
Cultivation Dream, Project; Isekai

When the twin sisters lose their parents in a devastating way, they turn their attention over to a game in hopes that they will forget the pain brought onto them. What they don’t realize is how relevant the game will be later on in their lives…

TaoistOfTheVoid · Fantasía
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7 Chs

The Elder Princess’s Condition

XieYang, XieYu and XieYin were all resting in the master bedroom given to them since they had requested to stay in a room all together, speaking with one another about the situation that happened earlier on. XieYin was quiet as usual, even during the conversation.. however;

"..I'm going for a walk."

She suddenly stated, which took XieYang and XieYu off guard, they wanted to ask if she wanted them to follow but her gaze refused that idea so they simply nodded with a smile. XieYin then had gotten up and exit their room without making much fuss.

"...I know you're there."

She stated while walking down the hallway, her beautiful crimson eyes shot towards a certain pillar before she exhaled and walked off.. leaving a silence in the halls, many would think she was being paranoid but the individual behind the pillar knew better. This individual was the Princess, ShiQiu.

"How.. my level is.... damn it....How can I spy on her if she knows where I am..?"

The Princess pondered quietly with a semi-adorable pout that followed soon after, walking off to try and find the red-eyed beauty of the dark. Her eyes finally made contact with her target when she entered the garden. XieYin was tending to the flowers, the Yin Lotus Flowers & the Yang Lotus Flowers specifically.. it was something that makes a male's Yang Qi and a female's Yin Qi more 'ripe', beneficial and powerful to cultivate with. ShiQiu inhaled and let out a soft but long exhale.. mustering up the courage to speak;

"S-Sorry for spying on you three earlier.. U-Um, I am-"

"I know who you are, Princess ShiQiu."

XieYin had stated in a low tone of voice(Also Semi-Quiet), which for some reason sparked something inside of the Princess, causing her royal flower to quiver in anticipation. XieYin had knew what was going on now thanks to the System granted to her.. she thought to herself and remembered that this could be the golden opportunity to gain some Yin Qi for 'experiments' and 'funds', she knew many would pay a heavy amount for the Qi of a Royal.

"I-If I may.. I get why you're looking at the Yin Lotus Flowers.. but why are you looking at the Yang Lotus Flowers? They only benefit males."

ShiQiu had asked while slightly tilting her head to the side, giving a soft chuckle before a thought suddenly clicked to her. Which made her slightly upset, clenching her own fists as she stated;

"Ah.. right, for your future Cultivation Partners.."

XieYin sighed in slight annoyance at the guess before looking at the Princess and walking over, slamming her own lips against the Princess's. Her tongue slowly pried between the gentle but tender lips and swirled around her's.. this make out session continued for a few seconds before XieYin broke the kiss she initiated, causing a string of saliva to form between their lips.

"No, I was looking at the Quality of the flowers because they also can be used to help those who suffer from their own Yin Qi going passed it's limits and causing an 'Overheat'.." (Overheat = When your total amount of Qi surpasses your limits and starts tearing your body apart, slowly killing you.)

ShiQiu was surprised to hear this as even the Royal Doctors at the palace suggests that Dual Cultivation was the only way to cure an Overheat, she would know.. she saw what an Overheat could do, this individual being her unfortunate Elder Sister. The Elder Princess is never seen in public anymore because she became a shut-in after one of the doctors participated in Dual Cultivation with her.

"You ok?"

XieYin had asked, which snapped Princess ShiQiu back into reality with a smile before nodding with a smile, forgetting that it was XieYin who was in front of her. XieYin could tell how the princess was feeling not only because of the system but because of her skill, known as 'Emotional Aura Sense'.

"....Alright, talk.. what happened?"

XieYin asked with a demanding attitude which caused ShiQiu's forbidden flower to slightly twitch in submission, she now looked aside and exhaled with a defeated expression.

"I can't hide anything from you.. can I?"

She asked with a bitter smile, starting to explain the situation to XieYin which caused her eyes to narrow.. right after she mentioned the Dual Cultivation Practice with the doctor, they both heard a scream.. which caused them to run over.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw that XieYang and XieYu was already over there, being blocked by a few Medical Assistants as a Doctor seemed to be talking with the King and Queen. XieYin performed the Nine Astral Steps Technique and rushed passed the guards to stand near the King and Queen, the doctor's assistants were dazzled when the guards did not move to assist them.

"Your highness.. may I ask?"

XieYin asked, deciding to allow the King to keep his face in front of everyone. The Queen was sorrowful and the King was mentioning how he had asked the Doctor who Dual Cultivated with the princess last time to assist the Elder Princess since the Overheat had begun again. But the Elder Princess kept refusing so they had resort to.. force.


XieYin asked in anger which frightened the King, Queen, Princess(ShiQiu) and the guards since they all knew of her strength.. her image faded once more with the doors flying open.. revealing a scene that broke the King and Queen's hearts.. shocking everyone else, the Doctor was trying to force the Princess to Dual Cultivate with him in order to 'save her'. Though the next sentence caused the King's blood to boil when the Doctor said aloud;

"Let me give you kids..! So I can marry into Royalty, you dumb whore!"

It was then that XieYin grabbed the shoulder of the Doctor and threw him out with a single swing, the doctor was immediately pinned down by the General who had a face of pure rage. The Elder Princess was shaking and crying in pain, XieYin had hugged her in which the Elder Princess did try refuse at first.

"You're safe.. You're safe... I'll help you... He can not hurt you....."

XieYin's voice was soothing enough for the Elder Princess to calm down, still sniffling and crying from the pain. She exhaled and gently laid the Elder Princess down before gently stating;

"Please bare with it for a moment.."

XieYin had taken a piece of paper out, along with a brush pen.. dipping it in ink for a second before she began writing down a list of items & ingredients she had needed, handing it to the King and Queen.. who had entered the room.

"Please get me these items as soon as possible.."

The King was skeptical at first but reminded himself that XieYin was an avatar and if anyone can save his beloved elder daughter, it was her. The Queen was crying in sorrow as she heard the Elder Princess's cry of pain, the King quickly sent the guards to retrieve all the items that was on the list.

"Please.. save my daughter..!"

The Queen begged, trying to kneel in front of XieYin only for XieYin to hold her hand up at the Queen without muttering a single word, this had greatly shocked everyone at the scene. Within 9 minutes, the guards had all returned with the needed items, 4 guards carrying a cauldron into the bedroom.

"Now all of you shut up and just watch.. do not distract me or the Princess's death will be on your hands."

XieYin said without sugarcoating anything, she began by mentally invoking a pyromancy spell under the cauldron which had set a beautiful azure flame below the cauldron. This had greatly amazed many guards and medical workers who's main attribute was pyromancy. She followed soon after by throwing in the required amount of rye, aloe, saint grass and a drop of peacock tear into the cauldron with a minimal amount of water.

Once the combination was boiling, she had added some ground up Yang Lotus Flower which caused a miniature explosion that was stopped due to XieYin being smart enough to slam the lid back on last second.

"This is the thing that will save the Princess.."

XieYin had stated, opening the lid and reaching inside the cauldron to pick something up.. revealing to everyone a pure silver pill. A pill with such purity that even the God of Alchemy would be brought to tears.

"Now then.."

XieYin stated as she turned to everyone else with a smile that was genuine but terrifying in nature.

"Get out."

(1443 Words)