
Party Wipe

Though tiny they were big in heart as they waded through the brush of the forest. After years on this quest they were finally reaching the conclusion. The five man band dived into the witches cave and made it to the bottom. Together they were stronger than a thousand normal sized men, but even a normal sized man would struggle to take down this witch. In fact many normal men had failed this mission. 

First there was the leader Valien, a freckled faced ginger who was the most skilled swordsman in the land. Second was Lance, an black haired edgelord who was good with a blade, third was Malikia a powerful sorcerer, then Tiny the heart of the group, a ginger headed archer who could hit any target, then a heavily built man named Brutus. 

All five of them had conquered many evil, and this one would be no different than they'd hoped. 

They came face to face with their target. She wasn't the usual witch. Wika was a powerful demigod who was planning to plunge the world into darkness. She was also younger and hotter than the average witch. 

She had flawless pale skin, which contrasted with her long straight jet black hair, she wore a translucent cloak which covered her main body and open toed platform booties. They were dwarfed by her shoes, hell they were dwarfed by her. Though in the end she was just normal sized and they were really small, yet this crew had taken down actual giants so her size was no threat, it was power and she had tons of it. 

"I foolish mortals think you have a shot to defeat me. I've been grinding stronger mealworms to dust. I've disemboweled the Kings bests Knights, how do you think you stand a chance." She taunted

"Like this you old hag." Tiny shouted as she shot her in the eye with an arrow. 

"You little whore. If you're this land's last line of defense. Then this shall be easy." 

Wika launched a fierce attack which everyone dodged. Malikia launched a powerful lightning attack from his fingertips which struck Wika in the stomach. 

"Like the bite of a gnat." Wika taunted

Lance went in for the kill, he rushed up to her foot and climbed her platform and then embedded his sword in her ankle. Blood so dark in its color that it was almost black poured out. Wika kicked her foot up and flung lance into the air. 

He came crashing down breaking a few bones instantly. 

"Lance!" Everyone said in unison. 

"Die!" Wika screamed

She shot some lightning at him instantly vaporizing him. 

"No!" Tiny cried out

"That's one down." Wika said

She then unleashed a barrage of fire and lighting from her fingertips which everyone ran around and dodged. Wika was hit in the forehead by a lightning bolt from Malikai. 

"You're really annoying, why don't I take care of you next." Wika said she intensified her barrage solely on Malikai position and he dodged the attacks no longer. He was instantly vaporized by her attack. 

"No!" The three remaining teammate screamed

"I love it when they just get vaporized." Wika laughed 

Tiny turned to Valien and said

"We're taking heavy casualties. Maybe we should retreat?" 

"We can't, we're all that's left." Valien said

"Barrage assault!" Valien shouted

Tiny launched a barrage of arrows at Wika who barely felt anything. 

"Are these toothpicks? Hahaha." She mocked

Brutus snuck around and bashed one of the heels in, the structure of the house collapsed and Wika fell to the ground. Brutus then continued to smash the side of her head with his tiny hammer. Wika grabbed him and instantly plopped him in her mouth. 

"The horror." Tiny exclaimed

Wika got up, still chewing their friend. 

"He broke my shoes. Those shoes meant more to me than he meant to anyone. Good riddance to him." Wika mocked

"You're evil." Tiny cried

"Very much."

Valien rushed in and chucked his sword at her. His sword plunged into her barefoot. Breaking her flesh once again. Valien called back his sword and grabbed it. 

"You're going to die." Valien shouted

"Keep telling yourself that worm." Wika replied

She took her shoes off then chucked them at tiny. Tiny was struck by one after the other and killed instantly. 

"No!" Valien shouted

"You're all alone now. Drop your weapon and I'll spare you and keep you as my slave." Wika said

"No." He rushed in and began slashing her feet. Wika created a forcefield around herself using blue lightning which vaporized Valien in an instant. 

"Hahaha. With them dead this world is mine." Wika shouted