
Hunting Illusory Beasts

After Xuan Hao began focusing on recovering and let out the rabbit demon beast and the squirrel, it did not take long before the rabbit demon beast took command of the situation and began the process of training the rabbit once again. Taking full advantage of the beneficial environment in the Ephemeral Forest to help increase the strength of the squirrel, while at the same time not forgetting to make sure that the squirrel didn't slack off-


Because of this, the squirrel ended up in a half-dead state as it was trained in a way that could only be described as tortuous for the next week. Even though its strength grew rapidly because of this, it wanted nothing more than to go back to training inside the small space of the pocket again. Not only because it was far more relaxing, but also because it would have some time to rest in between training sessions, something that it didn't have during the week inside the Ephemeral Forest.