
Is There a Main Theme?

Thanks to Roy's secret intervention, Dracula's plan went very smoothly.

When Anna arrived at Dracula's castle, it happened to be the zenith of the moon. Almost as soon as she arrived, she witnessed her brother Viken transforming into a werewolf.

This kind of transformation is quite painful. The violent expansion of muscles and bones will burst the original human skin, so Viken roared in pain throughout the transformation process.

Anna couldn't bear to look at it, but Dracula grabbed her chin and forced her gaze away.

When the transformation ended, Viken also turned into a strong werewolf, completely lost his mind, and was tied by a thick iron chain. Every time he roared and tried to break free of the iron chain, Dracula faithfully The servant Yiguo would take out a long electric fork and stab him hard, using this method of training the beast to make Viken calm down.

"Did you see it? Anna, if you don't save him, he will gradually turn into an obedient beast under this kind of training!" Dracula whispered in Anna's ear: "On my command Next, he will do whatever you want him to do, and he will become no different from a well-behaved dog!"

"No, don't do this!" Anna shook her head painfully.

"I can indeed save him!" Dracula said with a smile: "I also have a potion that can remove the werewolf virus and turn him back into a human again. But I have already said, can you give me this medicine?" The antidote is up to you!"

"What do you want me to do?" Anna asked.

"Kill yourself!" Dracula said the creepy topic with a smile on his face, "As long as you give your life, you can save your brother Viken. As long as you can do it, I will give it to him." Use the antidote!"

However, Anna didn't believe it at all and said: "What guarantee do you use? Do you, a vampire, have such credibility? How do I know if you will kill my brother after my death? Don't forget, I He and he are the last members of the Villeless family. If we all die, you will have no enemies anymore..."

"No, no, I can swear to the devil!" Dracula shook his head: "Please believe me, I will get nothing by killing you two, but if I let your brother go and get your soul, I will get I hope that my child will be born. For me, this is definitely worth the vow!"

"You actually made a deal with the devil again!?" Anna looked at Dracula with wide eyes.

"What's so strange about this?" Dracula spread his hands and said, "In your eyes, I, a vampire, am also a heinous devil!"

Anna's face was full of hesitation and confusion. After a while, she finally said: "I can't trust you unless...unless you let Viken change back first!"

Before Dracula could speak, she hurriedly said: "Anyway, he and I are both in your hands now, right? If you want me to sacrifice my life for him, at least let me see it with my own eyes before I die. He changed back!"

This time, it was Dracula who hesitated. He thought about it for a long time and felt that Anna was right. Now that both of them were in his hands, he was not afraid of Anna running away, so after thinking about it, he agreed to Anna's request. , beckoned to one of his brides and asked her to get the antidote.

After a while, the bride brought the antidote. It was a long syringe with the medicine inside.

"Inject him!" Dracula motioned to the bride.

The bride smiled brightly and walked towards the tied Viken with the potion. However, before she could reach him, a huge black shadow suddenly jumped down from above. After landing, he grabbed him The bride's hand holds the needle.

Dracula was startled at first. After seeing the shadow clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sir, why are you here!"

Roy ignored him, grabbed the syringe, held it in his hand, clicked it, and crushed it!

"No!" Seeing this scene, Anna couldn't help shouting.

"My lord, what are you doing!?" Dracula also screamed.

That was something used to lure Anna to commit suicide. Without an antidote, how could Anna still have a noble soul?

However, Roy sneered: "Dracula, are you an idiot? I've been watching in the dark for a long time, and even I can see that she already has the idea of ​​​​die with you, but you didn't notice it. ?」

That's right, Roy, who flew over with Lucius all the way, and Anna almost entered the castle all the way. Roy, who was hiding in the dark and watched the whole process from beginning to end, immediately discovered Anna's little thoughts. !

He has already seen that due to Dracula's persecution, Anna's hatred for Dracula has already reached its peak. Although she does not know why Dracula forced her to give her life to save her brother, she also understands that she cannot Let Dracula succeed, so she pretended to agree, planning to let Dracula transform her brother Viken back first, and then join his brother in a fight to the death with Dracula, even if they both died in battle, let Weller The Leith family has no descendants, and they cannot take advantage of Dracula.

It just so happened that Dracula, the person involved, was so obsessed that he didn't realize this. He actually believed Anna's words and took out the antidote...

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After realizing that Anna's mentality had changed, Roy had to take action.

In fact, he was not very optimistic about Dracula's plan before. He just took the attitude of letting Dracula proceed with the outcome. However, the human mind is extremely complicated. Anna may have just started , indeed had the idea of ​​sacrificing his life to save Viken, but perhaps he thought that even if he saved his brother, his brother would probably not be able to take revenge alone, so he simply came up with the idea of ​​dying together, and wanted to try before he died. Let's fight Dracula once.

Dracula wanted to create hope for Anna, but unexpectedly it turned into despair...

Sure enough, for human beings, it is easier to fall, but it is a bit difficult to achieve nobility...

When he realized that even if he cooperated in every possible way, Dracula's plan would not succeed, Roy simply stopped thinking about it and planned to implement another plan of his!

Just when Dracula was still troubled by his words, Roy suddenly turned around, stretched out his claws, and stabbed the chest of Viken, who had transformed into a werewolf!

"What...what are you doing!?" This turn of events caught Dracula by surprise. He never expected that Roy would actually kill Viken.

Not only that, when Roy retracted his hand and grabbed Viken's soul in his hand, he immediately rushed in the direction of Dracula.

Dracula was startled and hurried away, but he did not expect that Roy's target was not him at all, but Anna who he had just controlled.

With an indifferent expression on his face, Roy gently held Anna's neck with his bloody claws, and then squeezed it gently...

With a click, Anna's neck took on a strange shape, with a look of astonishment on her face, and she died.

"You! You!" Dracula was shaking with anger. He never thought that Roy would kill Anna and Viken one after another, so he couldn't help but transform into a vampire and pounce on Roy. Come and yell, "Damn it! I knew you never thought about making a deal with me from the beginning to the end, right!?"

He thought that Roy killed Anna and Viken just because he didn't want to make a deal with him, or because he was greedy for their souls. This was equivalent to completely ruining his plan to resurrect his vampire child, so he impulsively decided to kill Anna and Viken regardless of their souls. Regardless, he went to war with Roy.

However, Roy ignored him at all and flicked his tail, sending Dracula flying away.

Dracula's huge body rolled and flew out, and the impact point was exactly in the direction of Lucius. Lucius was hiding in the corner fearfully, how could he have thought that such a change would suddenly happen, and he was suddenly smashed Upright.

Dracula was actually right. Roy had never thought of making a deal with him. He didn't want to help Dracula resurrect his disgusting little monsters.

However, this is not the real reason why Roy killed Anna and Viken...

After beating Dracula away, Roy flapped his wings and flew away, finding a place to hide himself in Dracula's castle.

In the darkness, Roy's demonic vertical pupils glowed faintly.

"Come on, let me see what happens next. Can justice really defeat evil...?"

Yes, this is Roy's ultimate goal. He really wants to know whether this kind of main theme still exists in this movie-like world. If so, then for him as a devil, it is really It's too unfavorable. After all, his identity as a demon means that he is a born villain and belongs to the evil side. If this situation cannot be changed, then he might as well just shrink into the abyss and demon world in the future and never enter a similar world again. Already...

To verify this, we have to see whether Van Helsing can still kill Dracula after losing the help of the Villeless family...

The originally bright night sky with the moon suddenly became pitch black, as if the complete demise of the Villeless family had aroused the wrath of God. Countless dark clouds began to gather, and streaks of lightning began to fill the clouds. , the roaring thunder also began to sound.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the night sky, illuminating the castle. At the door, the light of lightning reflected the face of a dark figure.

Van Helsing is finally here...