
Cultivation Start with Being the Creator of the World

MC found a wonderful door during the eve of the spirit energy revival. This door connected him to an endless miniature world and he realized that the living creatures in this world were smaller than even ants. He could create an endless tempest with a breath, cause a torrential downpour with a sneeze, shatter city walls with a punch, and level mountains with a footstep. Themany dwarves revered him and regarded him as the creator of their world. They prayed fervently to him and offered him sacrifices . "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Book of Wisdom, to you. You have obtained the ability to know everything." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a worlid item, Gravity Ball, to you. You have obtained the ability to control boundless gravity." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Lightning God's Hammer, to you. You have obtained the almighty power of lightning." With the help of what he gained in the alternate dimension, MC obtained almighty power on Earth. He looked down on humanity and became an omnipotent God, to the fervent prayers of millions of followers! All profit (powerstone) goes to webnovel. Part time Editor and Translator.

MyumaraOri · Oriental
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158 Chs

Chapter 4

At this moment, among the many knight armies, a general was riding on a horse, condescending, looking contemptuously at the army of the Hua kingdom in front of him.

There was a powerful aura in him, as if he were the most powerful.

"General Saike, it seems that this group of alien humans is incomparably weak, and if it were not for some strange weapons, we would have been completely defeated and slaughtered."

A knight said proudly, looking at the group of soldiers in front of him with great disdain, for these noble knights, those soldiers who had no chicken power were simply not worth mentioning.

If it weren't for those strange weapons, I'm afraid they would have slaughtered these soldiers in a single charge.

After all, their personal strength is simply an absolute superiority.

"Yes, I didn't expect that we were so lucky to find a passage to another world, and if the beings of this world were so weak, maybe we could completely conquer this world and list this world as the territory of our sacred empire." Another knight said excitedly.

For these knights, the expansion of the territory is always the greatest credit, and once successful, they can all be knighted, and even a huge territory.

"Don't be too arrogant, we don't know anything about this world, this is only the first army we have contacted, who knows what enemies will come next, if we are careless, we will die on the territory of the Otherworld, or kill all these stupid Otherworldly natives first, and then establish ourselves in this world first."

General Seck said in a deep voice.

He always remained calm, even though they had an absolute advantage now, but he did not carelessly rush forward, always alert to the world.

After all, they knew nothing about this other world now, and if they were too careless, they would really die in this place, and there would be no reinforcements. "Yes, General."

Many of the knights nodded, and they also knew that this was a war between two worlds, and there was no room for any luck, and if they were careless, they might end up with the total annihilation of the army. Immediately, these knights immediately launched another charge, trying to slaughter the soldiers.

At this time, the faces of many soldiers of the Hua country were very ugly.

"Damn, these otherworldly beings are really too powerful, their personal strength is far beyond us, if it is a cold weapon, a face, we will be killed dozens of them, we are not opponents of these monsters at all." A soldier clenched his fists.

"Not only are cold weapons not opponents, they can emit strange white light, as if they are energy shields, which can block our bullets, as well as artillery shells, rushing up against the rain of bullets, once we rush up, we will be killed in an instant, and there is no strength to fight back."

One soldier was trembling.

He now knew the horrors of those otherworldly creatures, and each of them had mastered unbelievable powers, which were simply not comparable to these mortals.

Don't look at these soldiers who have undergone rigorous training, their physical strength and combat strength are far beyond ordinary people, but compared with these alien creatures, it is still not worth mentioning.

Now they also know why the state is forcing the promotion of martial arts courses and the practice of martial arts for all.

If this continues, everyone is so weak that sooner or later they will be slaughtered by those otherworldly creatures.

To take a martial arts course is to give everyone the power to protect themselves.

"The number of people we are stationed here is also small, only ten thousand people, which is simply not as good as the other side's 100,000 troops, and if we continue to fight like this, our shells and bullets will soon run out, and then we will have to be slaughtered."

Another soldier gritted his teeth.

To tell the truth, they are only temporary troops stationed here, responsible for monitoring all the changes that have occurred in Shennongjia, not the main force, the real main force is still stationed at the military base.

Therefore, the equipment on them is only ordinary, and the number of bullets and shells is not very large.

If there were enough shells, these alien natives would not be able to go beyond the Thunder Pool at all.

"Damn, we still don't have enough shells and bullets, and missiles and planes have not had time to support us, otherwise thousands of missiles would bombard in an instant, and I don't believe these monsters can resist."

"Don't talk nonsense, although we have called for support, but there is no half an hour, support can not arrive, in short, we must resist these alien creatures, absolutely can not let them approach the town."

"That's right, even at the cost of their lives, they can't get close to nearby towns, otherwise they don't know how many civilians would die at the hands of these people."

"It's the duty of our soldiers."

Many soldiers clenched their fists and showed expressions on their faces.

After all, this is a hundred thousand alien strongmen, everyone is a monster, if you let these monsters into the town, you don't know what will happen.

Maybe the whole town will be destroyed, killing and injuring millions.

So even if it takes them to pay with their lives now, then they are at all costs.

"Interestingly, I have received your courage."

At this moment, many soldiers suddenly heard a mysterious voice in the depths of the Sea of Consciousness, almost ringing in their ears, and everyone could hear it clearly, as if someone was whispering in their ears.

"Who is it?" Who the hell is saying 820? "

The crowd was shocked and had no idea what was happening, after all, anyone who suddenly whispered in their ears would feel tremendous trepidation.

But without waiting for them to think more, the mysterious man did not answer their questions, and the next second, a huge drum suddenly exploded in this part of the world.


Suddenly, it was as if someone had struck a god drum, and the sound of the drum was simply deafening, more than hundreds of decibels, the kind that could break the eardrum.

When all the soldiers heard this drum, they felt their hearts, their blood were beating, and the whole world seemed to calm down.

Timidity, fear, doubt, fear, uneasiness, etc. are all gone, replaced by absolute calmness.


Another drum sounded, and this drum sounded, and they felt their blood boiling completely, and their hearts were filled with unbelievable fanaticism, and courage.

It seems that at this moment, even if they are allowed to fight with the gods, they will be fearless.

Vaguely, they seemed to see countless ancient ancestors, in order to survive, for the sake of war, to throw their heads and sprinkle blood, sacrifice themselves for others, and sacrifice themselves to become benevolent.

And they have inherited the will and courage of countless ancestors, and at this moment they are fearless.