
Enhanced Fruit

Roy also realized this problem for the first time, his demon bloodline is already very complicated, if he continues to add more bloodline settings for himself, will it lead to conflict between bloodlines?

The T-virus is fine, the main function is to strengthen their own cells, it's not a bloodline, but if you really want to make an immortal body, it will definitely involve the transformation of the bloodline.

Roy felt that it was necessary for him to figure it out.

This kind of thing, naturally, directly ask the system to come the fastest, however, the system's answer, but told Roy may indeed cause adverse consequences!

Because in Roy's homepage attributes, it was clearly marked out that Roy's attribute was [Dark], this was an intrinsic attribute common to all demons, meaning that Roy's bloodline transformation, at least, could not be in conflict with this dark attribute! It is impossible to say that Roy can really transform himself into an angel by creating an angelic bloodline potion. ...

Of course, the Fallen Angel bloodline can be done, but it's not necessary because there's no difference between Fallen Angels and Demons.

The system's answer gave Roy a wake-up call, judging from the sample, when it comes to bloodline transformation, it's best to be cautious.

In this way, the third option of immortal body was ruled out for the time being, although Roy also wanted to have an immortal body, but he felt that he might not be able to start from other aspects, this kind of direct transformation into an immortal bloodline method, or put it aside for the time being.

Excluding one, the rest is only the first and second option, to create a holy clothes for themselves, to strengthen their own defensive ability, this option is feasible, Roy also considered, there will be other demons will not see the wealth of the intention, this look know is well-made treasure armor, will certainly cause a lot of strong people to steal, this is a hidden danger.

However, this is actually a very good solution, Roy can be set as a part of his own, the holy clothes usually hidden in his body, only when needed to use, only in the form of "transformation" to appear, just like Frieza's transformation.

Moreover, this kind of transformation special skill that only the Daemon King can have, think about it, I think it's quite exciting.

However, with this design, it's necessary to change the material of the Saint's Cloth. Since it's going to be integrated with his physical body, it's best to use the same material as his own bones, and Roy will need to strengthen his own bones, which is quite cumbersome.

Especially, considering that there will be a big battle in the coming days, if he puts on such a cool vest, it is not telling all the enemies: Come on, come on, come on, come on and beat me up!

This is not a holy garment, this is a group ridicule skill! Before you have enough strength, it's a death sentence to go too far!

Therefore, after deliberating for a while, Roy still gave up this program, but this program, but also for the time being, Roy as a material temporary storage, until the future become more powerful, perhaps can restart this program may not be.

In this case, Roy's last option is to use the Demon Fruit to strengthen himself.

Listen, Demon Fruit, isn't it a fruit specially prepared for demons? ...

As far as Roy's known concept of Devil's Fruit is concerned, there are many kinds of abilities, the Invisibility Fruit and Magma Fruit are just the ones that come to mind at the very beginning, but in reality, Roy still has more choices to make.

After deciding to use this program, Roy began to list several kinds of suitable for him to use the list of devil fruits.

Invisibility Fruit, Magma Fruit, Shadow Fruit, Thread Fruit, Dark Fruit, and so on, and then to choose which one to choose.

Invisibility fruit, said earlier, the effect is too single, in the battlefield, even if the invisible form is not seen, but there is no chance that it will also be a range of attacks to the magic to hit, so it was directly ruled out by Roy, the second exclusion, is the magma fruit, because Roy thought carefully, magma fruit, although the first-class combat power, but also mocking the great, once the use of the fruit power, become a thick smoke rolled time, is a person can notice him, he is a person can not be seen. Once the power of the fruit is used, when it becomes thick and smoky, anyone can notice it, and it might cause the enemy to mistake it for a high-level demon and set fire to it.

Shadow Fruit is a good choice, not only can you control others through the shadow, but also have a certain attack ability, the key moment can also hide into the shadow of others, can be said to be a set of damage control and evasion as one.

The thread fruit is also similar, can create a double puppet to shield themselves from damage, to hide from the sea.

However, after a comprehensive comparison, Roy finally chose the Dark Fruit!

This is mainly a problem of resistance, when summoned to this world by Saeren, Roy's memory of Saeren's "weak and powerless" magic is very deep, originally Roy's own physical strength, combined with bloodthirsty skills, in the lower level of the devil can be said to be rare enemy, but did not think that Saeren's one magic directly disintegrate their strength advantage, which makes Roy can not help but ask himself. This made Roy ask himself, "What if he encounters this kind of magic again?

The Shadow Fruit and the Thread Fruit, although they both have a means of avoidance, but in a chaotic situation, who can guarantee that they will not be hit by a stray bullet?

So compared to the dark fruit, although there are a lot of shortcomings, but just be able to absorb the damage of this point, has been very useful, not to mention, Roy is also a demon body to consume this fruit, the body of the devil was born than the human body is much stronger, and every devil, are dark attributes, naturally excel at the use of dark power, and the dark fruit is very suitable, even if you eat it involves a bloodline Even if it involves the bloodline transformation after eating it, he is not afraid of it, and perhaps after using the Dark Fruit, Roy can also develop the more powerful power of the Dark Fruit, it may not be possible.

As soon as he thought of it, Roy immediately started to define the devil fruit pattern he drew.

Name: Dark Fruit

Description: After consuming the first bite, the dark power of the fruit is obtained.

This definition is very simple, Roy is very clear, in fact, as long as he set the name, the system will read his memory about the concept of the dark fruit, to add its ability, just like the T-virus agent, he does not need to know the principle of the T-virus, but as long as his memory about the concept of the T-virus and understanding, it is equivalent to have the T-virus "information"! The system will take this information and use the soul as the equivalent to transform it into a concrete substance.

Roy first tried to see how many souls are needed to realize the original version of the Devil's Fruit, and the result that Roy did not expect is that it can be realized with 500 souls!

This amount, let Roy some surprise, he originally thought it would be more.

But in fact, this is Roy think forked, first, the number of five hundred souls, in fact, is already quite a huge amount of souls, second, although the devil fruit is magical, but not to that kind of mythic level of power, it essentially contains, just a group of pure darkness elemental power, plus the original version of the devil fruit, have common shortcomings, such as fear of water, afraid of seafaring stone, etc., these shortcomings, but also These shortcomings have invariably lowered the requirements for the realization of the Devil's Fruit.

Since he realized that he had enough souls on hand, Roy naturally felt more at ease, and he could add some more definitions to it.

Fearless of Water]: After consuming it, it can still swim and will not show symptoms of weakness when it comes into contact with water.

This was the first definition that Roy added, and he intended to eliminate the weakness of the Devil's Fruit.

After making this definition, Roy handed over the system to make a judgment, and found that to eliminate this weakness, it is necessary to consume 50 souls more, which is almost one-tenth of the number of souls to realize the devil fruit, although it feels like quite a lot, but Roy thinks it is still acceptable.

If Roy set up a definition that is not afraid of the sea floor stone, and eliminated this weakness, it is estimated that he would have to pay almost the same number of souls, but Roy didn't add it because he felt that the sea floor stone is something that unless he goes to the Pirate King's world, he would not be able to come across it.

Roy's total number of souls was 621, so if he converted them, he would need to pay 550 souls and still have some left, but Roy thought about it and added another attribute: [Pain Weakening]!

The Dark Fruit absorbs damage and has to pay a price, the price is double the pain perception, what Roy wants to do is to weaken this weakness, as for how much to weaken, Roy did not force the rules, he left it to the system to adapt, he intends to consume the rest of the souls, how much can be weakened, how much can be weakened, do not force it.

When the definition is completed, a strengthened version of the Dark Fruit was born, and the T-virus, although the Devil's Fruit is a static item converted from ordinary low-quality souls, but it is an item with its own system skills, after eating it, you can obtain or develop the corresponding skills, and do not need Roy to use high-quality souls to customize the skills, which invariably saves a lot of things.

The devil fruit a little color, Roy chose to save the realization, this time there is no reading seconds, very quickly, a golden yellow pineapple like the devil fruit appeared in Roy's hand.

The original Dark Fruit is not in this shape, Roy does not know, but it does not matter, even if it is a pile of poo shape, it is still a Dark Fruit!

After admiring his work for a while, Roy opened his mouth and wanted to bite down.

However, right at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Roy, saying, "Kid! What's in your hand?"