
Chapter 1 - A new semester

Dark shadows loomed over the big metropolitan city. Catching most of the people coming out of nowhere, with the end of the last week, as if the page was turned in the book of life, everything changed. The bright golden rays the land below was bathed in throughout all of August were suddenly nowhere to be seen.

Today, the world had officially left behind the last month of the summer, and as if stepping through a magical portal, abruptly shifted into the colder, windy, and rainy gray next season.

The thick blanket of gloomy gray was like a filter, nothing of the bright azure heaven could be seen. In its place, only the colorless despair could be seen. The dark rain-filled clouds cast a long shadow over the metropolis below, leaving no patch of the last remnants of the summer's glory to seep through.

Just as the morning finally reached its prime, leaving behind its old friend, the dawn, heavy beads of its cold tears started to escape from their puffy sheets.

In the manner of seconds, the streets below turned alive with more splashes than what the eye could appreciate. Rain began to heavily pour onto the city, giving a harsh reminder of the changing of seasons.

Somewhere in the northern parts of the city, students were converging towards a particular series of buildings.

Bright-looking teenagers filled with a variety of emotions filled the surrounding streets, converging around Northern Grove High School. It was the start of September, and with the changing of seasons, it didn't only bring a fresher, cooler wind or the downpour of heavy rain, but also, marked the beginning of the newest semester.

Groups of loitering teens could be seen all around, not just on the school premises but on the surrounding streets, or around the small corner side grocery stores.

Still, with the gloomy spell that was cast over this urbanized realm, the commotion soon began to settle, the lingering, loitering teenagers, students gradually returned to their classrooms. Even if not happily, but at the very least properly welcome the beginning of this new school year.

Yet, the rowdy chatter amongst the reuniting friends in the classrooms could still be heard.

Classmates and friends seeing each other for the first time since a while entered into sometimes heated, energetic, or in some cases a rather raunchy discussion over their summer experiences.

Amongst the topics, there was one particular rumor that was brought up.

"Did you guys hear the latest news?" One short ash brown-haired boy exclaimed turning his attention to the rest of the class. He was known for being quite well informed, already showing the skills for the prospects to an exciting future.

"What news? What did you hear?"

"Don't leave us hanging man!"

"What are you talking about?"

Instantly, the gazes of almost everyone in the class turned at him. Eager questions hoping to hear some juicy bits were fired at his direction.

The boy, Eric chuckled at the hunger his classmates were showing, clearly relishing in the spotlight, the attention he was receiving.

"Well…" He began, enjoying the moment just a bit longer. "…I heard, that we will be getting a new student this year! A transfer student coming from abroad!"

"What?!" Many exclaimed with shock and surprise instantly. Excitement reached new heights in the minds of many as they fired questions after questions related to this mysterious newcomer.

"What do you know? Is it a boy? Is he handsome? Where is he coming from?" The girls were the most zealous, their imaginations racing wildly, they launched dozens of questions in an instant.

The boys weren't lagging too far behind either, some were hoping for some new exotic beauty, a new fairy to join their class, hopefully, instantly launch herself at the top of the student rankings.

"Well, all I know is that the new student supposedly came from somewhere from Europe., and that-"

Suddenly the hollering of the school's bell put an end to the discussions. Right at point, half-past seven sharp, the closed door of a classroom on the 3rd floor was pushed down.

Instantly, the last bits of whispers were quelled, despite being hungry for more, the students quieted down, just as the white, painted wooden door was pushed open and the tall, slender silhouette of a woman appeared in the entrance.

Mary Fulton was the homeroom teacher for these noisy bunch, guiding them through the junior year, getting them prepared for the senior year as well as for their hopefully successful graduation.

She was an attractive woman with a slightly above the average height, sporting an elegant 5'6" height, with a matching weight to support her delicate, coltish figure.

She flicked her shoulder-length auburn wavy hair throwing the cheeky little locks of hair to the back. Her sharp, sepia eyes gazed at the students with her usual cold demeanor as she stepped forward and entered the classroom.

Her thin, straight eyebrows only emphasized this defining facial trait of hers further.

Her light pointed chin, her high cheekbones that surrounded those squinted, piercing look in her eyes settled into a remarkable diamond shape. Her straight nose and the addition of her perfect-shaped, Cupid's Bow lips exclaimed the undeniable statement. She had the look of a top model.

The cream blue dress she wore looked fashionable and elegant in her heavenly body that was supported by her long, shapely legs was the target of many lust-filled gazes. Her slender figure had just the right proportions. Nothing over-the-top, outrageous, she had the healthy curves, shapes that just perfectly matched her.

Giving only a single, stern gaze to the students, Mary resumed her steps. The high heels she was wearing were the only source of sound as she took her seat behind her desk.

She placed a stack of documents in front of herself, taking several arduously long seconds to quickly scan over the topmost one.

Eventually, she sighed, shifting her attention, and looked over the silently staring students once more. Giving it a light cough, she gathered her thoughts and began her speech.

"Good Morning Class!"

She paused for a moment allowing the students to respond in kind.

"Good Morning Ms. Fulton!"

Nodding contently as they ran the rounds that she missed during the summer break, she flashed a thin smile. She motioned for the class to calm down and continued.

"As I am quite certain you are well aware knowing how this school operates…" She sighed. "…anyway, we start this year with a new joiner to the class. This person came from overseas…"

She teased just a little bit, though her expression remained rigid, distant, making the whole scene slightly awkward.

Still, she either didn't notice it or just ignored it. Giving it a moment's time, she turned towards the still open door and called out for the person still lying in wait outside.

"You can come in, and introduce yourself!" This time, quite uncharacteristic of her usual behavior, there was a hint of excitement, a tinge of tease in her tone.

The class turned towards the empty doorway with bated breaths, the excitement of what usually comes with a situation such as this were crossing dangerous peaks every passing instant.

There was an intense silence engulfing the room, the students but surprisingly even Ms. Fulton was looking with anticipation in her usually cold eyes.

Suddenly a clear, crisp but at the same time, an aloof voice came from just outside the hall.


Before the audience could register what they have just heard, suddenly a tall figure appeared in the doorway and stepped into the classroom.

Instantly a wave of shocked yelps and mysterious-sounding sighs filled the classroom as all eyes have followed the young man's path with a mixture of emotions. Excitement, hunger, lust… as well as their necessary counterparts: hatred and jealousy.

Regardless it was clear that the mysterious handsome youngster caught the attention of everyone. Well, except for one particular desk right at the front…

We'll swish through a couple of introductions at the start, bear with me for that.

We need to create a proper base after all. :)

Shaelecreators' thoughts