
Crusnik 00(old)

Crusnik 00 Blood, guns, and teeth Home World: Draconic Deus(DxD) patreon.com/GoldDragonMachina

GoldDragonMachina · Cómic
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9 Chs

Coven of Paris

The coven that rules Paris is apart of the Carmilla faction. A descendant of Carmilla that is the 9th daughter or something like that. Her name is Priscilla. She has some higher nobles under her dress. She has yet to lay any hands on the royal family though. The church is keeping them protected.

Their protection against vampires will be unnecessary quite soon though. I'll start from the outskirts of Paris, and start cleaning up the Vampires from there. 

It'll be strays, low-level minions and upstarts that will die first. Then the stronger creatures will be killed as I get closer to the epicenter of their power. Which are the catacombs beneath the middle of the city.

"Crusnik 00, 15% activation."

A single silver wing pops out of my back. One wing is enough though. I begin my extermination. On this night of a full moon, no screams are heard as weakling vampires are killed suddenly. My hands are the weapon of choice as I use them as swords, spears, and hammers. I crush, pierce, and cut up the vampires.

The outskirts and slums are cleared effortless of the infestation. Next I move into the lower income housing districts that circle the city for the most part. House by house, street corner by street corner. I am getting my fill of blood.

At last, I make it to the wealthy districts and the noble districts. Now the vampires are of a quality to where they can sense me before I kill them. They are still unable to defend themselves or move more than centimeter.

After cleaning up those districts. I head underground into the catacombs. My silver wing illuminating the way despite my clarity in the dark.

The smell of my prey begins to be thick enough to feel resistance on my skin. A strong smell too. These will be strong vampires.

The classifications of power normally used is, low-class, mid-class, high-class, and ultimate-class. Beyond that is in the realm of the gods. The exorcist manual has useful information indeed.

These smell like mid-class. I catch a whiff of a high-class I think too.

I keep walking the underground tunnels, following the smell. I find myself walking into a trap. As I stroll into a large hollow room within the catacombs. Mid-level vampires are spread out and around. I can firmly smell the high-class vampire too.

Actually, I can see her. Priscilla is of course the one. Not surprised but was hoping for one.

"Exorcist! What makes you think you can just start killing my minions with no consequences!?", she shouts at me like a spoiled princess.

I say, "Food doesn't get to have answers. You pathetic creatures will all die. Simple as that."

With an indignant expression on her face. I strike at the surrounding vampires suddenly. Using blood manipulation to create various floating weapons to attack.

Priscilla begins to panic and tears some sort of paper. A red magic appears under her and a non-vampire appears.

"Priscilla, what's wrong?"

"Get me out of here now!"

Her plea to escape was funny to me, but I won't allow it if I can.

"17%, activate.", I gave myself a power boost that I translated into speed.

I use my new speed to try and kill the presumed Devil in one shot. It was easier than I imagined as the Devil was barely paying attention to me. Dumb arrogance and nonchalance got this the Devil killed.

I could see the vampire daughter beginning to have mental breakdown. Such a weak mentality is telling. She was given Paris, not rewarded with it. I had collapsed the surrounding tunnel exist so there is no chance of escape.

After rending that last few vampires with a serrated whip of blood. It was time to deal with Priscilla.

She started begging and offering everything her mouth could possibly say.

I shake my head, "Silver hair, red eyes, frilly dress, pale and fair skin. It is truly a same you aren't human."

I then used my hand as a spear and ran her heart through. She had sneakily put up some barrier layers to try and protect herself in case her words didn't work.

Now Paris is clean of the vampire, at least for now.


thanks for reading, you can read two days early on my patreon.