
Story of The Curse

Once upon a time in a certain kingdom. There lived a Couple. They were not rich and also belong to the backward caste.

32 years since they got married,they till now do not have any signs of their baby.

This thing always make them sad. Now they were sure that they do not become parents and will die. Due to this,Often they got into a big fight. They even cannot adopt a baby neither from the anyone or from the relation as in their caste background adopting is not meant good. If someone adopt a baby, The superstition is that the baby will not live long and took a sacrifice as well.

Hence the poor couple cannot adopt a baby and living a helpless life without baby. Actually Both Husband and wife in the couple do not love each other and this arranged marriage is done only for the money and money.

Men In the couple loves to hunt and women have only a Wish for baby.

One day after the sunset the Man loves hunting went to hunt a Animal. Suddenly while roaming he heard a voice. He immediately become alert and very quietly and very softly he aimed at that direction and shoot the arrow fiercely.Not so long after this shot,A Long and painful sound of a old man

echoed in the forest.That Men runned with fear to see what happened. He was totally surprised to find a saint laid down on a uncutted wild grass near the foot of a tall tree.

Before he could understand anything.

A Painful and a Stammering sound Hit in the ears. That Saint Who is counting his last breath give a strong and the Black Curse.

"I was about to complete my 100 years meditation. Only a few seconds more and I was going to achieve it,You Broke My Meditation and not only this,My 100 years hard work,How can I let u go?The moment I die,You will not going to survive and not only this, life of Your 15th Progeny will Destroyed. and your wife will also suffer a lot due to this. This is My Black Curse and last words.

All this is because of you. Mark my words. These are not going to be fake. God Justicccccccccccccce Everyone....... Ahhhhhh!!!!!.

Saying this Saint died.

Before the men understand anything and regret a huge tall tree fall straight to him causing a tremendous death and bloodshedding in the area.

On the other hand,Magically the wife in the couple Experience some unusual feeling and run to the hospital.there she fainted.when she come to the Senses,She was told that She have gone under a long operation and surprisingly but honestly she give birth to 16 new babies. But due to this u are going to die soon. Wife express his last desire to see the Faces of her all Children. Then a doctor told her that Her 14 children had died soon after Birth. This Sentence make The Women in the long term comma . A short under procedure operation done. But this two rhythmic operation gave a unbearable Change to body and at the result of second operation,The Lady died. The Second child who survived Also suffers a heart attack and died. the only Girl baby survived who was sent to Orphanage.

And She got a beautiful name Maria.

She was adopt just after 2 weeks in Orphanage to a Wealthy Family.

23 Year After

Maria was having a beautiful life and only a Problem that her parents having is her marriage.

One Day Maria went to a park. There she met a girl. Soon they become friends. That girl was a Music expert and a active minded. Her name was Elias.

Her Life is very lucky and blessed till the time her stepparents adopt a new boy of age 4 years. Maria's Stepparents do not love her from starting onwards. But from now they become too careless about Maria. They love only her new adopted child from heart. Beautiful they give him a cute name William. Maria was not clever or quick. so she cannot understand the behavior of Her parents.

but her bestie Elias learned that Maria's life was not a cake walk and she have to make a lot of struggle and insert a lot of effort in making her Life Peace.

One full moon midnight William notice that her stepsister's hair who is in the light of moon had become a hair of princess. Though he was a child, he captures a photo of the hair and place it beside the sleeping Maria.

1&1/2 Year passed this night.

Maria had been grown up. Being in the company of intelligent and clever Elias,She was also a quick minded teen girl. Her marriage is becoming a issue for her parents. No one is ready to make Maria as wife due to its Ugly,black and rural background Face which she inherited from her mother.

Elias also tried to make some favourable bonds but failed.

with much effort of 5 months. When their parents exhausted replace her face and finding new bonds to carry the life of their stepdaughter. At last they decided a big and a hard Decision-To leave Maria alone.

When this thing revealed to Maria. She became disheartened and sad.

She never hoped that the her Stepparents betray her at this stage of life.

Maria hurriedly met Elias.

She revealed her everything

"I cannot believe in the reality yet. How this can be possible. My Parents have left me. I know they adopted me,but the age of only two weeks. I cannot believe What I see,Even What I hear. I had not imagine that my marriage become a wall between me and my parents."

Elias Said "You have to Believe in everything,Life give you thorn as well as flower."

Maria went to her home for collecting her things in order to leave. There she found a old photographer of a beautiful rainbow coloured Hair. When she Observe it carefully,she found it that this was her pic of 1&1/2 year ago that night.

When she reveal it to the Elias. Elias Instead of laughing Rushed to a library and began reading a ancient book titled

"A Boon From God"

After a Few minutes she proclaimed,Rejoy and was happy. She said"Beside a music expert I have a fond in exploring really old books. This book is one of them. It have written that

Anyone with this power have a curse upon it. You may have one of it. She made a cut on Maria's hand. Amazingly her blood was red but after second it turn into Blue. This made Elias more clear on her investigation. She said,A curse is upon you. Before Your 25 Birthday,If You Can Able to find your true love and will marraige. You will be saved. But on a condition that You yourself have to reveal reality of being princess. Negative thing is that Wedding night you and your love die and you will remain in heaven . The Curse will broke as your lover will die.

One must sacrifice for this Curse. But this curse can be Active or can be broke only after marriage. Means one must have to lose their love at any cost. And if you do not marry with anyone. This curse will take to all of them who see you including me.

The very next morning it was announced that the prince of the kingdom seeking a princess for the kingdom

Everyone is trying to be chosen but all day went no one chosed.

On the other hand Elias hits upon a idea. She thinks"If I make Maria Stand On the top of mountain midnight the light of moon reflects and make her a princess.

Then thought a recorded music I can wake up the prince. And If both love each other. Curse will be on the prince and hence he died and my bestie save.

It was done as thought. Prince at first glimpse felt in love with Maria. On the next morning Elias place a light of full moon which she captures last night.

Maria was looking so so beautiful.

When she reach palance. No doubt king immediately select her. When she told her reality. Surprisedly they accept it happily.

At her 15th birthday

At the marraige Day. Maria was talking with queen and king. In the conversation mistakenly she told them of their actual caste. Hearing this king immediately fire her. King and. queen order to kill Maria. Elias fight with the soldiers bravely.

Prince who was in real love with Maria tries to save Maria but soldiers stops him. Maria was standing suddenly a arrow shot at her back due to this,she fell down. Prince immediately Sat down with his lover's head in his lapse. Both were looking at each other very sadly. This was a sad moment. Here Maria took her last breadth. Prince and Elias was very sad. All of sudden Many arrows Come from the sky killed many people except some of the people. Elias when see everything said"People who knew Maria well saved for this Curse.

This cycle went for years.No one knows when the lovers will sacrificed".