
CSM: A simple letter of hate

What would you do if you lost everything you once had, and instead, its been replaced with unfamiliar faces, strange places, and even stranger situations. That's what our protagonist has to go through now. Finding himself in time before apes picked up sticks, how will he deal with beings that can, and will murder him on a whim.

OrdealOfMc · Cómic
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9 Chs

A simple begining

"This is not such a bad life" Edrien, now Teng Chu, mused while adjusting his uniform, readying for his first day of the lessons of Cultivation.

Edrien certainly was surprised when instead of darkness or white limbo, he found himself in the arms of a woman, his mother, as a newborn baby, surrounded by servants and opulence he thought he would see only in fantasy movies.

Luckily, his birth situation was normal, as far as he could understand. No clishe of being a threat to the heir of a throne, and needing to be a calculating bastard just to survive, no having damaged meridians or some shit and be downgraded to jester of a kings court expy, and no old time enemy massacring his whole family to give him motivation to became a murder hobo.

Actually, when he thought about it, this world was strangely peaceful, even if full of what basically comes down to reality benders of varying strength. He guessed when your lifespan stretches out to hundreds, if not thousands of years, everyone is careful to not make enemies for stupid reason.

As such, Edrien found himself living an easy, if unexciting life as an heir to a small noble family, in the East District of Dulhan Empire, seemingly the only superpower in the world.

So far, his life consisted of being pampered by his mother and father as a baby, taken out to see his future fiefdom by his uncle, Teng Wu, who works as an advisor to his father, Teng Lu, and having small adventures trying to steal cookies and other such things from the servants kitchen without anyone knowing. Who knew that being a small child gives you munchies.

A couple years ago, when he was 6, he started learning combat Katas from instructors, and general life lessons from the many many scholars his father kept around. It might seem like a bit much to have a 6 year old go through exercises that would make even the best athletes from his previous world slick with sweat, and it would have been, if not for the miraculous existence of Chi, which if harnessed correctly, can boost the recovery and speed of growth many times over.

Having spent two years learning everything he could from his instructors, which were pleasantly surprised by his speed of progress, Edrien was now going to the Imperial East Academy to further his understanding of Chi and its uses. Edrien himself didn't care much about getting as much power as he could, rather he was just excited to search for possibilities that power opened up.

___5 Years Later___

"Did you hear about young Master Teng Chu defending his place as the number one in the leaderboard of might?"

"Of course I have, everyone did. Hard to miss when harlots like you fly around paroting his accomplishments in the hopes of boning him"

"oh please, don't be jealous, it's not my fault you look like cooked pigs ass."

"Pigs ass you say? At least I didn't squander my family's fortune to get some tit expanding pills. It's sad you could afford only one, how does it feel to always be leaning to one side?"

___10 Years Later___

"Did you hear? Master Teng Chu managed to understand the concept of Denial. I wonder what he will be able to accomplish next?"

"Well you don't need to worry about that, a cow like you should only be concerned about chewing grass enough times."

"Fuck you, and you call me a cow, when it's you who's been selling milk from that udder of yours to creeps"

"At least I'm not fat enough to fall off both sides of bed"

___100 Years later___

"Did you hear? His Excellence Teng Chu managed to break through to Sky Emperor Realm, and became enlightened with the concept Growth, I wonder what heights will he able to reach now."

"He won't reach any if he sees your face, after all, didn't the eye medicine sage you've gone to recently told to lie down face first. Poor man, hounded by nightmares of you visage for the rest of his life."

"Fuck you, at least I haven't....I ... fuck you."

___500 Years Later___

"General Teng Chu, you are hereby summoned to the Emperor's court on his Excellency's wish to hear your reason for the experiments you've been conducting on innocent people"

___600 Years Later___

"So this is the end, huh. Never would I though I will live this long." said Edrien, most knowingly know as Dread Asura to the general populance.

"You could have lived longer if you didn't ignore my warning for you actions."- Said Yao Ming, Emperor of Dulhan Empire, and the only living person besides Edrien on the battlefield that was formerly the Capital of the mightiest power of the world, now nothing more than a mass graveyard, full of mulched bodies and cut open heads.

"I truly wish it didn't come to this. You could've done some much more if you only consulted me, asked me for help. Instead you've treated everyone as if they were strangers out for your blood." said Yao.

Edrien, now only a torso on the ground with his all limbs missing, seemingly pondered the words of the only being who could effectively defeat him. After all, with all the power he accumulated, all the techniques he created or learned, all three of the concepts he comprehended, namely Defience, Growth, and his most prized one, , was Inadequacy, he was seemingly achieved the heights never before seen, only the seemingly unreachable cealing of power in this world stopped him from advancing further.

With Defience, he could make even the most powerful have performance problems, seeming turning their attacks into something a dirty villagers could survive.

Growth made him into a Typical shounen protagonist, helping him progress to the level of Cultivation of the most powerful man on Earth, helping keep ahead of the enemies he made along his long life.

And finally, his love child, the result of him turning himself into something the whole world feared and despised, the thing for which he sacrificed all his morals to achieve. His Magnus Opus, the concept Inedequacy.

The enforcing effect of Inedequacy made him into a behemoth of the battlefield, being able to battle opponents that should, by all reason, be able to smear him across the earth like some bug. Instead, their mentality crumbles, their bodies falter, and every moment of their existence turns into one big Question.

Is this Enough?

Edrien truly believed he was solved the great mystery of Chi, accomplished what he set out to do when has but a child.

And then came the End Boss.

In seemingly no time, his existence was unraveled and understood, his plans dissected and discarted, his efforts nulled in the face of absolute power that was, as it turns out, the first cultivator of this world, an ancient being, who's been ruling this world for eons and eons.

Edrien mused if this result was worth the pain and suffering he caused to others and to oneself. But then he understood.

He enjoyed his life, even if there was ups and downs, oh so many downs, he trekked through life with a smile and unwavering desire to see his wish to the end.

He enjoyed the journey,

So shall he enjoy the end.

"I do not need to be greater than this, for I am everything I've ever wanted. So just end this charade, and end me."

"So be it" said Yao Ming, the power of Cosmos and it's infinite power shining in the eyes the colour of starless night.

and so the cultivator arc is done, or rather a chapter. the reason for it is that I didn't want to give mc a power that can no sell everything the plot throws at him just randomly, he had to earn by my decree ;), and some understanding of himself isn't so bad by itself. hope you enjoyed, next start the real begining of CSM arc, but done a bit differently.

OrdealOfMccreators' thoughts