
Crystal Pack

CamrynRovner · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Exploring The Territory

SnowFlake was waiting for FreezePaw but she saw SnowTuft and padded over to ask him a question, "Hey SnowTuft, do you know where Glacier is? I can't seem to find him and I am starting to get worried. Do you know if he is okay?"

SnowTuft said, "No I haven't seen him, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. Not like it's any of your business anyway!"

SnowFlake's jaw dropped open once she heard his rude words so she strictly told him off, "Stop being rude you stupid furball! Go make yourself useful and go hunt or something!"

SnowTuft rolled his eyes and said, "Fine."

SnowFlake couldn't stand to look at him any longer so she turned away and waited for FreezePaw. She saw him coming up the stairs with his sisters following closely behind him. She walked over to meet him just outside the warriors den.

FreezePaw said, "Okay, I've told them." He looked over at them and said, "They would love to get to meet SwiftPup."

SnowFlake said, "Okay, let's take them to the nursery. Follow me!" She led them down the stairs and out of the no-fur camp, then around to the back where they found another set of stairs. They went up the stairs and onto a very thin walkway, that from the look of it, went all the way around to the front of the camp. At the top of the stairs she stopped and said, "Be careful over here, if you fall off the edge you'll be a dead one before you could even yelp for help!" She continued making her way around to the front or the camp and over a metal fence.

SnowFlake padded over to the glass entrance and leaped through it and into the fresh kill pile area, past the pile and into the elders den which led into the apprentices den and said, "This is where FreezePaw and SorrelPaw will be staying." She led them to the exit and headed into the nursery. She sat down right by Frost's nest and said, "This is where CinderPup and TawnyPup will eat, sleep, play, and prettymuch everything else for the next two moons! They are able to leave the den but only if Frost, FreezePaw, SorrelPaw, or any other warriors or apprentices are with them!"

Frost went and sat down in her nest and said, "You may visit them when ever you would like to, just be aure to bring us some prey!"

SnowFlake got up and padded towards the exit and said, "FreezePaw! SorrelPaw! Follow me! Oh, and thank you Frost."

Frost said, "No problem, I love helping out!"

SnowFlake walked out of the nursery, through the the apprentices den and out the elders den, past the pile of fresh kill, and out of the camp. She said, "You go ahead down the stairs, I'll meet you by the warriors den!"

FreezePaw said, "Okay!"

SnowFlake used her powers to fly down to the camp enterance, she landed perfectly and raced up thebstaira and into the warriors den where she found her sister talking to SnowyPaw. She walked over to Winter and said, "Hey sis. I was thinking we could take the apprentices out to do a border patrol and then hunt afterwards. Wanna come?"

Winter said, "Sure, should I go get JayPaw and LionPaw?"

SnowFlake said, "Sure, I'll go get MysticDrop and WhiteStorm too! SorrelPaw and FreezePaw are coming now!" She walked over to WhiteStorm, who was heading to the camp exit. "Hey, WhiteStorm!" She called.

WhiteStorm turned around and said, "Yes SnowFlake?"

SnowFlake said, "Me and winter are taking the apprentices out for a border patrol and then to hunt afterwards. I was wondering if you might want to come?"

WhiteStorm raised his ears and looked towards the camp exit again. He looked back at SnowFlake and said, "Sure!"

SnowFlake said, "Okay wait here, I'll be right back!" She used her super speed power to get to the camp exit to find MysticDrop. She said, "Hi MysticDrop! Would you like to come with me, Winter, and WhiteStorm for a border patrol? We are taking the apprentices out, and we will be going hunting after."

MysticDrop said, "Sure, I could use stretching my legs after sitting here for so long!"

SnowFlake walked back over to her patrol which was waiting for her at the stairs. She said, "Okay everyone, let's go now!"

FreezePaw said, "Go where?"

SnowFlake said, "Well first we are doing a border patrol, and then we will go hunting!"

SorrelPaw said, "Yay, I'm starving!"

SnowFlake said, "I think now would be a good time to teach you rule five of the Warrior Code. After hunting you must take your catch back to camp without eating any!" She led the patrol out of camp and into the forest.

Winter said, "This is The Forest Of Silverpelt, thus is where Crystal Pack, Blood Pack, and Night Pack meet every full moon to talk about any important news."

JayPaw looked up at WhiteStorm and asked, "Can me and LionPaw go to the meeting tomorrow?"

WhiteStorm said, "You can, but LionPaw will have to ask MysticDrop."

At that time LionPaw looked at MysticDrop and said, "Please?"

MysticDrop said, "Yeah but just dont run off!"

JayPaw and LionPaw both started jumping up and down and in union said, "Yay!"

Winter said, "SorrelPaw, and SnowyPaw will go too!"

SnowFlake added, "And so will FreezePaw! Now let's get back to the Patrol. This is the border marking the edge of our territory right by Blood Pack, do you smell them past it?"

FreezePaw raised his head and opened his snout to take in the scent before he said, "Yes."

SnowFlake said, "Remember thaf scent, if you smell it on our side of the border then run back and alert our pack so we can prepere for battle!"

FreezePaw said, "Okay SnowFlake."

SnowFlake pointed her tail towards a fallen oak tree and said, "That is the Night Pack border, they are allowed to cross onto our territory when they want to because they do not attack us. Now everyone may split up and try catching prey and take it on back to camp, FreezePaw stay with me!" She led them over to the edge of the forest and said, "Over there is a really good place to catch mice, but first I will teach you the hunting crouch. There is a huge difference between stalking a mouse and a rabbit, what is it?"

FreezePaw took a second to think and then said, "Rabbits will smell you before it see's you so stalking isn't very helpful, instead you should rely on your speed! Am I right?"

SnowFlake was surprised that FreezePaw was so smart and said, "Exactly, now how about a mouse?"

FreezePaw said, "A mouse will feel your paw steps before it smells you so you must step lightly!"

SnowFlake was starting to admire his skill and said, "Right again. Now try taking all your weight into your haunches so that your paws do not make impact on the ground, remember to be as light as a feather!"

FreezePaw crouched down and began to creep across the ground, once he was in the right pisition he continued creeping forward. He said, "Is this right?"

SnowFlake said, "Keep your rear down, you look like a duck!!" She took a moment of laughter and then added, "Other than that you are perfect."

FreezePaw lowered his rear and said, "Now?"

SnowFlake said, "Yes, now that, is perfect!"

SilverCrystal came out of the shadows and said, "Your oace and forwand movement will come later, but your crouch is perfectly balanced!"

SnowFlake was surprised that her leader wasn't back at camp and said, "SilverCrystal what are you doing here?"

SilverCrystal said, "I came to see how FreezePaw was doing in his new home. Please, continue!"

SnowFlake turned back to FreezePaw and said, "I want you to try catching a mouse, go over there like I told you!"

SnowFlake watched FreezePaw drop into the hunters crouch and he crawled past the bushes. He returned with a mouse dangling from his jaws and he carried it back to SnowFlake. "Is this right?" He asked.

SnowFlake said, "Nicely done FreezePaw! Oh and a helpful tip I have learned is, once you hunt orey and you would like to hunt more, burry your catch in a place where you will remember and go catch more!"

FreezePaw said, "Can I catch more?"

SnowFlake said, "Not today, it is getting late. Pick up that mouse and follow me!"

SnowFlake waited for him to pick up his prey before she led the way back to camp. They went past the meeting rock, out of the forest, and into the camp. "Go put that in the pile and get some sleep, we have training tomorrow! Be sure to eat something first!"