
The Man Behind The Scenes

It was naturally Roy's idea to ask Lucius to come forward, capture Van Helsing, and stir up the townspeople's hostility towards Anna and her family.

Since he decided to take Anna's potentially noble soul into his pocket, Roy would naturally cooperate with Dracula's actions and even push Dracula. It would be good to isolate Van Helsing from Anna. Way.

Roy has two goals. One is Anna's soul, allowing Dracula to test Anna. If Anna is willing to sacrifice herself for his brother, then a noble soul may really take shape, but on the contrary, if Anna is not willing to do this If you do, then maybe even if Anna dies in the end, she will be just an ordinary low-level soul and no longer worthy of Roy's attention.

As for the second target, of course it is Lucius's. The soul of the fallen Lucius is the most certain. Although Roy cannot directly attack Lucius due to the devil's contract, he can use Dracula to , and even asked them to kill Lucius with the help of Van Helsing.

The meeting between Lucius and Van Helsing was a back-up guarantee. As a monster hunter, it was impossible for Van Helsing not to smell the demonic aura on Lucius...

No matter who kills Lucius in the end, Roy will be able to achieve his goal. He finds that he quite likes the feeling of being the mastermind behind the scenes!

As for Van Helsing's soul, it was not part of Roy's plan. Although he didn't remember much of the plot, he vaguely remembered that Van Helsing seemed to be a very awesome existence, an angel incarnation or something, so out of caution , Roy has not thought about trying to seize Van Helsing's soul. Lucius's appearance may expose his deal with the devil, but as long as Roy does not appear in front of Van Helsing, there will be no problem. Van Helsing is unable to chase the devil. Next, he will only take action against Lucius. Once Lucius dies, Roy can just leave and return to the abyss.

Of course, Lucius is also very thoughtful. No one can guarantee whether he will take action against Van Helsing in order not to expose his deal with the devil. After all, Van Helsing was sent by the church.

It doesn't matter to Roy whether Lucius takes action or not. If he can really kill Van Helsing, it will be a profit for Roy!

The key to the problem now is that Roy needs some time to give Dracula time to execute his plan...

Van Helsing and Carl were placed in the wilderness outside the town by the townspeople. The two were tied to the cross stakes, their hands and feet were tied up, and then the townspeople left. This is The town has used this method to execute prisoners for many years. After night, hungry beasts will come here looking for food! All the townspeople had to do was to collect Van Helsing's body the next day and then use his head to collect the reward.

When leaving, Lucius deliberately stayed at the end. He waited until no one was around and then said to Van Helsing: "I guess the expressions on the church's faces will be very exciting when they see your body!"

Van Helsing had no expression on his face and said calmly to Lucius: "I can smell the devil's scent on you from a long distance away. I didn't expect that in this place where vampires are entrenched, there is another one making a deal with the devil. People, the church asked me to clean this place, I really came to the right place!"

"Humph, so what if you know?" Lucius said with a fierce look on his fat face: "For so many years, the church has never cared about our life and death, and now it comes here to pretend to be a good person again? For my own sake, Paul, what's wrong with asking for help from the devil?"

"This is not the reason for your fall!" Van Helsing said: "No matter what kind of deal you made with the devil, I will kill you and drive that devil back!"

"It's such a sanctimonious face again!" Lucius shook his head and said: "However, you have to be able to do it. You'd better pray that the person who comes here to look for food tonight is a ferocious beast. That way If so, you can at least die faster!"

After saying that, Lucius left without looking back.

"Van Helsing, what should we do? I don't want to feed the wolves here!" Karl waited until Lucius left before asking Van Helsing with a frustrated look.

Van Helsing struggled hard for a few times, but found that he was tied very tightly and could not break free at all. However, he was not too frustrated and said to Karl: "Don't worry, the blond beauty today is the Villeless family. The descendants of her, now that he knows my identity, he should understand that we are sent by the church to help her. She will not watch us being eaten by wild beasts. Maybe after dark, she will come to save us! "

"What if she doesn't come?" Karl asked worriedly.

"Then we can only find ways to save ourselves!" Van Helsing sighed.

As time passed, night slowly fell, and a figure finally appeared.

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When he saw Anna really coming, Van Helsing breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had made the right bet.

Anna is not stupid. She also understands that Dracula sent his bride to send a message. Although it was for her brother, it was definitely with evil intentions. If she really sent it to the door stupidly, she might end up not only If she couldn't save her brother, she would get them all involved, so after thinking for a long time, she came to save Van Helsing. After saving Van Helsing, she planned to let him go with her to save her brother Viken.

Anna came forward holding a torch, quickly cut the rope, and released Van Helsing and Carl from the cross.

However, at this moment, an accident happened. Two gunshots were suddenly heard in the dark night. Van Helsing's body was shaken and he slowly fell to the ground.

"Oh no!" Anna threw herself on Van Helsing, looking at the blood pouring out of his chest with a look of despair on her face.

Lucius walked out of the darkness. In the firelight, with a proud expression on his face, he said: "Miss Anna, I guessed that you might come to release these prisoners, so I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Why did you kill him!?" Anna yelled at Lucius and asked.

"Why can't I kill him?" Lucius asked, "He is a wanted criminal, do you need a reason to kill him? But it's you, Miss Anna, who came to release the prisoners privately. Are you planning to be complicit with him?"

Van Helsing coughed up blood and said to Anna: "Don't listen to him. He is a person who made a deal with the devil and has already fallen!"

When Anna heard this, she immediately took out her gun, pointed it at Lucius, and shot him twice.

Although they were far apart, Anna's shooting skills were not very good and she did not hit Lucius, but she still startled him and he quickly crouched down and hid.

"My Lord! Save me!" cried Lucius.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lucius's body was dragged away by a force that appeared out of thin air.

Yes, Roy was here too, but he didn't show up. He hid in the dark and only let Lucius come forward. Although he was speechless about Lucius's greedy and fearful character, Roy couldn't let him go for the time being. Lucius was beaten to death, so he was dragged out.

All of this was hidden in the night. Anna and the others were not able to see it. They just thought Lucius had run away.

Anna was a little desperate. She originally wanted Van Helsing to go with her to save her brother. However, as soon as the variable Lucius appeared, Van Helsing was injured first. Even if he was not dead yet, under such circumstances, Van Helsing couldn't go with her to save people, so after hesitating for a while, Anna stood up and said to Karl: "You stay and take care of him, I'll leave first!"

She was already planning to go to the appointment alone.