

The town of Brookeville was a town where supernatural creatures lived as one, hiding in the shadows to prevent themselves from being ever discovered by humans. The human dragons, the Banshees, the wolves, the witches and so on lived here as one. In the midst of all this, there were two vampire brothers who carried different attributes. While one preferred to help people no matter what, the other preferred helping only himself but nonetheless they cared for each other as siblings and knew their limits towards each other's property. But what happens when a girl becomes the reason they defile the rule of their brotherhood. The reason they go all out on each other, with the calmer one becoming tricky and outrageous and the selfish one becoming much more selfish. Meet Madisyn Hall Langston, Maddie for short. A girl who lost her parents at the age of seven and was later adopted by a very nice family only for them to die after two years. It is said that wherever she goes, bad luck followed suit. But this two brothers are ready to put all logic and reasoning aside just to make sure that they get to be with Maddie, the witch of fire.

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Safe Haven 1

Rose, a dark skinned girl, with big brown eyes and black raven hair sat next to magnificent beauty, fair complexioned Vampire, Scott.

From time to time, her brown eyes would narrow and then widen back while Scott's mouth danced as they sat side by side in the

only large couch in his study room.

" I could break into his Manor and get the Box, using an invisibility spell, the vampire wouldn't even know I'm around", Rose suggested after hearing what Scott had to say.

" Wow such a great plan, the only flaw in it is that it's a death wish, a death sentence", Scott pointed out standing up from the couch to walk over to the front of his study table which was stacked with books upon books on the right side and then a study lamp on the left along with some folders.

He rested his waist on it, folding his hand on his chest as he stared back at Rose who was so ready to keep the proposal going.

" Scott I could get some of the witches to come with me, with their power combined with mine, you know very well we could have a shot at this, we could search every corner for it, the box is not supposed to be in Liam's hands", Rose said standing up to prove her point.

" Impressive but Impulsive", Scott replied to her enthusiasm going round the table to sit down in the seat behind it.

" Great choice of words", Rose mumbled within her at the voice he used which didn't match her enthusiasm at all.

Scott picked up a book and opened it, his fair hands flipping pages upon pages before closing the book and looking up to stare at Rose. Sighing, he dropped the book.

" Rose, I know my brother better than you and when I say that you are asking for a death wish, that is what you are doing. I also know that Liam wouldn't just leave the box lying aimlessly in his Manor, I swear he would take it with him every where he goes", Scott said watching Rose walk over to the Mini library in his spacious study room.

The room was white and blue in color giving off a peaceful vibe. Rose searched through the racks and brought out an old book which on a normal day Scott wouldn't let her have.

" I also know you Rose", Scott said softly drawing the dark skinned girl's attention. " I know you are upset that the history teacher was killed by Liam while you were in school but there was nothing you could have done to stop what happened.

"Liam is at least ten times stronger than you, chances are that he might even kill you himself if you had tried stopping him", Scott said watching her walk over to his desk.

" I've heard you Scott. Can I go now?", she asked not arguing with him anymore. His eyes drop down to the book on her hand and she set her lips in a thin line knowing what he was staring at.

" Drop the spell book Rose", He said softly now staring back at her. " But this book was written by one of the strongest Coven leaders, Anne Jacobs, I've always wanted to go through her spells and your library is the only place that has it Scott", she said softly, hoping badly that he would see her desperation.

He remained stiff, neither answering her nor making any expression at all. Seeing that face on him, she reluctantly dropped the book on his desk and walked out with her head down. Sometimes Scott could be so rigid.

Rose walked out of the study room and closed the door behind her. She stared at the hallway which was completely empty. Moving towards the stairs, she started heading down to the common room where all types of supernatural creatures gathered.

This Manor was a safe haven for all kinds of supernatural beings who resided in Brookeville. The creatures who had no other place to go and no one else to call family lived here.

Rose was one of those creatures. Well she was an orphan from birth and was just six years old when Scott found her and took her in. He was the Lord of the Manor, the one who made the rules that governed each creature.

The werewolves, the vampires, the witches, the human dragons, the Banshees, the Phoenix and so on. Every creature can't be given equal respect though.

The Werewolves have to stay in a cage down at the Manor's basement during the night of the full moon to prevent them from hurting anyone.

The witches are watched with caution to avoid them getting their hands on the wrong spells and using it against each other or attacking other creatures with it.

There are rules for every creature living in the Manor and there are no questions asked because many supernatural creatures regards this place as a place of peace.

Going further down as there were at least four flight of stairs before getting to the common room", she heard footsteps behind her.

" How was your meeting with Scott?", she heard a particular female voice ask as she stopped and turned around. She came face to face with a pretty blonde with light brown eyes, the sinister smile on her face spoke on her behalf that she was not one of those creatures who lived in this Manor without causing a ruckus.

" Good, thanks for asking", Rose replied stiffly continuing her movements with an unwanted company by her side. " I'm still shocked you know", Eleanor whined causing Rose to roll her eyes, now here's the twist of the story, she thought inwardly.

" I thought you witches could detect when danger is around the corner or you could at least detect when a day is going to go bad, whatever you witches do.... my question is how come you didn't know that Scott's brother was responsible?", she asked and the stairs went quiet with only their moving feet being the noise

" Ok let's say Banshees are the ones supposed to detect evil or death but then you attend the school for a reason. You should have tried stopping Liam, then Scott wouldn't be in this dilemma", Eleanor said watching as Rose balled her hands into fists.

A smile appeared on her face as the common room came into view. " Rose", she called out before Rose could fully walk away and disappear from her sight.

The noise coming from the people in the common room covered Eleanor's voice completely but Rose who hadn't walked too far from her, heard her voice.

Eleanor hurried over to Rose, leaning closer to the dark skinned girl's ear, she voiced, " If it weren't for your ignorance, the box would be in Scott's hand and not Liam's, you have only yourself to blame for that flaw", Eleanor said softly and slowly backed away before turning away in a smile.

Rose unclenched her hands and turned back to find that the blonde girl had left. Fuck Scott right now, she and a couple more witches could take Liam down and she knew just what to do.


" Wake up you fool, the box isn't going to present itself", Jonie said walking over to the side of the bed hovering over Liam. With a wave of her hands, the curtains opened causing Liam to curl his lips in disapproval.

" Ok fine", he said getting up from the bed as he frowned slightly at the uncomfortable pain that shot threw him. " Wow I Dated a bitch", he exclaims walking over to his mirror to find bandages wrapped around him, all which seems to be Jonie's handwork, what a good girl.

He turned to face her not minding the fact that his chest was exposed before her evil looking eyes. He had that smile on his face that made people confused about what was actually going on in his head.

She smiled back at him but hers didn't last long as it was replaced with a business like face. Showing she wanted to talk business and nothing else.

" I guess since I saved your ass last night you shouldn't be requesting for any more favors. You would be a lifeless desicated corpse if it weren't for me so hand over the box", Jonie said as her eyes scanned the room which was kind of old fashioned in her eyes.

" A deal is a deal Jonie. Yes you helped me and I could do the same for you some day as well. I can't have you breeching the clauses, so fulfill your end of the deal else I won't fulfil mine", Liam replied her in a serious tone but the smile remained ever so bright on his face.

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her curvy waist pulling her to himself. Not minding their closeness either, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her chest area.

They stared at each other's eyes as if communicating silently. Liam kept on smiling while Jonie narrowed her evil eyes at him, her black hair which was done in a high ponytail made her look sinister.

" Ok fine", Jonie suddenly exclaimed pulling away from Liam. " A deal is a deal. He's in your basement as we speak, I also left you a surprise, a company to say", she said causing Liam's smile to extend widely if possible.

" Get dressed, you are taking me on a drive so I can explore Brookeville before my departure", Jonie said walking out of the room leaving Liam to get dressed.


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Creation is never easy, it's hard....

Gossip Tessa away....