
Cursed with Infinite Rebirth in the Apocalypse (Dropped)

An unprecedented apocalypse dawned on Earth, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Monsters appeared out of nowhere, killing and destroying everyone and everything along their path! Guns? Useless. Atomic Bombs? A good way to make the monsters sweat. Amidst hopelessness and chaos, a saving hand appeared. The Hero Creation System! Allowing everyone to gain enough power to fight for themselves, letting them have random, unique skills upon binding! In the center of it all, a single streamer became the only hope for humanity. His powers? The Curse of Infinite Rebirth! But wait... "Why would I bother saving the world? Let it burn!"

ChronoQuill · Ciudad
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35 Chs

You Are God?

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the ceiling of my bedroom.

Wait, what happened? Didn't I die? I'm positive I did get chomped at by some indescribably ugly monster octopus bastard.

"Was it all just a dream?" It was cliché, but that's the only reason I could find.

I placed my hand on my face, wiping it, and took a deep breath. "Right, that must've been some nightmare. Anyway, today's a workday, so I gotta go..."

As I stood up, I noticed that my clothes were the same ones I wore roughly two days ago. Plain white shirt and black jogging pants. I believe I haven't washed it yet, and more importantly, it wasn't the one I was wearing last night.

"Right, what time is it..."

I moved toward my computer, a few steps away from my bed, and checked the time. Currently, it is... midnight on December 30, 2024. I woke up at midnight...?


I double-checked the time and doubted my eyes. "December 30?!"

The date shown was two days ago! Confused, I tried to resync my clock, thinking it might be out of sync. However, even after the region was manually changed to the correct one, the date remained the same.

"What's going on...?"

As I stayed quiet for a while, I started hearing voices from beyond the walls. The room below and neighboring mine were similarly in turmoil, shouting things like "Impossible!" and "Wasn't that a bad dream?!"

I guess even soundproofed rooms would leak noise if you raised your voice loud enough.

However, from their conversation, a single impossibility crossed my mind. "Haha. No way, right?"

Everything that happened before wasn't a dream, and now time has returned to two days before! It was an event that would make scientists cradle their heads for answers.


A short beep echoed, causing me to turn to my computer's screen once more. "What now?"

I noticed a blue window on the screen, already opened, before I could even begin to click on it and read its contents. My brows furrowed more and more as I read further and further.

[My beloved creations, this is a message straight from me, the God of Earth.]

"God, huh?" What is this, a prank mail?

[Due to the suddenness of the apocalypse, I was too late in responding. By the time I noticed, half a day later, humanity was already wiped out. As an apology, I used a portion of my strength to return you in time, 48 hours before the apocalypse begins.]


This "God" or something returned us two days in time? Although it's hard to believe, seeing how the time did show the date approximately 48 hours ago, I guess his words do gain some substance...?

Anyway, I continued reading the mail, my interest slowly rising.

[As the monsters of the apocalypse are protected by the rules of the world, they are invulnerable to any damage. That's why guns and even atomic bombs didn't work on them. Humans are unable to inflict any kind of damage on them.]

"Really?" I placed a hand on my chin, wondering.

After all, as I jumped out of the window, I did use a fire extinguisher on a monster's eye. It was unfortunate it had more eyes, but anyway, my attack should've worked. That means they're not completely invulnerable, right?

Anyway, despite my doubts, I continued reading the message until the end, but doing so made me tilt my head in confusion once again.

[To have a fighting chance against them and survive, I used the remaining powers I had to create a system for everyone. With it, you will gain random powers that will help in humanity's fight against the apocalypse.]

[At exactly five minutes after midnight, it will start the binding process. Unfortunately, I've used up all my powers and will be entering a deep sleep. All I can do is wish that humanity survives this calamity. Until we meet again.]

"System? What the hell is that?" Just as I was wondering, another noise echoed from my side.

By reflex, I turned to face the source, and I found a blue window floating in my view. "What the..."

I tried touching it, but my hand passed through. It was a curious event, but after reading God's mail, I guess this is what he meant by "system" or whatever.

I looked at it once more and saw the only string of letters written on it, together with a long loading bar saying "Binding in progress."

The loading was neither short nor long. It took roughly a minute before it ended, with the display changing accordingly. Now, it looked like... a character screen in a game?

"Is this the system?" I muttered to myself as I checked the details, reading them slowly.


Name: Hvir Shaloon

Race: Human

Level: 1

Ability: Curse of Infinite Revival


The details were concise, only showing basic information, a level, and my ability. Level 1? Is that how everyone starts off, or am I just that weak? Anyway, the ability!

"Curse of Infinite Revival... Just from the name, does it do what I think it does?!"

It's like I've activated the Komami Code in Super Marlon Brews! Infinite lives! "But wait, what will I do if this isn't a revival cheat but instead something entirely different?"

There's the curious word "curse" as a prefix, after all, which made me worry. If this thing wasn't actually going to revive me and instead did something else without relating to death or revival at all, then I'd be acting like a fool.

I planted my bum on my chair, swinging it around as I began to go deep in thought, like a small ritual. As I did, suddenly, I heard a loud sound, deafening and mind-boggling.


It's the sound of a gunshot!

I quickly tried to stand up, but my vision wobbled. And no, it's not from getting dizzy after going round and round...

*Drip!* *Drip!* *Drip!*

Blood dripped down my clothes, right at the center of my chest. In shock, I moved my fingers to lift my shirt, and there, I saw a large bullet wound that went through my back and out of my chest. The direction it came from was below...

"Those... d*mned foreigners..."

My consciousness faded as I cursed. My heartbeat faded rapidly. My vision also turned dark. Then, as I closed my eyes... I opened them again shortly after.

"Sh*t... it's real..."

My heart was beating fast, my breathing short and labored. I looked around and quickly noticed I was staring at the ceiling of my bedroom once more. Jumping up, I also checked my clothes; they weren't stained with blood anymore. Nor was there a gaping hole through my body.


But the pain of the bullet wound and the dreadful feeling of life slowly slipping away were still fresh in my senses.

"Ugh... Blargh!"

Feeling weird, I ejected all the contents of my stomach. After that, I... stayed cooped up in my bed for the entire day.

Finally, out with the MC's name! He's Hvir! Pronunciation would be the "he" in "hero" and "vi" in "virtual"combined with an "er" at the end. (Hee-vi-er)

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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