
Cursed Beyond

Vanessa_Kidd_2265 · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Then there was Danny the womanizer that had not yet actually achieved anything. At a decent five foot eleven inches Danny was not a small guy but was thinner and with a softer level of muscular tone then his friends. He still had muscles, tone and strong definition throughout his body but he dressed clean and non-intimidating on purpose so when he hit on women that had boyfriends whom were present he didn't always start an altercation!

Danny was an outgoing and lively seventeen year old boy. He often had the ability to cause problems when females were involved since he had a twisted belief that he was God's gift to women. Often Danny was considered to be thoughtless in the way in which he NEVER thought about his actions beforehand and often stated things in hindsight.

If it was not for Danny's sweet nature then he probably would piss off more people then most. He had an outspoken way about him that made him likeable and non threatening. Danny was the youngest of three with two very dominating big brothers. Luckily Danny's mother doted on him and often took him with her in errands and coffee dates with her female friends. Maybe that was not the best environment for a prepubescent boy! Those outings taught Danny how woman think, what they think about and how they want to respond; but Danny wasn't dealing with grown woman in high school but teen girls whom didn't think, function and act like women.

Danny was very handsome light skinned young man. His father was African American attorney and his mother was adopted by a rich socialite family so her background was unknown but she was believed to be white so he had a dark golden complexion with the most beautiful blue eyes. Often classmates thought that Danny wore contacts because some days his eyes looked as blue as the ocean and other days they almost looked more grey then blue. Little did most notice that it was often dependent on Danny's mood and outfit on what colors his eyes appeared. When he wanted to get a females attention then Danny knew to wear either blue or green so his eyes would be more mesmerizing!

When anyone actually spent a little time looking at Danny's features you could tell he was mixed. He had dark brown hair that looked black and was very curly like his father's side and his nose and lips were more full like his father. Yet his complexion was light and a more tanned appearance of his mother's. And of course you can't forget his mother's gorgeous eyes that luckily Danny inherited!

All in all it would have been insulting to Danny for anyone to not see him as attractive and he did all he could to maintain his looks with high esteem. Danny was always so clean and tidy. He almost dressed like a grown man with collared shirts and khaki pants as his daily wear. Danny hated his shoes getting dirty and was often complimented regularly for his hundreds of different, clean, new looking shoes. Danny was very superficial and cared way to much about his appearance. He was the group "pretty boy" to say in the least!