
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
126 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue (1)

The prologue is written in third person, the rest will be written in first person


In the vast expanse of the universe, there existed countless realms and worlds that were inhabited by powerful cultivators who possessed incredible abilities and skills that were beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. Among these cultivators was a being known as Heavenly Way White, who possessed immense power and knowledge that made him a legend in the cultivation world.

One day, while travelling through time and space, Heavenly Way White had a genius idea that would change his life forever. He wanted to have a child of his own, someone who would inherit his legacy and continue his journey of cultivation. After much contemplation, he decided to venture into the future and search for a suitable partner who could bear his child.

He soon found himself in the Era of the 8th Heavenly Ways Era, a time when the Heavenly Court was at the peak of its power and glory. There, he met the most prominent woman of this Era, who was known as the Heavenly Emperor. She was a formidable cultivator who possessed great wisdom and beauty, and White was immediately struck by her charm and grace.

As they spent more time together, White and the Heavenly Emperor grew closer and eventually fell in love. They knew that they were meant to be together, and so they decided to get married and start a family. White realized that she would be the perfect partner to bear his child. After discussing his intentions with her, she agreed to become his wife and bear his child.

As cultivators of their level, they possessed the ability to determine the gender of their child. However, their desires for the gender of their child were conflicting. The Heavenly Emperor wanted a cute daughter. She is immortal anyway and does not need any male descendant to inherit her. Also, she doesn't think that necessarily a man is required to inherit her, due to her being a female leader too, while White knowing that after the stunt he pulled has not much time left and therefore wanted a strong man to inherit him.

After a lengthy argument, they came to a compromise. They decided to grant their child a special bloodline that would enable them to freely switch between the male and female gender, thus allowing the child to decide their own gender for themselves. This would give them the best of both worlds and prevent any future disputes over their child's gender.

The process of granting such a bloodline was a relatively easy task for White, who had the power of a Half-Step Transcendent, a power above even that of the Current Heaven. As they went through with their plan, they both couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for their future child's arrival.

Months passed and the time for the birth of their child drew near. White and the Heavenly Emperor were filled with joy and anticipation, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their offspring. They had made the necessary preparations, ensuring that the child would have everything they needed to thrive and become a powerful cultivator.

As the day of the birth arrived, the couple was joined by their close friends and fellow cultivators, including Eastern Great Emperor, Southern Great Emperor, Western Great Emperor, Northern Great Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor's disciple Ah Chang. They gathered together to witness the momentous occasion and to offer their support and guidance to the new parents.

The room was filled with a sense of excitement and wonder as the child was born. White and the Heavenly Emperor could hardly contain their emotions as they held their newborn in their arms. The child was a beautiful baby, with a head full of hair and bright, curious eyes.

What his parents didn't know was that this child was a reincarnate from another world. In his previous life, he had died in an accident that was far from normal. As a young man, he had been walking down the street when he was suddenly hit by a road roller driven by none other than Dio, who screamed "RODA ROLLA" as he ran him over. The last thought he had was "What the fuck" before his life was snuffed out.

As fate would have it, he was reborn into a family of cultivators from a novel he read in his previous life, and from the moment he took his first breath, he was given the Dao Name Zenith Heaven Emperor. This name represents his origin as the Heavenly Emperor's child, due to the Heavenly Emperor only granting her most competent subordinates, including herself, the title of Emperor. In her opinion, it is only natural that her child also has Emperor in his name. Zenith Heaven on the other hand represents his father's status as the strongest Heavenly Way so far. His parents however only rarely referred to him by his full Dao Name, most of the time only calling him Zenith Heaven, while the rest of the world only addressed to him as the Heavenly Court's Crown Prince or Crown Prince.

He was the most talented individual in the history of the cultivation world, with a bloodline that stood at the peak of the entire known world. As the son and daughter of the Seventh Heavenly Way that half-transcended the Way and the Heavenly Emperor, a Spirit Ghost fragment created by the Third Heavenly Way and modified by the Eight, he was naturally gifted in cultivation.

His talent was further enhanced by the abundance of resources available to him as the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Court. But perhaps the most significant factor contributing to his exceptional cultivation abilities were his memories of his previous life. As a young male, he had watched and read many anime, manga, and novels, including Cultivation Chat Group, where he had reincarnated into.

The memories from his previous life had given him a head start in his new life, allowing him to approach cultivation with maturity beyond his years. At the age of three, he began cultivating, becoming a Spirit Sovereign at four and holding his Sage Sermon at ten. By the time he reached the age of 13, he had already become a Tribulation Immortal, setting a record as the youngest Tribulation Immortal to ever exist.

Despite his exceptional talents, his parents suspected that he might be the reincarnation of a certain Holy Man, but they never read his mind, and it didn't matter to them as long as he was their child. As he grew older, they watched him with pride, knowing that he was destined for greatness. They could hardly wait to see what kind of heights he would reach in his cultivation journey.

The reason for his fast cultivation speed was his unique cultivation technique, the Heaven Devouring Battle Law. This technique allowed him to absorb anything and transform it into something to aid his cultivation. Whether it was an artifact or an enemy, he could absorb them all without any backlash. It was the golden finger he received when he reincarnated, and it was also the most terrifying aspect of his power.

In battle, Zenith Heaven Emperor would use his Heaven Devouring Battle Law to absorb his enemies' energy and cultivation, leaving them weaker and weaker until they were completely consumed. It was a ruthless technique, but one that he felt was necessary to protect himself and his loved ones.

When he reached the fourth stage of his cultivation, he had made a choice that surprised many. Instead of choosing one living item, he chose an entire set. The first item in the set is a weapon known as the World Destruction Weapon, which had been gifted to him by his father.

This weapon is a very special item, created using the powers of a Half-Transcendent, and was capable of surpassing even the Way Items by far. The World Destruction Weapon, when used at full power, is capable of transforming into any other weapon, whether it be a sword, a spear, a bow or anything else. It can even transform into weapons that don't even exist in the current time, like guns. Regardless of its form, this weapon is capable of destroying a super universe like the Nine Serenities with a single strike.

The second item is a smartphone that his father had gifted him for fun when he had asked him what the future looked like. His father went into the future, snatched this phone, made some pictures and gave it to his son. This smartphone, however, had been transformed into an artifact of the same level as the World Destruction Weapon. Despite its transformation, the smartphone still had all the functions of a normal smartphone. This would later be the phone that Zenith Heaven Emperor would use to join a certain chat group. Over time, this phone was used to create many pictures and videos and became sort of an item that Zenith Heaven used to record his entire life.

The third and final item was a piece of cloth known as the World Protection Robe. Just like the World Destruction Weapon, the World Protection Robe was capable of transforming into any form, but instead of any form of weapon, it could transform into any form of clothing. This piece of clothing was strong enough to withstand the full power of a Heavenly Way. It was essentially the way that Heavenly Way White protected his son from any harm, as when wearing it, even the Current Heaven wouldn't be able to harm him.

After reaching the fifth stage of cultivation, Zenith Heaven Emperor's talent continued to soar to unimaginable heights. As he entered the crucial stage of Golden Core formation, everyone expected him to produce a Golden Core with nine Dragon Marks, the peak of a normal cultivator's abilities. However, Zenith's Golden Core exceeded all expectations. Instead of nine Dragon Marks, he had eleven, a feat that was thought to be impossible.

But that wasn't all. Zenith's Golden Core was not a typical one, but a Golden Palace, a sign that he was destined for greatness. When he ascended to Spirit Sovereign, the magnitude of his talent and strength became clear. His Golden Palace was a thing of beauty, a sight that left all who saw it breathless. It was a shining example of his immense power and unique abilities.

And then he spoke, delivering a line that would go down in history as one of the most famous ever said by any person. "Eight deserves utmost veneration, Nine embodies extreme perfection, Ten creates a miracle across the eons, and Eleven decides the Heavenly Way's throne!" His words echoed throughout the cultivation world, and soon, every cultivator knew them by heart.