
Night Activity With the teacher (18+)

Two nights ago, in the heart of Greenwood Village, a hushed silence enveloped the surroundings as the clock ticked well into the night. However, within the confines of a particular house, the typical tranquility was replaced by a medley of sounds – the murmur of conversations, peals of laughter, and even the occasional subdued groan echoed through the walls. Despite the late hour, the warm glow from the illuminated windows painted the darkness outside. 


This was Stella's dwelling, the esteemed teacher of the village school, known to all who resided nearby. To the villagers, the sight of Stella's illuminated home at such an hour was nothing out of the ordinary. Recently her abode had become a hub of nocturnal activity, and the locals had grown accustomed to the lively scenes unfolding within. The flickering lights escaping through the open windows hinted at an ongoing event inside.