


Porex_blind · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Outbreak (2)

The people on that ground frightened about my aura. Even the awakener beside me started to keep distance from me.

"What's your mean"

"Isn't obvious, I just curious to know what kind of abilities do you guys just had"

"We can't be recklessly told you about ours when ya keep yours secretly"

(These people didn't trust me, it will be difficult to track Celia if I can't have a skill that could help me find her)

People are starting to get more suspicious of my presence. I revealed my ability to hide my presence that called 'Stealth'. The result was clear enough, there's no more of suspicious towards me. As I know, there's three or fewer people with such skill. Gyann, the ex-coworker had skill named <(Heal Buff)> while the others named Galang, ex-salesman had skill named <(Aura Sword)>.

The last one got something useful to me <(Creation)> that belongs to one of top ten famous person in the city, Alan the Government Son. Even though he's bitch, at least his appearance not so bad.

He comes to me as he wanted me to work for him in the meantime.

"So, you're also awakened, right?" ask Alan.

(shit, things could be worse if one of his men also awakened, let just play along for now) thought me.

"Yeah, what do you want" replied me.

"Oh, don't be so rude, I just wanted you to escorted me on my father's palace cause my ability is only<(Creations)>" replied Alan.

"What's in it for me to escorted you? Don't you see as well that every building is coming to ruin as well" replies me.

"Yeah, what's he saying is truth, aren't we supposed to help each other by combining our strengths?" ask Gyann.

"FUCK!!, Did you just fucking preach to me? It may be fucking calamities but I.NEED.TO.GO.TO MY PALACE, YOU KNOW?" replied Alan who was so annoyed.

"Hey, calm down. No need to fucking shouting in front of me or Do ya had a death wishes?" releasing intent kill.

Alan terrified by sensing my intent kill so he shut his mouth. Fuck, dealing with this spoiled brat really got me tired and wasting time.

"Alright, I'll escorted you to your so called 'Palace' but in two conditions" showing my two fingers.

"What it is, if money what you expect I'd give as much as you want. Of course if you could also protected me from those monster on my way" smirk Alan.

(Damn, why do I didn't think about this current situation, it would be great if his man could find Celia but judging from his expression it could be worse if this brat uses that chance to trap me in. It would be better if I taken care of him in the middle road, no matter what happens as long as his body is intact, I can take his abilities with 'The Taker')

"I can guarantee your safety as long as you following my orders cause you already know that your ability isn't combatant" said me.

"Tcih, okey I'll follow whatever your decision if you can escorted me safely" said alan with a bit of annoyance.

"How about both of you, would you like traveling together with me or part away" said me.

"I dunno but I still want to search for my family" said Gyaan.

"And you?" asked to Galang.

"I'll tag along maybe it'll be easier if we stay together" said Galang.

"So, Gyaan, still wanna come?" asked me.


"At least I could survive a bit longer if stand by you" relieved Gyaan.

Without further ado we immediately left the place and headed for the governor's palace. We walked carefully not to reveal our presence to the monster.

"Stop" said me.

Alan who was shocked immediately asked the reason why we stopped. I pointed my finger in front. Alan terrified by what he sees, he see a five goblin carrying large sum of gold ingot.

"What's now, Deay?" asked Galang.

"You guys hide first, I'll take a look at it" said me.

"Hey, you said you will protect me but you want to flee away?" yelled Alan.


I shut Alan mouth by putting my palm on him and said "Do as I say or wanted to be cannon fodder?".

Alan nodding his head sign that he's agreed with Deay word's. I and Galang slowly walk forward to ambush the goblin.


I rushed into the goblin that carrying the gold ingot. My presence still unrevealed after killing one goblin. The duration is almost over so I had to rush every goblin in there.

"Galang" shouted me.

Galang were prepared by holding junk of pipe. Even though Galang only use pipe, the power of <(Sword Aura)> he uses can wipe out two goblin at once. The two of us have wiped out all the goblins but something feels odd.



After taking down the goblin, something more dangerous had appeared. A giant Wolf with red horn on all his shoulders.

[A monsterous being had appeared the 'Host' Please evacuate or flee away]

(Fuck, the system itself were joking to me, if I know how to flee away, I'd love to do that but this Wolf wouldn't let me be)

[The 'Host' choose to fight back]

[Scanning the whole body, Would you like to be re-awakened to your potential?]


[If you chose to be reawakening, you may be possess by corrupted being]

[YES] /[NO]

What should I do?

Do I wish to be reawakening?

I haven't found Celia and yet I had to die?

Damn it, if I survive after my reawakening just you wait GODS, I'M GONNA MAKE SURE YOU DIE BY MY HAND

"YES" shouted me then collapse.