
Part #7 - My Bad

Days later,

Chris and Prince were having a sip of tea on the roof of a building on a cold night. Chris asked Zak on a radio device, " Have you seen anything? "

" No! I Haven't seen anything yet. "

Chris and Prince were waiting for some clients who were supposed to be arriving at Plaza hotel. Chris quietly said, " Ahh! This ain't got much worse than this. "

" Relax! One thing I don't want is to die here with you. "

Suddenly the radio erupted in panic, " We got them on sight. "

Chris took off and aimed his sniper onto the guests first. Chris asked, " Any idea? Who could he be? "

Prince was also watching from his sniper too, "I have no idea who he could be. "

Again the radio erupted and said, " The man in a black suit with a trendy hat on his head. "

Prince, " Got you! "

" Where is he? "

" There on the bottom left car, he's getting out of his car. This is the right moment. "

Suddenly two black suit men exited the car. Chris got confused and asked,

" Shit! That must be their trick to fool us. He's not in these cars. "

" Then where? "

" In one of the hotel rooms. "

Chris grabbed the radio and says, " He's not here, meet me at the maintenance entrance. "

Chris and Prince took out few maintenance workers and wore their dresses. Sasha, Zak, Dave, Ethan, Faisal and Forth arrived, Sasha, " What's going on? "

Chris, " It was a diversion, Morrice must have known. Don't worry, I have an idea. "

Chris, Ethan and Prince followed him inside the hotel. While pretending to be maintenance workers, they were searching for the room too. Ethan stumbles upon a guy who was looking for the bathroom but he wasn't local or anything. Ethan and Prince followed him to the restroom. They pretended to use washroom and asked him,

" So! You are a tourist right? "

" No! I'm here for some business deal. "

" Oh! Is he a businessman? "

" You can say that, he's kind of a dick. "

Prince grabbed him and knocked him out, he locked the restroom and said, " Go tell Chris! We had him. "

Sasha and others were guarding the backdoor entrance when suddenly a few cops walked into them and began to ask questions. Sasha and others remain calm and composed. After a while, they left but some henchman started to walk towards them. Sasha signalled others to take care of them. Dave and Faisal tackled all three henchmen and killed them. Sasha, " Keep your guard up. "

Chris walked into the restroom where Prince and the person were unconsciously lying on the floor.

" You sure about him? "

" I'm sure he matches the description. "

" If only one thing we could match with him is a dot on his face. Move his face towards me, Ethan. "

Dot was on his cheek and he matches the description. Chris immediately took out his gun and shot him. Chris suddenly realised, his gun doesn't have a muzzle on it. The sound created panic in the hotel, everyone began to run everywhere. Chris, " Fuck! I forgot to put a muzzle on it. "

" It's not the time, we need to get out of here before more of them come. "