
Cyber Horizon

A select few of people had their minds transported into Cyber Horizon. Now these people with no past memory survive and figure out they got there.

killermniko · Juegos
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25 Chs

Goblin Attack 1

Everything was dark, and everything began to light up. Everyone who was summoned opened their eyes to see this new land. The guy in jeans and shirt awoke to hear voices around him.

"Where are we?"

"How did I get here?"

"I don't remember who I am or what my name is."

"What is this place?"

The guy looked around and saw many people around him in some woods very confused. Everyone was trying to figure out what was going on.

**Welcome everyone to Cyber Horizon**

A crisp voice rang out through the sky. The mysterious voice was translated into text right before their eyes.

**You have been selected to be the first group of consciouses downloaded into this virtual environment. If you look at the corner of your vision, you will see the letter "S" icon. Focus your eyesight on it to open up your status menu**

The guy watched as everyone eyes shone with amazement. He then noticed the icon and focused on it. A menu opened up before his eyes.

--Name: Jon Ramos Lv 1--

STR: 3

CON: 3

DEX: 3




"My name is Jon?" He said to himself. Then he looked over his stats. "They seemed very low." Everyone in the area was looking over their menu too.

**Quest: Survive the Goblin Attack**


Only the Accept button was available to click while the deny was greyed out. Jon clicked the accept button as arrows flew through the air.

"Ahhhhh!" An arrow pierced the person next to Jon. The ground started to shake from the horde of goblins charging. The entire area became a battleground.

The new arrivals fled in all directions. Without any weapons, the new people were lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The small green demons using their crude weapons beat and stabbed the people fleeing until they perished.

Jon ran southward dodging arrows and rocks. He tripped a few times but got up right away fearful for his life. A large man about six feet tall stepped out behind a tree. Jon ran to his right as the man swung a large tree branch. The thick branch smashed into a dagger-wielding goblin killing it instantly.

"Thanks," Jon said to the man once he stopped and turned around.

"You better grab yourself a weapon."

Looking at the ground, Jon saw a few rocks. He reached down to pick up the rock when a notice went off.

*Ding* **You failed to gather rock**

The rock Jon picked up disintegrated in his hand. Panicaning he picked up a second only for it to fail too. He picked up the third, and it disappeared also. He reached down for the last stone to have new notices appear.

*Ding* **You gathered a rock**

*Ding* **You obtained the skill Gathering**

*Ding* **You obtained the skill Throwing**

After several notices rang out in his head and before his eyes, Jon shook his head and turned around. He reached back like he was winding up a baseball and threw the rock at an incoming Goblin. The creature bobbed his head to entirely down the incoming projectile.

"After all that I miss!"

The large man swung his branch clobbering the goblin focused on Jon. The goblin smashed into the ground with a loud yell and dropped his dagger. The goblin wasn't dead, so the man began beating it until it stopped moving. Blood and guts poured from its ears, mouth, and eyes.

"Pick up that dagger. We need to get out of here."

"Why are you helping me?"

"When the goblins attacked you didn't stop and stare you reacted quickly and dodged most of the arrows and rocks."

That answer made Jon feel proud for a second until he heard the goblins catching up. The large man ran past him jolting him out of his stupor. Snapping out of it, Jon picked up the dagger, and a notification went off. He ignored it and followed while holding the knife in his left hand.

Jon tried to pick a few rocks only to fail each time. While running, he decided to open his status to see what those notifications were about.

--Name: Jon Ramos Lv 1--

STR: 3

CON: 3

DEX: 3


Gathering Lv 1 (1/100)

Throwing Lv 1 (0/100)

Dagger Mastery Lv 1 (0/100)


Goblin Dagger (low) (+1 DEX)


Jon was paying attention to the screen when he tripped over a protruding root of a tree. Sliding across the dirt scraped him up pretty bad. The large man looked back and just shook his head, but he kept running southward.

"Ugh, I should have probably not opened it while running." Jon picked himself up and started running.

Eventually, they could no longer hear the goblins chasing them. The large man slumped down on a tree to take a breather. Seeing this, Jon followed suit.

Looking over Jon asked, "Hey guy, what is your name?"

"Bartholomew, but my nickname on the status is Blue. So call me Blue. It is easier. What is your name?"

"Jon. So, what do you think of this situation, Blue?

"I don't know. I'm just glad we got away from those green pointy-ear demons. I did get a skill after picking up this branch."

"Oh, I did too when I picked up the dagger. What skills have you acquired?"

"Let me see. Blunt Weapon Mastery, Gathering, and Strong Body."

"I got gathering too. I also received Throwing and Dagger Mastery."

"Well, I don't think we should stay here long..."

*Ding* **Quest: Survive the Goblin Attack**

**Congratulations on surviving the attack**

"Oh, I leveled up." Shouted Blue out of surprise.

*Ding* **The Player Jon has leveled up**

"Oh, I did too," responded Jon.

Jon was mostly happy he survived the attack. Then the two of them heard a "ding" sound and a new notification.

**Character Quest: Kill a goblin**


Once again Jon could only accept the new quest. After talking to Blue, Jon realized his journey was different than Blue's. Blue's told him that he got the quest to obtain a better blunt weapon. No matter how Jon looked at it, he felt that Blue's quest was easier.

The two of them decided to figure out the quest thing latter and continued southward. Jon increased his Gathering skill a bit by picking up rocks. After gathering too many stones, Jon began tossing them to see if it would improve his Throwing ability. Blue even worked on his Gathering skill a bit also.

Eventually, they came to a dirt road near a farm.

"Do you think it is safe?"

"We won't know until we go over there."

Here is a chapter for a new story I wrote a long time ago. (April of last year) I might come back and write a chapter or two but I'm committing anytime to this story. Just posting it for funzies.

killermnikocreators' thoughts