
Chapter 24

The conversation I had with Coco is too overwhelming. Thinking about me, crying is so new. I used to be strong. I used to hide my feeling so nobody will know about them but right now, all I think about is giving up. Everything is a mess.

There are so many problems that I'm facing and thinking about solving on my own, that I'm now breaking down. I don't want to be weak but how can I be strong and brave if my problems aren't that easy? How can I fix this if I don't know anything?

I hate my life. There are so many conflicts. I thought that being born as a royalty and werewolf is a blessing but now that I experience it, it's hard. If only my world isn't that messy if only there are no villains in this universe. If only but that's impossible. Life wouldn't be exciting and challenging if you haven't experienced a problem in your life.