
Clear Crush

James walked down the street in the middle of the day. Ahead of him was a light skin brown woman with curly light brown hair a white short sleeve shirt, gray jogging pants and high heel sandals. The woman was focused on something on the ground. A turned over beetle which was trying its damndest to flip itself back over. 

Without mercy the woman lifted her foot and sent it slamming down onto the lower life form.

The crunch was audible even to James who was standing about two or three yards away. The woman just kept twisting her foot, she then scraped her foot back smearing the remains of the creature. She then stomped on the area again. 

James noticed something about her, though she stood with a straight face he could sense a feeling of satisfaction from her. He walked up to her.

"Hey! What was that?" James asked

"What?" The lady shot back

"You just killed that beetle, it had done nothing to you. Why'd you kill it."

"Oh man, don't tell me you're one of those preachy animal lovers. Look buddy-"

"No, you look. You can't just go stomping on other living organisms for no reason."

"People crush bugs all the time. What's the big deal!"

"No one else takes pleasure in it."

"You have no way of knowing that. You're not a mind reader."

James stood still, left speechless.

The lady put her hands on her hips and one foot forward. 

"Since you want to be so sanctimonious about the life of a bug. How about I turn you into one." She boasted

"What?" James replied

The lady then lightly tapped James on his nose and James began shrinking. Within mere moments he was only an inch tall. He gazed up in horror knowing that he was about to meet the same fate as the bug from just before.

"Since you like bugs so much, and you're about as pathetic as one. I've decided to make you the the size of one." She bragged

"Don't...please..." James pleaded while trembling in fear.

"So which shoe should I crush you under?"

"Neither. Please!"

"My right foot is lonely, it hasn't gotten to stamp out a lesser life form yet. Come here."

James tried to run but fell flat on his face. The woman's foot crashed down upon him crunching every bone in his body to a fine dust. She then slid her foot back revealing nothing but a mangled chunk of meat on the sidewalk. 

"I've always wanted to do that to one of those preachy assholes." She said