
The Dragon Clan

"Well done, Saeren, I didn't expect you to detonate the volcano and build the city so quickly!"

In the hall, one of the Higher Demons said to Saeren as soon as he entered, "King Kerrigan is very satisfied with your performance, and has asked me to bring you a commendation."

"No reward is as pleasing to me as the coming war!" Saeren replied, "Has His Majesty said when the army is ready to go?"

"Yes, we are ready to go!" The Elder Demon said, "But there is a problem, we may not be able to attack the capital of Elasia with our allies, the Dungeon Lords, now, according to the terrain reports from the spies, someone is blocking our way to the capital of Elasia, Standwick!"

"Who?" Saeren asked in a disgruntled voice.

"The Averie Elves!" The higher demon also said with great dissatisfaction, "They have always been the allies of Elasia. Not long ago, one of the lords of the Averilli Elves brought an army to support Elasia, and now, not only are they blocking our way, but they also seem to have found out about us. According to the spies' reports, they have already stationed themselves on the main road, and have built fortifications, preparing to intercept our troops on the border of Elasia! The army of the ...

"Then kill them!" Saeren pounded the table, "Those weak elves, they can't stop us, all obstacles will be turned into scorched earth before the iron hooves of the infernal army!

The other Higher Evil, who hadn't said anything, spoke in a salivating tone, "I'm with Saeren, the souls of those elves are very tasty ... ".

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid it won't be that easy! I'm afraid it won't be easy, because we've found out that there's a Golden Dragon Queen among this army of Averie Elves, and she's leading a number of Golden Dragons to help the Elves' army... Riska, Saeren, those Golden Dragons are very hard to deal with...".

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and then Saeren spoke up, "You're right, Ignatius, we need a stronger army!"

The Higher Evil known as Ignatius nodded and said, "Summon some Higher Evils, only these Higher Evils can help us fight against the Golden Dragon."

Another Higher Evil, Riska, was very upset and said, "But if we call the Higher Evils to help us, we will have to share some of our harvested souls with them ...."

Searen said: "Let's share it, with the dragons around, it's hard for us to win with an army of low level demons, the priority now is to complete the siege of Standwick, the capital of Elasia, with our allies, it has never fallen into the hands of the enemy in Elasia's history, now we have to change that record!

"Very well, a consensus has been reached!" Ignatius said, "So, who's going to stay here and summon the great evil?"

"I will not stay here!" Riska heard the question and immediately said, "Staying in the Demon City, unable to go out and fight, unable to harvest souls, is absolutely intolerable to me!"

Ignatius said to Saeren, "So, Saeren, you stay here?"

"For what?" Saeren said, "I've been here long enough in the past month to build this damn city, and now you want me to stay here! I want blood, I want to kill, I want souls! Who can give it to me if I stay here?"

"All right!" Ignatius sighed, "Then I'll stay. You guys lead the way, clear out the small scouting forces along the way, and I'll catch up from behind once I've summoned a large enough army."

"Ha-ha-ha! Ignatius, you're really something!" Listening to Ignatius' initiative to stay behind, Riska laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave you some of those beautiful elven women!

"Don't say that, I'm afraid I'll regret it." Ignatius said, "Damn it, when I came here, I should have brought a pagan lord with me, so that he could stay behind and I could get out of here ...."

In the hell camp, in addition to the pure evil like Saeren, Riska, Ignatius, there are also some lords who believe in evil that can lead their armies to war, these lords themselves are human, but because of their belief in evil, they are rejected by the human kingdom, and they are often referred to as heretics, and it's this kind of lords that Ignatius is talking about.

When Roy stood guard outside the door, he listened to the conversation of the three superior demons in his ears, and could not help but ponder for a while.

He knew that this was the world of Heroes Invincible, but since this was a real world, the situation was still very different from the original game.

Here, the heroes leading the hell camp are actually some upper level demons, and their troops are not recruited with gold coins, but with the summoning ceremony to pull the strong men directly from the abyssal world, so it is also true, what can demons do with gold coins? They don't know how to buy anything, they don't have any concept of money. The army of other camps may be recruited or trained.

The heroes who lead the army are the upper level demons, and the high level troop types, the big demons, are also upper level demons, at most the difference between the bottom level and the top level, which leads to a problem, Saeren and the others want to fight against powerful enemies, they will have to change the contract, the upper level demons can't be enslaved by the upper level demons, so they can only make a deal.

The lower demons were enslaved, the middle demons were used as mounts, and only those who were also upper demons could be traded on an equal footing. This clearly shows that the classes among demons are so clearly divided that only strength, lineage, and class are the keys to determining a demon's status.

In fact, from another aspect, Roy stays in this world is indeed a good thing, in the abyss world, he has not been able to contact the high level demons, so he simply can not figure out what is the difference between this kind of class of demons, but now in this world of invincible world, he not only saw the middle level demons, but also saw the upper level demons, or many pay attention to observe, he will be able to understand the difference between the classes in the end, this can provide him a good opportunity for the future, he will be able to understand the difference between the classes. This can bring favorable reference for his future promotion.

What Roy now realizes is that there is another huge difference.

In the game, the hero is leading the army, using all kinds of magic and their own attributes to provide assistance and additions to the army, and even the enemy can't attack the hero ... But that's the game, but now in this real world, the hero is leading the army, so in the war, he must also be involved in the battle, and that's a huge difference! This is a huge difference!

Since participating in the battle, it means that heroes may also die, especially for a warlike race like demons, Roy doesn't believe that Saeren and the others are only hiding behind the army and casting spells, just listen to their fervent discussions about slaying battles and you'll understand.

Since heroes can die in battle, Roy has a lot to work with. ...

The world of Heroes Invincible is a world where war is the main theme, it's actually very good for Roy to stay here, after all, he can scavenge a lot of souls to strengthen himself, but even if he wants to scavenge for souls, he doesn't want to be in a situation where he's forced to do so, if he can, of course, Roy would like to come back to the world as a hero to lead his army to war when he's strong enough to do so, so he won't be picking up someone else's leftover, but the harvest will all be his own. Instead of picking up other people's leftovers, he would get all the harvest for himself.

If it were Roy himself, he would certainly like to enslave other demons to fight for him and harvest souls for him.

Although Roy had been acting obediently for a long time, and Saeren had relaxed his surveillance, Roy had never wavered from his desire to get out of his demonic contract.

If Saeren treated him as a demon, then he could treat him as a demon, and the best way to get out of the contract as a demon was to let the contractors die!

If the war hadn't been big enough, Roy might have had trouble trying to do that, but now, Roy had heard the best news for him.

These demons, the enemy they want to fight, is actually a dragon, and it is said to be the queen of the golden dragon clan!

Roy was prepared to work under Salem for a long time, but he didn't expect the opportunity to come so fast. Roy might not be able to kill Salem himself, but the Dragons will definitely be able to! If Saeren dies in the battle with the Queen of the Golden Dragons, then Roy will be able to get rid of it. ...

So, it's time to make a good plan ...