
Cultivation of Ancient Knowledge

A calm step along a common path, but in his own direction. Every morning in the Sect begins with the students going to class, and Mac follows his own desire to become stronger, and this path does not always lead to class. The books in his grandfather's room or in the Sect's library help him along the way. The books make Mac calm, cool, and focused, but the young blood sometimes makes itself felt. And since Mac has no desire to lose, he has to find a way to get out of various situations on his way to absolute power.

Vaksym_K · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Sanctuary of Knowledge

As Trevor walked along the winding stone road, his thoughts whirled like a storm, moving incessantly in his mind.

The pain that pulsed through his head did not stop, raising the question of healing and restoring internal trauma. He was contemplating the upcoming choice of a new technique that would breathe new strength into his fighting power. And in the midst of his thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder about the motives behind Mac's acceptance of the challenge. Was it really arrogance that fuelled his determination, or was it something deeper?

Meanwhile, Mac's mind was swimming in a sea called "reality". Despite his desire to defeat Victor in a fight, Mac understood that even if he reached Stage 4 and Victor's sword technique was still at a low level of cognition, Victor could defeat him with brute force alone due to the difference in stages. Awareness of his vulnerability cast a shadow over his thoughts, eclipsing any semblance of arrogance or adolescent bravado.

From time to time, Trevor's gaze would slide towards Mac, sadness in his eyes, but he said nothing. Unspoken emotions hung between them like a wall made of transparent fog, transcending the need for communication.

Side by side, they continued their silent march, moving away from the Central Grounds, until, in silence, Mac and Trevor finally arrived at the sacred grounds of the Sect's Library.

And the first thing they saw were the countless steps they had to cross to even get close to the library's front door.

The steps were carved out of snow-white stone, with only a few specks of dust and dry, scattered earth.

Each step was carefully carved, its sides smoothed to perfection and its edges gracefully rounded.

Somewhere on the hill, the roof of the library could be seen. It was difficult to see the facade, but with each new step upwards, more and more of the library's facade slowly opened up like a blooming flower, captivating the eyes of those who dared to climb.

Step by step, up the long flights of stairs.

Trevor's eyes were fixed on the white steps, his arms stretched out to cushion his fall, as the pain of his internal injuries still resonated in his tired body.

Another step was crossed by the students' feet.

In contrast to Trevor, Mac's gaze went upwards, and was riveted on the celestial panorama of the boundless blue sky and the majestic facade of the Sect's Library.

Although he had seen this view countless times, he had never looked down at the rectangular white staircase.

The anticipation of entering the library filled Mac with a deep sense of awe, the appearance of the library reminding him of the greatness of the knowledge it contained.

One foot on a new step, the other foot on the next step, they continued their ascent until the steps ended and a large three-storey building appeared in front of their friends.

The enormous height of the building, combined with its high location, created a fascinating view, as if the sky itself was resting on the roof of the library.

It was a place where mortal aspirations and celestial wisdom converged, where the boundaries of reality and imagination blurred, and where seekers of knowledge embarked on a transformative journey that would change their lives forever.

Decorated with polished wooden panels, the facade of the library shimmered in the afternoon sun.

Bathed in the gentle rays of the sun, the panels shimmered with an ethereal glow, as if imbued with the very spirit of the martial arts they sheltered.

A pair of large wooden doors marked the entrance, as if they were sentinels standing still, demarcating the threshold between the mortal world and the sacred shrine contained within. The door was decorated with complex symbols, the mysterious meaning of which was incomprehensible to most members of the sect.

The door was slightly ajar and there were no guards at the entrance, thus inviting everyone to enter. However, its width allowed only one person to pass through at a time, a silent reminder of the library's immensity, stating that even with the doors open, all of its wisdom could not be absorbed in a single moment.

Above the entrance was a wooden plaque with the name of the library neatly engraved in gilded letters. Its strokes, precise and elegant, were reminiscent of a venerable family that had preserved the martial arts for generations.

And the name of the Sect's library was the Library of the Art of the Sword, a testament to the revered knowledge contained within its walls.

Mac and Trevor approached the library's large front door, their eyes riveted on the tumultuous scene unfolding before them. A crowd of people were pushing and shoving, desperately trying to get in or out through the narrow gap between the doors.

The limited space allowed only one person to pass through at a time, oblivious to the presence of others trying to enter or exit at the same time.

But even with this chaotic behaviour, there were certain unspoken rules that people still followed. Those who had recently arrived stood patiently at the back of the queue, waiting to get closer to the coveted front door.

Each one squeezed as best they could through the small opening of the front door, their eagerness overshadowed by the presence of other students who were also making their way to the front door.

Trevor followed the unwritten rule of standing at the back of the line.

However, Mac's anger was still burning from Victor's arrogance in Central Square, so he went straight for the front door despite the crowd and the unwritten rule.

With unwavering determination, he strode purposefully towards the library's threshold, ignoring the bustling crowd.

Trevor saw this, but he didn't bother to remind Mac of the rule because he didn't want to stand in line either, especially in his state, so he decided to take advantage of the situation and followed right on Mac's heels.

Mac's cold aura and determined strides caused the students in the queue to shiver, instinctively forcing them to move aside, making way for him to enter the library.

As soon as he approached the threshold, a student from the exiting group tried to slip past him, unaware of Mac's intentions. When he met Mac's icy gaze, the student recoiled, dumbfounded for a moment.

Mac's penetrating gaze seemed to pierce through the crowd, but at the same time, Mac was not looking at anyone in particular. And at that very moment, Mac didn't even think about stopping or slowing down, he continued to move decisively towards the library.

The next moment, he wanted to step aside, but the students behind him pressed their bodies against him and directed him towards the exit where Mac was now.

He was caught between Mac, with his heavy gaze on the student, and the group of people pressing him from behind. The student felt as if he was between a rock and a hard place.

Desperate to escape, he pressed himself against the inside of the right front door with all his might, creating a gap between his body and the left door.

Mac silently, without even slowing down, took advantage of the fleeting opportunity and stepped into the gap between the doors with a confident step.

As soon as Mac stepped onto the marble floor of the library, Trevor followed him, manoeuvring decisively through the crowd.

Thus the two friends triumphantly crossed the threshold, stepping into the sanctuary of knowledge and enlightenment. However, their arrival was accompanied by a disturbing sound - a muffled thud that resonated in the marble space, accompanied by a pained cry. It was the student Maca met at the library's door.

Left unnoticed in his suffering, the student's face showed resentment, and his brightly burning eyes burned with unquenchable anger.

But no one noticed the student's look, especially Mac.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, the noise of the bustling Central Square and the rustling of the leaves of the surrounding trees instantly subsided, giving way to a reign of silence and tranquillity.

The air was filled with the faint scent of aged parchment and the whispers of librarians answering students' questions, as well as the intense breathing of other students who were absorbed in their studies.

Soft, unearthly light cascaded in through the large windows, illuminating the endless rows of bookshelves that stretched far into the distance with an otherworldly glow.

Combined with the high ceilings, the library looked more like a labyrinth of enlightenment. The interior of the library was carefully designed on each of its three floors, which consisted of numerous halls. It was in this labyrinth that the secrets of knowledge were hidden, patiently waiting to be discovered.

As soon as a student enters the library, he or she finds himself or herself in Hall 1 on the first floor, where there was not a single book or scroll. Tables and chairs served as a solace for those who had already chosen their literary interlocutor and were looking for a quiet place to delve into their pre-selected knowledge.

Trevor looked around and saw that all the tables were occupied, and there was not a single free seat in Hall 1. Meanwhile, Mac, without hesitation, purposefully headed for Hall 2 on the first floor.

Most of this room was occupied by bookshelves that seemed to rise to the very heavens, made of solid wood and containing the knowledge that had been accumulated by the hard work of past generations.

Leather-bound volumes with time-worn pages lay peacefully on the wooden shelves.

In Hall 2, in the furthest corner of the first floor, next to the librarian's desk, there was a row of books on sword techniques. It was here that Mac's footsteps led him, with Trevor following close behind.

Walking along the marble floor, Mac met not only the disciples of the Sect who had come to the library in search of new knowledge, but also the library staff. Much to Trevor's surprise, they greeted him politely, and he reciprocated, although his aura was still cold. Trevor couldn't help but think that he had entered Mac's private sanctuary of knowledge, not the Sect's Library.

After a few steps and a few polite greetings, the two friends could see the librarian's desk. Behind it was a calm man with soft features, his short black hair framing his face with a touch of elegance that went well with his short stature and full body.

He was not just a librarian on the 1st floor of the Sect Library. He was the leader of the 1st floor of the Sect Library. And his name was Manager Joe.

Next to Manager Joe stood a hunched over, thin person who was actively asking Supervisor Joe questions. The person was gesturing with his hands. The sleeves of his long, dark purple robe, decorated with mysterious patterns, occasionally slipped from his thin arms with each enthusiastic movement.

Mac was interested in this self-confident person. At the time, Trevor was looking for familiar faces and simply enjoying the views of the library's 1st floor.

As Mac approached, snatches of conversation reached his ears, giving him a glimpse into the conversation that was unfolding before his eyes.

"...unfortunately, I don't have that information. But if you want to know it so badly, you can go to Elder Stray's office on the 3rd floor of the Sect's Library. He might be able to provide you with the answers you are looking for," said Manager Joe in a polite tone and with a professional smile on his lips.

The person made a disgruntled face and headed out of the library in a bad mood, his departure completed by a hasty turn towards the library's front door.

Many students standing nearby raised their eyebrows in surprise. Among them was Trevor, who recognised the unknown person at a glance as the Left Vice-Chairman of the Sect, Elder Fu.

With purposeful steps and an air of urgency, Elder Fu moved quickly, attracting the attention of the disciples in the library.

One by one, the disciples turned around and bowed respectfully and greeted the venerable Vice-Chairman with reverence.

"A student greets the Left Vice-Chairman!" they said with reverence.

Trevor followed suit, showing his respect.

However, Mac just stopped. He decided to silently stare at Elder Fu as he passed by.

Luckily for him, the Vice-Chairman walked quickly and confidently, so he didn't even pay attention to the greetings of the students, including Mac's rude glance.

As the others watched the Vice-Chancellor walk away, Mac walked calmly to the librarian's desk.

"Apprentice Mac, did you get homesick and decide to finally return to your home?" asked Manager Joe, jokingly.

Mac's gaze softened for a moment, and the corners of his lips lifted into a wide smile, the first time he had seen it since he left the Central Square.

"Unfortunately, the time for my return has not yet come. But rest assured, it will come soon enough," Mac replied with polite determination.

"Hm. Very well, then, how can I help you?" Manager Joe's decided to move away from small talk and started talking to the point.