
Cursed Speech in Highschool DxD

A man wakes up in Highschool DxD with Cursed Speech and a Dimensional Chat. Expect action and the lewd. That's about it

BillNyeThePGGuy · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter @

Entering the Student Council Room, Sebastian was greeted with the sight of two beautiful women. They hastily stopped their conversation and turned to him.

"Hello, you are the new student, am I correct?" The beautiful woman who was sitting down asked. Sebastian flicked through his notepad.

Somehow, the first thing he flicked to was the thing he needed to say.

"Yes. I've come to pick up my schedule." The notepad wrote.

"Why are you using a notepad?" She asked. Sebastian flicked to the next page, and once again, was greeted with what he wanted to say. He couldn't really come up with an excuse, so he decided to bullshit his explanation.

"Due to a family tradition, these markings were tattoo-ed onto my face and I was to become a mute. So, I use a notepad to communicate instead." The notepad spoke for him.

"I understand. This school has no intention of breaking family traditions. This will be your timetable for the year." She passed over a sheet of paper. "I'm the student council president, Sona Shitori and this is the Vice-President Tsubaki Shinra. Please tell us if you need anything during your stay here." She spoke.

"Thank you. I'd be glad to accept help from some beautiful women." The notepad spoke for him. He simply gave a small smile to go along with it. Thankfully for him, calling them 'beautiful women' along with a smile from his face was enough to make them blush, if only for a moment.

"Before you leave would you like to play a game of chess?" Sona asked. Sebastian, after seeing that he has a bit of time, accepts. He'd rather spend time with these two bombshells than whatever annoying women that would fawn over him during class.

The result was to be expected. Sona was one of the best chest players in the underworld, and Sebastian only knew the basic rules. A different body can't cure poor game skills.

"You're really good at this. You must've spent a lot of time practicing." Sebastian smiled.

"You almost had me." Sona praised in return. Sebastian looked back to the board. He had only taken 4 pieces, 3 pawns and one bishop. "Thank you for your time." She spoke.

"Spending time with attractive women isn't a waste of time." He replied. A light blush formed on the both of their cheeks. "I heard that this school has a problem with perverts." He commented.

"Unfortunately so. Almost every male that has enrolled here came here solely for the women. I hope that you aren't the same" Sona glared. Despite being enamored by his pretty face, she realized that Sebastian could very well be the worst pervert there is.

"I think that the uniforms assist in their behavior." Sebastian wrote on the notepad.

"Excuse me?" Sona asked.

"With all due respect, the uniforms seemed to be created for the sole reason to seduce men. For example, neither of you two have bras on and its quite difficult to avert my eyes every time they jiggle." He wrote. Both of them held their breasts and blushed. "Not to mention the short skirts. During the 5mins the chess game went on, Tsubaki's skirt lifted twice, even without a breeze. Cute panties by the way." He winked at Tsubaki.

"You can leave now." Tsubaki replied. Her voice conveyed both hate and embarrassment at the same time.

He simply smiled and waved as he left the room.

"Get Momo to tail him while in school. His magic is abnormal." Sona spoke to Tsubaki.

"I already did so while you two played chess." Tsubaki replied.

"Good." Sona spoke.

'There's no way he's 100% human. Even the most beautiful devils and angels don't come close to him.' She rationalized her attraction to him. 'Is he an incubus?' She thought to herself.

"His magic..." Tsubaki started.

"It shouldn't be possible." Sona finished.

"95% of it is concentrated at his neck, and from the looks of it, the rest of his mana is enough to fortify his body to the peak of a human's." Tsubaki pondered.

"His neck should've exploded the second his mana grew to this extent..." Sona commented. "...Should we change the school uniform?"

Sebastian could be seen walking through the school, eventually, he was able to find his class. Walking through the door, he was greeted with quite a peculiar sight.

His classmates all looked quite average, all with hair colors of various shades of browns and blacks. However, in the back of the class were two very beautiful women that outshined the rest of the class.

A woman with crimson red hair and bright blue eyes immediately caught his attention as well as a woman with raven-black hair and purple eyes. These two bombshells outshined the rest of the class by a long shot.

"Take a seat, we'll begin shortly." The teacher spoke to Sebastian. He nodded and walked towards the back. There were three available seats but one was in front of the black-haired woman who'd caught his eye before. He had to ignore the gawks of annoying high schoolers as he passed them.

"So, this stud is the new student?" The raven-haired woman spoke to the red-haired one. Who said there couldn't be two pretty best friends?

"I suppose so." The red-haired woman spoke with a look of intrigue.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Akeno." She greeted the handsome man in front of her. Sebastian pulled out his notepad.

"Hello, my name is Sebastian." He replied. He didn't have too much of a grasp on her personality yet, so he went with a simple introduction.

"Well, Sebastian, would you like a tour around the school at lunch?" She asked, ignoring his method of communication.

"With a beautiful woman like you? Absolutely." He didn't know about her personality, but everyone likes compliments... unless you're a hardcore feminist.

"Ara ara~ if you flatter as well as you look I might just fall in love." She flirted.

Sebastian sat down in front of her and looked back to the front of the class only to find that everybody was watching their interaction. Even the teacher didn't stop their conversation.

"They're totally getting together." Random Gossiper 1 spoke.

"I bet $10 that they're already dating." Random Gossiper 2 spoke.

"I bet $20 that it was love at first sight." Random Gossiper 3 spoke.

"I bet $50 that all of you are delusional." A voice of reason spoke.

Nevertheless, the class went on without too much of a hitch. The only really difference was that no one was actually paying attention to the teacher. Previously, all the boys would be distracted while the girls would be doing work, but with the introduction of another 'Prince of the School' in their class, now the girls were getting distracted as well.

Sona and Tsubaki entered the room half-way during the class and sat down in the other two empty seats. They were at the back of the classroom on the opposite side of Akeno and the red-head. Sebastian gave the both of them a wink as they went to sit down.

Thankfully for them, they had gained some resistance to his charms so they were able to sit down without blushing.

Sebastian felt his brain collapse as he kept his eyes on the clock. 10mins away from lunch. 9, 8, 7, 6... and finally...

The second he expected the clock hand to move, he found himself in a void.

His legs were hanging off of a blank white couch and he felt his heart fall. He wasn't scared of heights, but most people would be terrified when they were hanging onto a couch with only the void to catch you should you fall.

A holographic board appeared in front of him.

[Girl's Dimensional Chat Room has been activated!]

Was all it said. After a second, the text disappeared and it was replaced by a blank group chat. He seemed to be the only one in it. The second the thought that, a couple more couches appeared behind the holographic board.

5 names appeared in the chat group. A couple of anonymous people that sat on the couches freaked out for a couple of seconds before calming down. They seemed to be veiled by the fact that they were completely black without any texture of depth to them.

[-Trigon's Worst Mistake

-Spider ASSassin

-Pure Evil

-600 Billion Paper Bombs

-Genius Enslaver]

'What colorful names. Are any of them not obviously villains?' Sebastian had to question the names given to the rest of them members in the chat.

He then looked to his name.

[The Most Handsome Man Alive (Admin)]

'It seems lying is not one of this thing's features.' Sebastian nodded.

[Pure Evil – Somebody better explain what this place is before I jump over to those other couches and push you all into the void.]

[Trigon's Worst Mistake - What the hell is this?]

[Trigon's Worst Mistake – Who put this bastard's name as my nickname?]

[600 Billion Paper Bombs – Is this a genjustsu?]

[Genius Enslaver - Just a second ago I was in my room...]

[Spider ASSassin – It seems we are all in the same boat. Perhaps this 'Admin' can explain the situation?]

[The Most Handsome Man Alive – I haven't been told anything either. I was in class before suddenly being transported to this place. I was the only person here for a couple of seconds but I don't know anything more than any of you.]

[Pure Evil - Doesn't it say 'Girl's Dimensional Chat Room'? Why the hell is there a guy here?]

[Spider ASSassin – It would explain my nickname...]

[600 Billion Paper Bombs – So this Admin named us? Why am I called this then? I don't even have 100 billion yet.]

[Genius Enslaver – I would also like my name changed]

[Welcome everybody! Would you like an introduction to this Dimensional Chat Room?]