

Saeren's spell casting time this time was obviously much longer than before, and accordingly, the power of the magic he cast this time was also more powerful.

With the completion of his spell, countless huge burning fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and among these fireballs, there were also huge stones, which were basically burning meteorites, and when they appeared, the whole sky turned red!

High-ranking fire magic: Meteor Fire Rain!

Originally, the melee forces of both sides had already engaged in the battle, slugging it out on the battlefield, but when these meteors fell from the sky with a huge whistling sound, the entire battlefield, both the enemy and the opponent, suffered! Saeren showed the ruthlessness of an upper level demon at this moment, his meteor shower was simply aimed at his own people's heads.

Anyway, in his opinion, the difference between the strength of the Demon troops and the Elves is too big, and the low level Demons can't stand the attack, so he simply took advantage of the engagement to use this wide range of attack magic to carry out indiscriminate attacks, in order to be able to cut down the fighting strength of the Elves side by a large amount.

As a matter of fact, his method also worked, after the meteorite landed on the ground, it made a huge roar, under the strong kinetic impact, the flame wave of meteor fire shower spread out at once, a large number of dead wood guards, demi-human chieftains and dwarves, and even some silver pegasus knights, were buried in the sea of flames, and the small evils of the evils side, the Cerberus dogs, and the long horned evils, these troop types were also turned into ashes under the bombardment of the meteor fire shower!

When the elves saw this scene, their eyes were suddenly bared, and there was no doubt that their losses were much greater! It was as if a piece of the middle of the battlefield had been dug out, and a huge gap appeared in an instant, leaving only the blazing flames still burning.

Due to the distance between them, the heroes of the elf side were not able to stop Saeren's spells, and now, although not much of the demon army was left, the elf side's troop advantage had already been reversed by half.

Saeren was breathing heavily, this meteor fire shower just now had also consumed a huge amount of his magic power, but after seeing the result, Saeren still couldn't help but laugh loudly and maniacally.

"Damn those long ears! Saeren copied his Demon Scythe and roared at the three elven heroes in the distance, "You're too young to ambush me, Saeren!

"Really?" The leader of the elf heroes, Lloyd, snorted coldly and said, "Demon, I'm afraid you're too happy too soon, aren't you?"

After that, the three heroes of the elves all waved their staffs and started casting spells, the two druid heroes wearing deer helmets were the first to finish, with their staffs raised, several thunderbolts of lightning immediately bombarded down from the battlefield!

Those abyssal demons that are fighting with the green dragons are the target of this magic attack, the thick lightning fell, accompanied by a huge roar, and directly split on the heads of these abyssal demons! Under the strong magic power, some abyssal demons were immediately split into charcoal and turned into ashes to be killed and evicted, and a few that were not immediately split to death also instantly lost their fighting power, and were directly stomped to death by their rival, the green dragon!

The two druid heroes took turns releasing thunderbolts, the thick thunderbolts came down one after another, rapidly reducing the number of abyssal demons, and when the abyssal demons were almost dead, their target also became the big demons.

Saeren was busy and confused, enchanting his high level demons to help them resist the lightning, but he still couldn't stop their attack, and right at this moment, Lloyd's magic was finished!

"Resurrection! "Resurrect the brave warriors of the Elves!" With Lloyd's loud shout, a golden light was showered down from the sky, and fell on the bodies of those Elven warriors who had already been killed by the meteor firestorm.

Then, a miracle happened, those already dead elf warriors, was a kind of magical power to lift, floating to the mid-air, and then in the golden light body movement, even once again came back to life!

Not only did they come back to life, even the burnt marks on their bodies were restored to their original state! Only the eyes are still a little confused, not understanding what happened.

Saeren's teeth almost gritted when he saw this scene! He did not think that this guy, Lloyd, even mastered the high level magic of the light system [Reincarnation]! This really surprised him too much!

Reincarnation, as long as the soul of a dead person has not dissipated, you can use the strong power of light to reinject the soul into their body to bring them back to life!

Roy is in the corner of the battlefield, after seeing this scene, his eyes almost stared out, although Lloyd's magic did not revive all the fallen Elven warriors, but it also revived at least more than two hundred people, and all of them are withered wood guards and half-man chiefs of this kind of melee soldiers, now the low-level demons on the demon side are almost dead, these revived Elven melee warriors, will immediately charge on, close to the long-range troops to attack, and will be the first to attack. These resurrected Elven melee warriors will immediately charge up and attack close to the long-range troops, and then the Gog demons and Phantoms on the demon side will be out of luck!

A magic to turn the tide of battle, in this world is really too common, Saeren can use the meteor fire rain to attack without difference, similarly, the elves also have countermeasures.

Lloyd can use Reincarnation to revive their warriors, but Saeren can't, because demons can't use light magic, and most importantly, when a demon is killed and banished, it goes directly back to the abyssal world, and its soul doesn't stay in the battlefield, so even if Saeren can use Reincarnation, he still can't revive the warriors!

Now, the devil side only left the edge of the two flanks of a small number of troops, Lloyd a reincarnation rebirth, magic consumption is also very large, it is estimated that a short period of time will not be able to resurrect their people, but the two druid heroes, but one by one, they are constantly killing the devil side of the high-level demons, those abyssal demons and the number of big demons is already small, in this kind of killing, the number of a big drop! When there was no longer any control from them, the dragons on the elf side immediately freed up their hands!

Roy was fighting with a group of demi-human sheikhs at the edge of the battlefield, followed by a few surviving evil gods, in fact, even Roy is also a survivor, if not for the fact that he was far away from the center of the battlefield, it is estimated that he would have died just now under the attack of the meteor firestorm, now, although it is not bad for the time being, but a green dragon has already flown towards his side!

Judging that Saeren's defeat has become a certainty, Roy, without saying a word, immediately rushed towards a demi-human chieftain and squeezed his neck with both hands!

The height and size of that half-man horse chief is similar to Roy's, but his strength is not as strong as Roy's, after being pinched, he was suffocated and turned blue, but his horse-like lower body raised its front hooves and kicked at Roy, Roy knew that this kind of kick of the other party is not bad, but he still gritted his teeth to hold on and made a state of being entangled with this half-man horse chief.

At that moment, the green dragon flew over, and without saying a word, it sprayed acid breath in mid-air towards Roy and his group of enemies, a green mist spreading out and enveloping the demons.

As soon as the green acid mist got close to them, Roy let out a miserable scream, and then fell down with the body of the half-horse chief in his wake.

It's the green dragon! I'm dead!

Roy is now going to perform such a drama, when he dragged down the half horse chief, he directly used both hands to force, pinched the neck of the other party to kill his opponent, and then took advantage of the moment of falling, let the half horse chief's body, pressed on top of himself!

This area is originally a battlefield, just now Roy and a few evil gods killed a lot of elf troops, so there are a lot of corpses in this area, when Roy fell, not only use the body of the centaurs to hide his own figure, and also specially selected a place where there are more corpses, and dragged the other corpses over to the other corpses, and covered himself up to the strict and solid.

There's no other way, Roy can only use this method now, after all, if the demon is really killed and banished, it will be turned into ashes, if there is a demon's body on the battlefield, it will definitely be seen at a glance, so even if you want to play dead, you have to hide yourself well.

As for why not directly escape ... Oh, he believes that if he escapes, it will definitely be noticed by the enemy, then if the hero of the opposite side of a thunderbolt bombarded down, Roy estimated that I'm afraid to be met, especially, he now does not know the elves surrounded by the circle in the end how big, in case of escape from the battlefield, the periphery still have If he escaped from the battlefield and there was still a blocking force outside, he would be running into them head on.

Therefore, the best choice was to play dead on the spot, and the corpses of the Elven soldiers on the battlefield could give him a good cover.

However, what he did just now was actually quite dangerous, after all, it was the Green Dragon's breath, although the Green Dragon is considered a weaker dragon among the dragons, but the breath is still very powerful, Roy had to fight against the damage of the acid fog in order to take cover from the acid fog, but fortunately, he had the power of the Dark Fruit to protect his body.

The power of the Dark Fruit is able to absorb all damage, including bullets, blades, attacks, flames, and lightning, so even though the acid fog eroded his body, it didn't damage him too much.

However, hiding underneath the body of the Half Horse Chief, Roy is still in pain, the original Dark Fruit absorbs damage at the cost of double the pain, although he used the soul in the system to offset some of the pain, but exactly how much, he is not too clear, that is, more than double the pain is still there. ...

However, even if it hurts, he can only endure it, not letting himself scream out.

After the green dragon's acid fog dissipated, those few evil gods were relatively straight, even still standing, their bodies were full of green acid, the whole body rose up the green smoke of burning, they roared angrily, and launched an attack towards the green dragon.

Thanks to the blessing of these few evil gods, no one noticed Roy, in fact, it is true that you can't see, the acid fog pervades, blocking the sight of many people, just now there are a few elven dwarves near Roy, but they heard Roy's screams, when the fog disappeared, they found that Roy disappeared also did not care about it, thinking that Roy has been killed and expelled, and then they all ran to surround the few The evil gods.

Recklessness is to pay the price, a few evil gods hard but tough, facing the dragons are not retreated, but the price is to be beaten into flying dust.

After clearing out this area, the elf warriors see no more demons, they ran to the front to participate in the war, and several corpses piled up underneath, Roy through the gap to see this scene, suddenly a long sigh of relief.

Mission accomplished, next, he just need to watch the show can be, if not unexpected, next to play, is the elves to kill Saeren's drama, he just need to wait until the battlefield is empty and then get up can be.

By then, Roy will not only be able to get out of Saeren's control, but also the souls of so many Elven warriors left behind on the battlefield will become Roy's possession!

In Heroes of Might and Magic 3, reincarnation is an earth-based magic, which is a bit hard to figure out, is it because of crawling out of the earth, so it is categorized as earth-based magic? I feel that this magic is a bit unreasonable, so I changed it to light magic.