
Pervert 2

At the capital city…

At the Xans Mansion…

“Oh men, I'm beginning to worry about George, he's left home for months now, and ever since we've not heard nor heard anything from him,” Brianna said as she entered her brother's room, which had the great complex color of deep grey around his room, he sat on of his black couch tying on his laptop.

“There's no need to worry besides I thought you didn't care about George leaving.”

“That's because I did not have the time to worry about him."


“Besides he's my brother so I should worry about him. I want to be the one playing responsibility since now you've become the serious type since George left.” she walked towards his white bed and sat on it Daniel smiled at what she said though she was saying the truth he'd become a demon face among the employees more than George was. Though he had to maintain a good position in the company since George wasn't available. He'd been the flirt, and playboy and rather now became a demon boss serious about his compassion to succeed even still running his bar business at the same time ( how ironic).

“No need, he'll surely come back." He said still typing on his laptop.

“Though the house is somehow boring without him, no one for me to tease, aah... Daniel how long will it take for him to come back." Daniel closed his laptop dropping it on the small table beside the couch before he looked at Brianna.

“I really don't know but it's on how George is depending on taking out the mission that how it considers the time he'll be out.”

“I hope that he comes soon."


Back to Zuma…

Madison was moving backward when she lost her balance tripping on a stone. She was about to fall when George ran towards her catching her by the wrist, he pulled the wrist of hers bringing her closer to George. This was the romance, they both stared into each other's eyes as George held her around the waist. Madison stared at George his brown hair that reached to the tip of his shoulder, his brown eyes, his lips, she closed her eyes inhaling the scent of his. She loved his scent toxic to her mind, just like lactic acid flavor (fresh milk actually) for some reason she just felt so attracted to this scent of his. She rested her head on his muscled chest as George too was also inhaling the smell of her hair.



“Carry me." She requested

“Why?. You should walk on your little tigress." He tried to tease her.

“Ouch..” he growled after Madison had hit him on his chest, Madison raised her head from his chest to face him. Oh, men, the moon's light was shining on him again, she was so intoxicated just staring at him. He was so handsome and his lips she actually felt like kissing him all day, she stared at him forgetting that she wanted to scold him, she'd become a pervert with this.

“Tigress, you seem to be lost there.." George said removing some strands of her hair and he tucked it behind her ear.

“Would you stop calling me a tigress?"

“But you fit it."

“Oh really, you're something I tripped and you're saying that I should walk by myself. Remember you're going to be my groom so you should act well, besides I'm thinking of asking mom to find me a much better groom. You've missed your chance." She said folding her hand on her chest, she released her arm walking out on George. She was walking out when George suddenly came to her front and carried her, with this Madison had to wrap her legs around George's waist.

“You could ask mom to find you a groom but you wouldn't find anyone better than I am. I'll rather carry you into the waters inside of staying instead of your room so it could be just the two of us there..”

“Really…" she stared at him and now again the feeling came again, she stared at his lips.

“You can kiss me, I won't hinder you from doing it." He said once he noticed her eyes staring at his lips. With this Madison had an idea even when she felt like doing it. She moved closer to George's lips, moving her head towards his lips she closed her eyes only to get there she opened her eyes to see the dude was already waiting for a kiss.

“Do you really love me?." She asked with a smirk as George opened her eyes to see how close she was, just an inch more and their lips will be sealed.

“Okay…" she smiled as she lipped him, moaning allowing the access as a rough battle occurred within the lips. At this moment George began to walk the both of them towards Madison's room been careful they went easy on each other till they got to Madison's door. Once she got there, Madison got down from him looking at George with a smirk.

“Now you can go pervert…" she said with a smile on her face, this was her revenge for him.


“Ooh no, you don't love me so go to your room."

She interrupted. George stared at her once more seeing how mischievous she could be, Madison turned her back leaving. She wanted to see if he wanted to leave but turning her back she saw George leaving with his phone on his ear.

She pouted her lips feeling sad that he didn't reach for her but she boosted herself.

“Maybe father-in-law is the one calling him that's why he's running.”

She mused inwardly as she called one of the maids to come to help her massage her leg entering the room. She wore her robe as the maids came into her room to massage her leg.

“Ah, life…" she murmured feeling the enjoyment of having the best massagers. George was about to reach Madison when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he removed it from his pocket to see who was calling him only to see that the incoming call was from his father. He wanted to cheer up Madison and also react but he couldn't since the call came from his father he could explain to her that he had a call from his father since she would give him reasons for not caring for her. He went out of the house and went to the hall of the festival stadium where he had his call. Not knowing from behind he had a special guest listening to every listenable detail.


Please don't forget to vote and review, love y'all. I wasn't able to give you guys the last one but I'm thinking of adding it to the upload of today, fingers crossed.