
cursed love

She was a person who didn't have many friends. She was an ordinary person. He was just a random person. But were they destined to meet or were they meant to be enemies.

mizuki_ryu · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Chapter one

"Princess mizuki stop playing around, we have to train now, ok". Said this mysterious tall man. " ok, but can I play for just a little more, please". Said this little girl who kinda looked like me. "Ok, fine but just for a little longer"."yayyyyyyy". Said the little girl.

When I woke up I was crying. I didn't know why, two things always happen when i have this dream. 1) when i wake up I cry. 2) My hair always turns white. Every single time this happens I have to buy hair dye so my parents don't worry.

Actually they are not my blood parents, but they have been raising me since I was 2 months old. So basically they are my parents. They don't know anything about my biological parents. But, my mother left me a moon necklace and told my adopted parents to never take it off of me, and I never took it off. I always thought it was just something for me to remember her.

I always had a normal life until an accident that happened in my first year of high school. That ruined my life forever. After that i never had a friend again. Well until college anyway. When he first talked to me I tried to ignore him, but he kept trying to talk to me. Even though he knew about my past he trusted me and said he doesn't believe in those rumors about me. After that I started trusting him and talking to him alot. And after that we became best friends. His name was "Jean Gonzalez". Oh and this is probably important. My name is "Hibana Suzuki".

" Jean where are you, we have school and you taking your sweet time to pick me up". "Suzuki quiet down i'm around the corner ok so just get outside". " whatever i'm already outside that is why i'm complaining". "Oh sorry your majesty". Then he hung up the phone.

When we got to school we went to class. Then I sat next to my only other friend "yan'er yang". She always stayed by my side in highschool.

"Hello class today we have a field trip to a museum". This teacher is the most mysterious person in the school. He doesn't talk to anyone including other teachers unless it is about school work. But the girls don't mind, cause they only think about how handsome he is. Not gonna lie though, he is handsome. But, ain't my type cause he puts on the tough quiet guy act.

When i got on the bus I didn't have anywhere to sit. Yan'er was sitting with someone else so I had to find a seat. That was going to be very difficult , cause you know I'm the weird girl. " Hey hibana come sit here". Said the mysterious teacher, patting the seat. "Ok". I said nervously. I really didn't want to because all the girls eyes were like lasers shooting at me and I was scared. But, of course i had no choice nobody else is willing to sit next to me. I sat down and most of the ride was quiet till this little disaster ruined it.

"Hey Mr.Yumie are you sure you want to. Ya know she's a jinx right, bad things happen if you get near her. And, also when I asked to sit next to you, you said no to me. But, you let this jinx sit next to you". Rachel said with an attitude. "Why? Because hibana this girl you call a jinx, bad luck, knows how to act like an adult and not like a highschool student or little girl, for your information. That's why she is sitting next to me. Do you understand Ms.Gonzalez". He said with an attitude right back." Yes Mr. Yumie, I understand.

I wonder why he stood up for me. That's stra-. "We have arrived. Please make your way off the bus and go to the entrance". Said the bus driver.

When we arrived there was no one in the middle of the room except this one person with a whole bunch of body guards. I couldn't see his face but I know he must be rich and important. "He's so handsome. I would totally marry him in heartbeat". Said a whole bunch of random girls. "Hey Yan Yan who is he". "Hibana you got to be kidding me you really don't know who that is"? "Of course I know who that is, that's why I'm asking you".

"Fine, fine I'll tell you. His name is Haru Otroi". "Otroi isn't that the famous entertainment company". "Wow my hibana actually knows something". She said sarcastically while laughing. I started to hit her cause she thinks it's funny that I don't know any thing.

"Ok, I'll stop laughing you just have to stop hitting me". "Ok I'll stop hitting you now tell me who he is". "Like i said he is Haru Otroi, aka heir to that famous business, also son to one of the richest people in the world. He is very popular with the ladies because he is so handsome. And because of that he believes he can be a playboy and get away with anything. He is very smart and clever so never get on his bad side". "Ok i think i caught all that". "Oh sorry did you get all that". " yeah pretty much so he basically is a very rich playboy who you won't want to get on the bad side of him. So does that cover it". "Basically, yes".

"Ok make your way down the stairs so we can go to the first exhibit". Said the tour guide. "We should push her down the stairs, if she thinks that she is all that cause she got to sit next to Mr.Yumie we see if Mr.Yumie sees her dead". Said Rachel quietly to her friends. "Haha of course I'm in". Said her friends laughing. "Hey hibana i wonder what those weirdos are laughing about". "They probably are talking about how handsome Mr.Yumie and Haru are. They are so handsome they will be mine one day". I said mocking rachel and her friends.

When we started walking down the stairs rachel and her friends were rushing down the stairs and pushed me at the same time. "Hey move, we're trying to get down stairs slowpoke". Said Rachel laughing. Oh no I'm losing my balance, I'm gonna go over the railing. "Yan'er help me I can't hold on." I said screaming. "Huh hibana, no I got you. So one help. Hibana my hand is slipping. I'm gonna fall over too. Help". Said yan'er screaming. "Never mind if you're gonna fall over too just drop me I'll just try to jump on the other stairs". I said smiling. I knew i wasn't gonna make it to the other stairs. I only told her that because I didn't want her to go with me. So I let of her hand. "No don't HIBANA". She said screaming while other people were holding her back.

Am I going to die or will someone save me. I still didn't do all the things I wanted to do, oh well nobody cares about me any so I guess I'm going to die. "Mr. Yumie helped Hibana fell down the stairs". Said yan'er yelling trying to get his attention. Mr. Yumie looked down and then realized that I was falling and had the most worried look on his face then it turned sad like he wanted something but couldn't. THUMP. Am i dead or did someone catch me.

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