
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Cómic
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199 Chs

Chapter 193

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Azure Building.

Top floor luxury suite.

Yorinobu Arasaka stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the entire cityscape.

He had just woken up not long ago, draped in a dark gold robe, slowly savoring a glass of red wine in his hand.

On the bed behind him, a beautiful woman, barely covered by the disheveled bedding, lay asleep. Her white arms and long legs dangled over the edge of the bed, seemingly exhausted and still deep in slumber.

The entire suite was enormous, a luxurious flat with three sides made of panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows. 

A massive screen divided the living room and bedroom, with electronic devices and smart home appliances displayed everywhere. There was even a chameleon perched motionlessly on a withered branch.

This suite was specifically built for the Arasaka Family by the Azure Building, usually left vacant and only provided when a member of the family needed it.

However, Saburo Arasaka and Hanako Arasaka had never stayed overnight in the Azure Building. Hanako had her own manor, so this suite was exclusively used by Yorinobu.

Whenever he came to Night City, he would stay in this room to enjoy his pleasure.

Yorinobu's cybernetic eyes flickered, connecting to an encrypted call. A mysterious voice came through from the other end.

"Yorinobu, the operation has begun. Have your people ready."

Yorinobu replied seriously, "The Arasaka Tower is holding a board meeting today. If the operation succeeds, she won't be able to hold her position."

The mysterious voice continued, "You could have been more assertive. The more frequently our people act, the more likely mistakes will happen. She's already alerted and has increased reinforcements at the sites. Multiple departments are now involved in investigating the attacks."

"Hanako has been running the Arasaka Tower in Night City for years. Some things don't need to be done too harshly. I just want to take back what never belonged to that damned person," Yorinobu said angrily.

He had always hated only one person and never wanted to involve others. To free the world from his father Saburo Arasaka's grip, he had to remove all obstacles step by step. 

For Michiko Arasaka, who held power in Night City, he chose a softer approach. Otherwise, the teams attacking Arasaka sites would next appear in Michiko's villa.

Yorinobu didn't want to become as cruel and tyrannical as his father Saburo, and he would never engage in fratricide.

"Reinforcements are just company protocol. Those department heads are mostly just trying to gauge the wind's direction. They won't put much effort into investigating. My concern is only one person."

The mysterious voice asked, "You mean Tang Yu from Counterintelligence?"

Before arriving in Night City, they had gathered a lot of intelligence in advance, focusing on Tang Yu.

"Yes, Tang Yu met with Hanako privately at the Arasaka estate in Kyoto, received orders, and returned to the Arasaka Tower in Night City."

"He was involved in taking down the Voodoo Boys in Pacifica and tried to steal the NetWatch data, but Adam Smasher intercepted him."

"But things are not as simple as they seem. I suspect Tang Yu has other plans. The Night Corp matrix issue might also be related to him."

"The Counterintelligence Division being involved without any significant moves is suspicious. From that garden party, I sensed he is not loyal to Arasaka. But I can't grasp his stance."

The mysterious voice fell silent for a moment, then explained, "He does have some tricks. Climbing to such a high position in such a short time is no small feat. But he's just an ordinary person. If he figures out some internal issues and stays quiet, that's fine. If he dares to stand in our way, he'll be silenced permanently."

Yorinobu didn't object. There was no need to care about people who weren't on the same path.

The mysterious voice asked again, "Has Night Corp reached out to you? They should be very interested in what we have."

Yorinobu showed disdain, coldly replying, "These companies can't be trusted. I've contacted NetWatch to see if they're willing to cooperate."

"Once we take Night City's Arasaka Tower, the subsequent matters should be addressed. We need to obtain the technology to destroy Soulkiller to stop his reckless plans and ambition from the root."

"Let's hope everything goes smoothly," the voice said before hanging up.

Yorinobu turned around upon hearing a noise behind him. 

Two pale hands wrapped around his shoulders, their owner speaking in a voice full of tenderness. 

"Did you sleep well? Getting up so early, I'll make you some breakfast."

Yorinobu smiled slightly and handed over a significant tip to the woman behind him.

Just as she was about to serve this high-profile client again, there was a notification of a visitor.

"It's not necessary. I have some business to attend to now, you should leave," Yorinobu politely declined.

The woman, pleased with the hefty payment, dressed before blowing a kiss to Yorinobu and walking towards the elevator.

The elevator doors opened automatically, and she froze.

A tall, black mechanical warrior stood in front, cybernetic eyes glowing red and scanning her coldly.

She stood motionless, not daring to move, waiting for the figure to exit the elevator and brush past her.

"Just a piece of flesh being toyed with."

The woman's heart trembled at the words, and she hurried into the elevator, leaving quickly.

Seeing Adam Smasher arrive, Yorinobu directly instructed, "Go to this location in the suburbs later and make sure the operation at the site is clean."


Suburban Area, Arasaka's transportation hub.

V and Jackie were dressed in Arasaka security uniforms, following the team to the site's entrance for scanning.

After confirmation, they smoothly entered the site.

This Arasaka armed squad was reinforcement, stationed to aid in strengthening security.

Once the team dispersed, Jackie joined V on a high point, pretending to watch the surroundings while exchanging information.

Jackie, fully armored with a bulletproof vest and ammunition strapped all around, had a heavy machine gun on his back.

"Not sure when the attack will come. Keep your eyes peeled. Don't worry, Tang asked me to watch over you. If anything happens, I'll handle it," Jackie reassured.

V's outfit was almost identical to Jackie's, with the only difference being a long sword strapped to her back, hidden in a black sheath.

"You're underestimating me. In the end, it's unclear who will take down more enemies. This site has over thirty people. It won't be easy to handle."

The Arasaka warriors stationed there were rigorously trained, and though they were not as elite as the special forces or elite teams guarding Arasaka Tower, their military skills were undoubtedly high.

Jackie shrugged helplessly, "Who knows? Maybe they have some trick up their sleeves for a surprise attack. So we should stay cautious."

To avoid raising any suspicions from the attackers, they had paused communications with Tang Yu.

As per the plan, Tang Yu was already stationed at the point, waiting for the right moment to act.

Based on Tang Yu's previous analysis, the attack was likely to occur at a critical time.

Today's board meeting would likely bring up the issue, with many board members seizing the opportunity to press for action against Militech.

If Michiko Arasaka wavered and tried to suppress the matter, the larger-scale site attack would serve as the final critical blow.

At that point, Michiko Arasaka would face intense scrutiny from the Kyoto headquarters and be labeled as weak and incompetent.

However, retaliating against Militech would be unwise, as the attacks were not solely Militech's doing, and hastily acting against them could escalate the conflict.

Militech wasn't to be trifled with and did not fear Arasaka at all.

The only solution for Michiko Arasaka to escape this dilemma was to capture the real culprit.

Tang Yu's plan was just that. Capturing the real perpetrators would prove that someone was trying to incite conflict between the two companies, naturally resolving these issues.

Michiko Arasaka could then report back to Saburo Arasaka and maintain control over the board.

But the situation was complex this time. According to Tang Yu's analysis, the highly trained assault team likely belonged to Yorinobu.

If they managed to capture someone and retrieve evidence from their memory storage chips, Yorinobu would be cornered.

Tang Yu hadn't shared all these calculations with V and Jackie. Their task was to delay the attackers.

Jackie and V exchanged for a while on the high ground before receiving the guard replacement notification. They each moved to their assigned positions, readying their weapons.

Time ticked by, and Jackie, getting bored, yawned and stretched his shoulders slightly.

Suddenly, a silent and precise shot cut through the air, piercing an Arasaka guard stationed high above. The guard fell over immediately.

Jackie snapped to attention, taking cover and unlocking his gun's safety, nervously scanning the surroundings. He then alerted V.

"Girl, we're under attack, be careful."

As soon as he spoke, four more guards stationed high above lost their strength and fell to the ground with heavy thuds.

The entire site lit up with bright red alarms, signaling an enemy attack.

Automated heavy weapons activated, infrared sensors scanning for the enemy but finding nothing.

Several security guards held their breath, treading lightly with their machine guns ready, scanning the area and trying to protect themselves while locating the hidden enemies.

Before they could react, a nearly invisible figure rapidly approached, brandishing a red-hot, glowing katana.

One Arasaka soldier instinctively raised his gun to block but was cleaved in half by the thermal blade, falling to the ground in two smoking pieces.

The Arasaka personnel were terrified, firing their machine guns wildly at the unseen foe.

"Invisibility! They have optical camouflage!"

Even though they identified the tactic, it was useless. Several security guards were quickly cut down by the elusive katana.

From his hiding spot, Jackie watched the horrifying scene unfold—guards at the entrance being sliced by an unseen thermal katana, their deaths gruesome.

Alerting V of the attack, Jackie grabbed two EMP grenades, activated them, and threw them, hoping to stall the intruders.

Bang! Zzzz...

An electronic pulse erupted into sparks, creating interference around an invisible figure whose form was intermittently revealed in arcs of electricity.

A ninja?

Jackie stole a glance and noticed the figure was clad in a full-body suit with a distinct Sakura-style, leaving only the eyes exposed.

As the warriors at the outpost entrance were slain, the assault team launched their charge. Eight figures emerged from various directions, firing wildly towards the outpost.

The turrets and heavy gun emplacements at the outpost were quickly neutralized, offering no resistance.

Arasaka soldiers could only retaliate with smart weapons from behind cover.

But these intruders had top-tier cyberware, with subdermal armor that was impervious to bullets that circumvented obstacles.

The invisible figure broke free from the EMP pulse, swiftly retreating from the outpost entrance and turning invisible again.

Jackie didn't dare take chances and rushed to find V to relay the situation to Tang Yu.

After confirming Tang Yu received the intel, Jackie cursed under his breath, "Damn it, didn't expect these guys to have such high-end combat implants and still come to rob this little outpost."

V also recognized the gravity of the situation. Guns couldn't handle the invisible foe, so she drew the long sword slung over her shoulder.

A brilliant steel katana gleamed under the sunlight.

Jackie, momentarily blinded by the blade's glare, asked, "That sword looks sharp."

V, gripping the katana with both hands and testing its balance, replied, "It's called 'Awakening,' a gift from Tang. We'll see how it performs."

Just as she finished speaking, she sensed movement. The transparent figure launched another attack into the outpost, slaying two people instantly with a thermal katana.

The outpost plunged into chaos as the remaining dozen security personnel failed to mount an effective defense.

Seeing the opportunity, V used the tip of her sword to flick up some blood, tossing it towards the general direction of the invisible foe.

She observed a drop of blood seemingly suspended in mid-air, slowly falling to the ground.

The entire motion looked like reckless slashing in the air.

V realized the invisibility tech not only blocked bullets but also repelled dust and water. She had to strike before the blood drop hit the ground.

One by one, the outpost's defenders fell. Jackie fired based on intuition but couldn't keep up with the enemy's speed.


V noticed the blood droplet speeding towards Jackie. She activated her Sandevistan, moving swiftly to strike down at the air in front of her.

In a split second.

A thermal katana appeared out of thin air, aiming straight for Jackie's head.

Jackie's face filled with terror; it was too late for him to react. But another gleaming katana intercepted, slashing through the air.

Just as the thermal katana neared Jackie's head, there was a sound of flesh being sliced. The transparent figure split into two, falling to the ground.

V's katana had struck true, revealing the invisible foe's form, now cleaved in half.

Jackie, stunned by the sight, was speechless for a long time.

V was also surprised; she hadn't expected the sword to be so sharp, cutting through the foe's subdermal armor with ease.

The motion was seamless, only describable with one word.


She inspected the razor-sharp blade again, noticing it had neither dulled nor stained with blood. It was sharp enough to split hairs.

With such a treasure, V instantly knew how to proceed.

Looking back at the dumbfounded Jackie, she said, "Leave the rest to me."

With that.

V activated "Beast Mode" at full power, dashing out of the outpost like a gust of wind, leaving Jackie blinking in shock.

By the time V was out of sight, Jackie hurriedly grabbed his machine gun and ran out to survey the situation.

He saw all eight enemy positions silenced one after another, each combatant slain in one strike by V.

"Damn, can this even be considered human?"

After dealing with the attackers, V reappeared, slightly out of breath but otherwise unharmed.

Jackie's voice trembled as he asked, "Chica, are you okay? Feeling feverish, hallucinations, or nausea?"

V, puzzled by the question, touched her forehead. She had worked up a sweat and was a bit heated but nowhere near feverish. She calmly explained.

"No, I'm fine. Just a little more exhausting than a boxing match."

Jackie: "..."

"It really felt like facing the Grim Reaper in broad daylight. If I had known you were this capable, I wouldn't have panicked. Haha, hahaha." Jackie holstered his gun, forcing a laugh as he surveyed the carnage.

V sheathed her katana, preparing to check the attackers when Tang Yu arrived in a vehicle.

The battle had settled down, and Tang Yu could guess V had ended the fight early.

Seeing Tang Yu, Jackie rushed up to him, praising V's skills effusively.

On his way over, Tang Yu used 'Weak Electric Control' to destroy the memory storage data in the attackers' brains.

V walked over to Tang Yu, boasting, "So, did I meet your expectations this time? Make sure my payment is full."

Tang Yu replied, "Yes, you deserve a full payment. Do you want the sword?"

V's smile froze, and she resignedly said, "Fine, another transaction. Add it to my tab, I guess."

Tang Yu walked into the outpost, inspecting the bisected ninja corpse.

Judging by the outfit, these weren't Militech's people.

After gathering evidence, Tang Yu prepared to leave and head back to Arasaka Tower.

The three exited the outpost.

Suddenly, they noticed an Arasaka armed AV approaching the sky, descending gradually.

Tang Yu recognized the security level of this AV; it belonged to an Arasaka Family member. Since it wasn't Saburo Arasaka's or Michiko's, it must be Yorinobu Arasaka's.

The AV doors opened, and a tall, black, mechanical figure emerged, red cybernetic eyes scanning the three.

V recognized Adam Smasher and immediately tensed up, clenching her fists tightly.

Adam Smasher surveyed the bloody scene, approaching them with an expressionless face. 

"Quite the slaughter. Seems I'm a bit late."

Then, Adam Smasher glanced at V and Jackie behind Tang Yu, with a murderous undertone in his voice.

"They're not Arasaka personnel."

Tang Yu calmly responded, "They're Counterintelligence informants, assisting in the investigation. Not your concern."

"Working for Arasaka means knowing your place, Adam Smasher."

Adam Smasher chuckled, putting away his hostility.


"With a couple of pests."

With that, he stomped into the outpost.


'Who the hell are you calling pests?'

V wanted to draw her sword and cut down Adam Smasher on the spot. Seeing his arrogant demeanor made every pore in her body seethe with anger.

Tang Yu's voice was firm, "Get in the car."

The three got back into the vehicle and sped away.

In the car.

V sat silently in the back seat, staring coldly out the window.

Jackie, in the front passenger seat, nervously asked, "That guy was Adam Smasher, right? Damn, he's practically a walking war machine with all those implants."

Tang Yu explained, "He was probably sent here under someone's orders, just arrived late."

Jackie noticed V's brooding and curiously asked, "Hey, V, what's wrong? You've been upset since seeing Adam Smasher; he's a living legend, fought Johnny Silverhand and Morgan Blackhand."

V scoffed, "Don't bring that up. Better get a drink named after him at the Afterlife, a dark stout with a couple of red strawberries. Suits him well."

Jackie chuckled.

Tang Yu explained for V, "Back in Pacifica, Adam Smasher accidentally crushed her hand during a landing. That's how this feud started."

V, irritated, retorted, "Yeah, yeah. Unlike some people who, with their status, wouldn't even dare offend Adam Smasher. So impressive."

Tang Yu shook his head, knowing that V still lacked the cyberware to single-handedly face Adam Smasher.

With Arasaka's top-tier implants, Adam Smasher could easily take down an army.

V, though incredibly talented, was still outmatched in terms of hardware compared to Adam Smasher.

Not to mention his superior weaponry and integrated systems.

Other people might need dozens of shots or slashes to kill Adam Smasher, but he could kill others with a single blow.

Tang Yu didn't wish to antagonize Yorinobu just yet; it was best not to provoke this killing machine.

For now, he needed to return to Arasaka Tower and hand over the evidence to Michiko Arasaka.

Since all the attackers were dead and their memory storage burned, there was no direct evidence pointing to Yorinobu Arasaka.

Tang Yu had done all he could. As for the ongoing internal strife within the Arasaka Family, he had no control.

Yorinobu Arasaka wanted to turn himself into a bomb to sabotage Saburo Arasaka's immortality plan, seize power, and trigger the Fifth Corporate War, bringing about a world reborn from the ashes.

Tang Yu once agreed with this concept, but reality showed that achieving this would require being prepared for total sacrifice.

Moreover, whether Arasaka fell or not, other corporations like Militech or Kang Tao would rise.

A world reborn.

But they were not ready for it yet.