equipment sent to the R&D department, only briefly inquiring about the situation, without delving too deeply.

To her, the success or failure of the mission wasn't that important. This equipment was merely a favor for Tanaka, something expendable. But today, it became her achievement.

She remembered the special agent, his name was likely David Martinez.

While the board discussed, she pulled up David's resume.

A new employee initially rated at G2 level, graduated from Arasaka Academy with an internship rating of A- in the Counterintelligence Department.

Susan Abernathy was somewhat surprised, not expecting the special agent who brought her this achievement to come from Counterintelligence.

She immediately thought of Tang Yu, sensing there might be a deeper intrigue worth investigating. For now, she suppressed the conflict and continued to watch the board's proceedings closely.

After all, David was in the Special Operations Department, effectively within her grasp.

The senior board continued discussing, but since Michiko remained unresponsive, they iterated the same suggestions.

The hawkish Yamamoto became impatient, unable to implicate Michiko Arasaka, he decided to follow the predetermined plan.

Unable to kill two birds with one stone, he'd at least strike one.

He added, "Since we can't come to a clear decision, let's hold off on assigning blame. This operation was approved by the board. Although the Special Operations Department had some issues executing it, it's understandable given the complex nature of the participating teams."

"I suggest addressing the Militech problem first. My proposal is to initiate negotiations to maintain Arasaka's honor and interests."

"Fellow board members, you may express your opinions."

Yamamoto looked around; each board member nodded in agreement with this approach.

His gaze finally fell on Michiko, and he asked sternly, "Director Michiko, what's your take?"

Michiko, still with closed eyes, calmly said, "I have no objections to your proposal."

Yamamoto smirked inwardly and continued suggesting that the Public Relations Department head should lead the negotiations, with an elite team from various departments forming a legal and business negotiation team to engage with Militech.

He didn't mention Tang Yu by name but waited for the directors to express their support.

Upon confirming no opposition, he had the meeting secretary connect the department heads remotely for a two-way discussion.

The first to appear in the boardroom's projection was Tang Yu from the Public Relations Department.

Seeing Tang Yu, Yamamoto praised, "Minister Tang, truly promising young talent. Only you can undertake this heavy responsibility."

Director Takahashi added, "Agreed, appointing Minister Tang as the company representative assures results for Arasaka's honor and interests."

The higher Tang Yu was praised, the harder he could be blamed if negotiations failed.

The board members, with their aloof and arrogant demeanor, were eager to settle the matter.

As long as their interests weren't threatened, whether it was Tang Yu or Susan Abernathy taking the fall, it didn't matter.

Tang Yu ignored the others and stated, "The Public Relations Department understands the board's arrangement. If there are no other matters, we can proceed with the next steps."

Yamamoto understood why Tang Yu was seen as a lone wolf, unafraid to speak his mind.

He instructed the meeting secretary to generate the tasks immediately and had the board members sign off.

Yamamoto, through his cybernetic eyes, was the first to sign. The other board members followed.

Michiko opened her eyes, glanced at Tang Yu's projection, said nothing, and left with her personal guards.

She neither approved nor opposed. As a supervisory director without veto power and with Yorinobu not coming to the Arasaka Tower, she had to handle company affairs in his stead.

With most of the board approving, the task was officially assigned, unified by the Administrative Department and forwarded to the Public Relations Department.

The meeting ended, and Tang Yu and the other department heads disconnected.

Sitting in his office, Tang Yu saw the task details in the system.

He was to lead the negotiation team to handle the conflict with Militech.

Moving forward, Tang Yu had to consider whether to publicly address Militech and plan the negotiation time and place.

Given the situation, Militech's representative was likely Susan Abernathy.

However, Tang Yu had no intention of directly contacting Abernathy. A mediator would be ideal for subterfuge.

He thought of city councilman Jefferson. After Lucius Rhyne's death, his chances of becoming the new mayor had increased.

Due to the failed matrix space project, Night City citizens' doubts about Jefferson's competence had risen.

Securing his campaign and implementing his policies remained challenging.

Additionally, Jefferson was unwilling to be controlled by corporations, and apart from Night Corp, no company supported him as a puppet mayor.

For Tang Yu, an additional force against corporations was an extra card in hand.

He decided to gift this negotiation surprise to Jefferson as a gesture of goodwill for their initial meeting.