
Star-Destroying Gaze

"Are you… Are you real?" Yuan suddenly asked the dragon.

"No, I am a mere illusion created by the Tablet of Comprehension in this world. However, that is not to say I do not exist, as this is an illusion of my real-self. If you manage to reach the upper heavens then perhaps you will get to see the real me. And when that happens, don't think you'll be able to stand there as calmly as you are now." The Dragon spoke in an arrogant voice, sounding as though Yuan had somehow hurt its pride by not cowering in fear from its immense presence like any norm human should.

"Anyway, enough yapping, human. This great one shall demonstrate to you the power of Dragon's Gaze." The Dragon turned to look at the large planet in the distance and continued, "Do you see that star? Before the Dragon's Gaze, it is no different than a little rock…"