
Chapter 9


"How can you insult me on my own turf", he said.

Then I corrected, "Adrian's turf".

Pushing him inside, I waited outside patiently while texting Zaviera.

Smiling at the fighting emoji, Zaviera sent.

I heard a cough.

Looking up, I saw Adrian looking pale resting on the wall.

I can't leave him there looking helpless. Can I.



I can actually.

But I won't.

Walking towards him, I heard him mutter:"Flask. Must reach flask".

I entered his changing room opposite Lionel's.

Bloody hell.

His room is Pariss.

White. White. More white. Then grey. No, more white. Then male scent everywhere.

Enough. I saw the flask. A small stainless flask.

Grabbing it, I rushed out and handed it.

"Thank you", with his charming voice, he replied.

Using my handkerchief, I wanted to clean the sweat off his face but he replied,

"Don't. Your handkerchief is too precious for my sweat".

Glancing at my shoulder, he saw Lionel's towel.

He grabbed it and cleaned his sweat gentlemanly.

Carefully folding it, he placed it on my hand and held my handkerchief.

Looking at me eye - to - eye, he kissed it.

"That's what your handkerchief is meant for. A beautiful kiss for a beautiful lady".

I'm Ramona. That doesn't mean I won't feel something.

Even with a rapsy voice, he flirts confidently.

"Do you mind if I go out with you today to thank you. I could always boast to my friends that I've gone on a date with Miss World".

Normally, I would have rejected him.

But he is Adrian.

By the way, what am I losing.

"You are driving. Come pick me up at the restaurant in front of Cliff-Style driveway, 5:30pm. Only one hour",I said as I grimaced when I heard,

" Ramona, how can you go on a date with him", Lionel said childishly.

" But cousin, I said I would take you out but I didn't tell you the time, did I".

" Since when did I become your cousin. I'm your best friend"

"Master Francer, your brother's cousin is your.."

" Your cousin", he replied smiling.

" Good. Most cousins of the same age are usually close friends, aren't they".

He nods.

" That settles it. Let's go, Lionel"

"Miss, you are cute"


" Why thank you".

" So what's the name of the movie"

" Daring"

" It's a three hour film,right. I'm staying for only an hour and fifteen minutes".

" It's not fair", Lionel whined.

" What's not fair"

" We were supposed to spend three hours together. You gave an hour of my time to Adrian Franser who came from nowhere".

" Tell you, what. Wait for me at Paris Treat at fifteen minutes to seven", I said pecking his check.

" Girl, don't do that again. I'm not your cousin and friends do fall in love. I'm informing you ahead of time, I'm still a guy with normal teenage emotions", he replied his face heating up

" Great speech"

Entering the cinema, we sat at the nearest seat to the door.

Putting on my dark shades, I watched my new best movie.

It's got everything I love I a movie.

Science-fiction, adventure, romance, mystery and horror.

*★*  *★*  *★*

"Do we have to fight again", Walter Rock, the male lead said.

" Yes anytime you disagree with me. There would always be a fight", his twin said.

" Hold it right there, Winter", the female lead, Delilah said.

Pulling her aside, she said, "if you keep acting like this, your brother would get suspicious and the war between our group would begin again".

" Too late. I've figured it finally. You guys are from SAVAGE SOULS.

I can't believe it. My sister and lover are on from my opposing team.

You guys swore oaths, right.

I can't believe I've been so stupid", Walter said holding his gun.

Firing at his girlfriend, his sister charged.

" Don't you have somewhere to be", Lionel said with a smirk on his face.

Leaping on the kitchen's counter, he fired several bullets.

Glancing at my watch, I noticed it was ten minutes to 12.


I'll be late.

"Oh Lionel", I called out in a sing-song voice.

It will be beautiful.

"Oh no"

"I heard you've got a good camera. So you video this baby in front of you now and send to me. Then maybe, we'll go to the beach, after my exams. But you'll come pick me".

" Time to surrender", Delilah said.

" Never", Walter replied as I left the cinema in fake tears and agony.

*★*  *★*  *★*

Checking the time on my watch:


Miss Helen Morris is like her father.

Very impatient.

How can a fourteen year old girl be so obnoxious.

Actually, it should run in the family.

I don't do Insurance but I've read insurance textbooks.

She's arguing with me about Subrogation.

Though I prefer the Anatomy of a Typical Home Insurance.

But it's not any less in Subrogation.

I know the basics of what is and what is expected.

If she doesn't read those topics I gave her. It's her loss then.


I really should go now.

"Hey, Lionel. Thanks. I didn't get there on time. But from Ekylavia's stadium to Celestinal garden within thirty minutes. A new high speed", I texted Lionel.

Riverdale's young master booked the Brooklyn center by Cliff-Style driveway.

And that's a twenty minutes ride from here.

Grabbing my helmet, I rode under the golden sun.

Reaching Brooklyn center, I entered through the window.

The door is locked. Not surprised.

Looking at the mini robot they had built under my supervision.

It's just to add its voice box, translation panel, command regulator and a detector.

Suddenly, I heard the door crack.

Glancing at the door, I hid behind the pillar opposite the door.


    As if I knew, none of them would arrive on time.

I entered inside.

Everything's different.

There's someone in here.

Though he's trying to conceal his presence, it's still faint.

What am I thinking.

There's no way anyone would come here if they know I've booked this place except....

"Ugh", I muttered as I fell on my face.

Rolling, I tried standing up.


With her legs on my chest, I continued, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, beautiful. Do they steal from you a lot"

"No", she said removing her leg.

" Of course. It'll be a big mistake", I said still on the floor.

" Seems you love the floor", she said placing her legs on me again.

Enjoy it".

" Okay now, this is a big mistake", I muttered angrily.

" And who told you I don't like mistakes. It gives me the chance to learn more", she said smiling somewhat angrily, "but who cares".

The aura around her changing.

"Beautiful", I called out trying to change her thought.

"Don't call me that"

Maybe I'm scared but I'm feeling silly also.

" But I never got your name"

" You know my name. My brother. Your sister is in my class. I've given you three reasons why you should know my name. Now give me a reason why I tell you my name. Apparently that's what you want"

" Miss, I don't call someone by their name except if they have told me their name.

And you are Master Sawyer's sister, aren't you"

" Yes...so"

" Then tell me your name, and I'll chase you", I said playfully.

Coughing she replied, "call me beautiful mistake"


Sincerely, I'm shocked.

She rolled her eyes and smirked,

Then she continued, "Beautiful Mistake. You can call me Beautiful Mistake".

" Beautiful Mistake, BM, Beautiful Mistake", I teased.

" BM, I really don't understand. Why".

" None of your business"


I'm really sorry about the infrequent updates. Some how, some how. I'll make it up to you guys.

Just wanted to let you know, I adore every single one of you.

Thank you so much for reading and God bless. Happy reading.

 Author's Note: Well chapter 9 has come to an end. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Don't forget to like, comment and share.

Thanks for reading.

         🤍Pure Scarlett