
Cthulhu in One Piece

Do not sleep when the stars are close to aligning, or Cthulhu will invade your dreams. When you talk to a member of the Hastur sect, never pronounce the name of his god. Never challenge Yog-Sothoth, because those who challenge him have lost their right to exist. Nyarlathotep has always had an interest in human beings, but don't get me wrong; his interest is the same as when a child sees a new toy. So, you better entertain her; after all, what happens when a child stops liking his toy? Imagine a being that has the simple ability to create and destroy everything without any effort, just by wanting to. Your presence alone can incinerate entire planetary systems. Now think that this same being has not the slightest idea of the greatness of his powers. who has no idea how damaging it is to his own reality, is an irrational being with no instincts to guide his actions, his mind is completely adrift. I present Azathoth to you.

CWN1223 · Cómic
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14 Chs

the beginning

'because I can't open my eyes'

'I don't feel my body'

'I died?'

'or am I in a coma?'

{ding!!! the system is booting}

'what?' Zion looked at the red screen in front of him

'a system? You mean I transmigrated? But why is it so dark? I died before I was born, how lucky'

{host you didn't die, you were sealed}

'sealed, why?'

{the reason is that you transmigrated before activating the system, so the will of the world expelled you}

'If I had the system before this wouldn't have happened?'

{yes, host}

'I understand, well and now?'

{Initiating countermeasures, receive rookie packs}

'hahaha, now it looks like a light novel' laughed Zion

{Do you want to open the package?}

'calm down, before that why can't I remember how I died?'

'system how I died?' Zion asked curiously

{the host decided to marathon the HP Lovecraft books, after reading the first book it was already night, so you went to sleep. But when you looked out the window, a plane was passing}

{you were startled by the light of the plane, thinking it was an invasion of a cosmic being}

{so you had a heart attack and died}

'cough...cough now I remembered'

'well forget about it, ahahaha' Laughed Zion with an embarrassed face

'system open the package for me'

{you received:

2 orders to summon slaves

1 chance to alter an object}

'System please explain'

{the order to summon a slave is to pull into your domain someone who has already died, or lost their sanity (ignores the will of the world)}

{alter an object to your will and inject a small fraction of your power}

'the order of summoning is good, but the other one is useless' sighed Zion seeing that he will never be able to break the will of the world

'If only I had some power'

{host you have power, a lot of power, but you have been sealed}

'I've? I'm just a normal person'

'wait, if i have power show me my statuses'


cthullu 100% (sealed)

Azathoth 0% (blocked)

yog-Sothoth 0%( blocked)

Nyarlathotep 0%(blocked)

Hastur 0% (blocked)

{servants: n/a}

'I'm so strong' he screamed internally

'wait, system because I have these powers, I'm not evil'

{I am made to serve the host, so I gathered everything you thought of in the last hours of your life and turned it into your power}

'looks like I'm going to turn evil hehe'

'How do I unlock the other models?'

{collectin emotions of faith and fear}

'I understand, but more importantly, how do I break the seal?'

{to break the seal, you must alter the fate of the world, this will weaken the will of the world}

'change the fate of the world? how to do this? I don't know the future, if only I had the power of yog-sothoth' sighed Zion

{Aren't you going to ask me what world are you in?}

'hmmm, do you know how many worlds there are in the universe? and then in the multi-universe? well it doesn't cost anything, what world am I in?'

{One Piece}

'what!!! This world exists? isn't it just an animation?'

{Isn't Cthullu part of a book?}

'cough...cough is different' Zion say with embarrassment

'that helps a lot at least, so what moment in the history are we in now?'

{there are a few hours left for the battle of god valley}

The Battle of God Valley was the ultimate fight between the Rocks Pirates against the Navy, the World Government and the Roger Pirates.

Rocks d xebec died in the fight thus ending the battle, and an era.

'That's good, it looks like it's defined who will be the first slave, now which object do I change'

'this is very important after all through him my name will be known in the world, and it has to be someone important to change the destiny of the world'

'system you said i can put some of my power in, but it's sealed'

{you have a little power in your conscience, otherwise you couldn't wake up during the seal}

'what would happen if I injected the power of my conscience into the object'

{you would enter a sleep state}

'and what impact would it have on a normal person'

{no impact}


'System, i can have infinite strength with these models, everything was supposed to be easy, and I should become the greatest interstellar ruler'

{in fact, with all models integrated its strength is invincible}

'so why does it feel like I'm playing in hell mode'

{stop drama, it's not all bad, with the rest of your power you can influence someone who has totally lost their sanity, or someone who has a terminal illness}

'wait terminal illness?' Zion's brain is working trying to remember the one piece series

'It will be? not impossible'

'system if an extremely strong person with an unshakable will has a terminal illness, can he be infected?'

{depends, on whether the person has already accepted his death, so yes}

'it looks like the path is set ahahaha' zion with an evil smile starts laughing like the joker while floating in space