
Cyber Horizon

A select few of people had their minds transported into Cyber Horizon. Now these people with no past memory survive and figure out they got there.

killermniko · Juegos
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25 Chs

Hunter 1

Jon awoke very similarly to what he had done when he first entered the game. Opening his eyes, he looked around to see a quiet farming village around him. Even other players were standing next to him.

**Welcome everyone to Cyber Horizon**

**All beta testers who survived the first test were teleported here and allowed to keep all the stats and levels acquired before the transfer. For everyone else, you have been selected as the first group of consciouses to download into this virtual environment. If you…**

Jon ignored the rest since he heard it before. He tried to remember what happened before he arrived at this location. Jon felt like something erased his memory because, for some reason, he felt like he was talking to Blue just a few minutes ago. All of a sudden, Jon's eyes bulged out when he saw his old comrade Blue standing on the other side of the crowd, looking confused. A flash of the memory of Blue dying to a goblin came to his thoughts, and Jon was happy to see him alive again.

"Did they revive the dead players?" Jon asked himself in a whisper. Amid that thought, his time at the farm came back, and he remembered Dirknooth. The goblin who became a knight and fought many battles at his side. He wondered what became of him. Was he deleted or removed from the game? A familiar sound interrupted Jon's crazy thought process.

**Character Quest: Obtain a Job**(Accept)

Just like many times before, Join didn't have the option of declining. He clicked the accept button and opened his menu.

--Player: Jon Ramos Lv 7--

Class: Monster Mage

+1 Stat Point

STR: 3

CON: 6

DEX: 5

LUK: 3


Gathering Lv 2 (68/100); Throwing Lv 5 (21/100); Dagger Mastery Lv 4 (25/100); Lucky Hit Lv 1 (60/100); Iron Stomach (Passive) (MAX); Goblin Language (Passive) (MAX); First Aid Lv 1 (23/100); Goblin Smash Lv 1 (89/100); Crafting Lv 1 (44/100)



Priestess Believer


Jon was glad to see all his progress was still there. He then closed his menu and walked over to Blue. Jon stretched out his hand for a handshake."Nice to see you again, Blue."

The man cocked his head sideways at Jon. "Do I know you, friend? And how do you know my nickname?"

"It is me, Jon. We fought together…" Jon stopped talking and remembered the announcement just now. Only those that survived the goblin hell got to keep their memories and abilities. In a low whisper, Jon asked, "Did that mean everyone else's memories were wiped? Why would they do it?"

Seeing the young man lost in thought, Blue thought that if the boy said he knew him, he wouldn't think much of it. Jon seemed like an honest guy, so Blue reached out and firmly shook his hand, snapping Jon out of endless questions.

"Nice, to meet you again, Jon."

Jon just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you again, Blue."

While the two them had their conversation, all of the others were lost. Jon currently was the only player who survived and maintained his level with this group. Every other player who was sent to the village were revivers and had their memory wiped. A shirtless man plowing the field at a vigorous pace saw the arrival of all the new players.

"New players!" He yelled. The man leaped over the fence and placed the plow against it. "Welcome to Grass Village, everyone." He looked around and noticed everyone was newbies except one guy. His skill Intuition told him that the man with his back to him was powerful. Hearing someone talk to them, Jon and Blue turned to see the shirtless farmer talking to them. Finally, having everyone's attention, the farmer continued. "Like I was saying, Welcome. I know all of you will have many questions, and I will try to answer as many as possible."

An older man that looked like a biker with his beard asked, "Where are we, and what was that announcement?"

"For some reason, we were all transferred to this gaming environment without any of our memories. There is no way to logout, and we are stuck here." The last sentence struck everyone hard. Jon just shook head at all of these people. They were lucky they didn't spawn surrounded by enemies.

"What was the Class Quest thing?"

"Those are specific quests the game delivers to you. If you don't complete it, the game will nudge you in the direction to complete them." Jon wondered if that the reason why the Goblin King attacked him.

The group continued to ask the farmer all the questions they could come up with, and he answered them all honestly. Jon was impressed with the man's patience. After a reasonable amount of time, the farmer announced, "Alright, I need to get back to work. Everyone calls me Brand." The farmer walked over to the fence and equipped the plow. He leaped over the wall and began to work again.

Jon led Blue away from the crowd. He explained everything he knew in great detail about the game. Then they even partied up so Jon could show Blue his stats. Looking at Blue's stats reset, Jon was quite relieved he still had all of his. Everyone who responded was given the Character Quest to find a job. Jon and Blue went around town and talked to every NPC to find out the village only offered a few jobs. Those jobs were farmer, hunter, and miner. Jon decided to become a hunter, and Blue decided to become a miner after Jon suggested it. Jon left Blue and went to Burgoth, the Hunter.

"I would like to become a Hunter."

"You do seem pretty strong. All right, I will grant you the job, Hunter."

*Ding* **Character Quest: Obtain a Job (Completed)****You have acquired the job, Hunter**

"Thank you, Burgoth, the Hunter."

"Your first task will be to clear out moles in the Miner's cave."

"If you don't mind me to take a task near the goblin's forest."

"That is a dangerous place for a new hunter. Are you sure?"

Jon needed to find Dirknooth if he could. He wanted to protect Blue too, but he could always take up that task later. "Please, give a task there."

"Alright, this is the hunting task there."

**Job Quest: Kill 5 Forest-Rats and bring their carcass to Burgoth**(Accept) (Decline)

Jon accepted the new quest, and a new character quest popped up.

**Class Quest: Obtain a Monster Skill**(Accept)

Jon was enjoying these easy quests compared to his last experience. Once he linked back up with Dirknooth, it would be easy to obtain monster meat.