
200 years


Population: 26.32 million

time:11.22 pm


location:unknown apartment.

In an unkown location based near Jiao tong university,in a small one bedroom apartment,there is a slender male figure typing away on his key board in a rapid sucsetion.

the person he's typing to is his best friend that he's been playing with for the past few months now that he's started going to university.his name is bobo.strange name isent it,but thats what he lickes to be called.how me and him actually became best friends is actually a wierd story as with my personality, my kind would never asatiate with his kind.nice honest energetic.to be honest it was a hassle at first but over the past few months i got used to his chatty mouth,and energetic atitude.

Anyway the game that were playing right now is new age.An mmorpg which stands for a massive multiplayer online roleplaing game.and it's main focus is historical martial arts.actually almost all games are based on martial arts.

the reason why that is because almost 200 years ago an unknown metiorid hit earth and blew a big hole in the African Sahara desert.at first the world was in a panic because it come out of nowhere and all governmental space agencies the not detect it either,so the government sent people to check the situation and to see what the meiorte was made of.But the weird thing was after the making preparations to see the metiorid there was nothing there.the only thing was left was a very deep hole that to this day now one knows how deep it is.

one month after the dicovey of the hole they discovered that the world was starting to change. animals getting more intelectual,stronger and attacking people.the government was given 1 year to see what was going on and at the end of the search left them flabbergasted.

they discovered that the hole left by the metiorite released a strange new energy thought the world which let the animals evolve to new hights.and if humans don't evolve then we would go instinct.as months roled on the more people died because of the spirit beast until finnaly one group of 5 discovered the use of this energy which was similar to qi that they use in martial arts.once this was discovered the five decided that they would share it out to the world 1 year after discovering that they could cultivate to fight the beasts.

after one year when humanity found out about qi and how to get stronger the 5 who discovered it before all of humanity did, took the lead and decided to anownce themselves as the 5 great family's of the new era and promise to fight by the side of humanity.and almost 200 years later the 5 great families are still holding strong.but they are not the strongest force in the world as after 200 years sects and organizations started poping up.and this caused a lot of conflict as every one of them wanted to be on top and gain more recources.so in order to stop the innocent masssucuring of inicents who couldt cultivate, the 5 great family's decided make an alliance with others sects to enforce law and to make humans fight the real enemy and not them selves.and decided that every 10 years there would be a competition to allocate witch sect,family,organizations or rogue cultivate gets to go out the the wild lands for recouces inheritance from masters of the past and spirit stones which is the current currency for cultivar.

anyway 200 years later in a new age were people with high martial arts are seen as gods while non cultivatirs are seen as trash.everything closely related to martial arts will be an interest to martial artist.Thats why most mmorpfs are related to martial arts.