
Crown From Both Worlds

An original vampire is here. Anderson felt the necklace on his neck shaking wildly immediately he got to the concert he was invited to as a judge. But he was more surprised when a delicious mint scent hit him. “Mate,” Anderson growled, looking around to find his fate lover. He looked around, until his eyes instantly locked with the hooded nameless drummer in front of him and his ancient necklace started glowing. What! His mate is a man? And…. He is one of the original Vampire! This is a story that ages back to the 16th century, where the first apocalypse happened. Werewolves against Vampire, a battle that is still remembered to the very present amongst the modern day werewolves and vampires as a day of huge loss for the werewolves. A day where half of the werewolves clans was cleared out by the age Xersus. Dated down to the modern time in LA, the soon to be Alpha, Anderson has disguised his passion as a front for hunting down Vampires around the world who were related to the vampires from the apocalypse using the enchanted necklace handed down his bloodline to find them and excute them. Until he met Hakeem Horus, whom the necklace had led him to… was his fated love. His Mate. Will Anderson be able to continue his killing spree and use his mate for his own selfish reasons? Or would he abandon his revenge and give his cold heart to his vampire mate? Find out in Crown From Both Worlds.

Unusualdee · LGBT+
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45 Chs

The glowing ancient necklace

"What did you say?," Anderson asked, confused.

"I said what is glowing red on your chest?,"

Darla asked

"Oh shit..."

"Andersonnnn," Darla drew out staring at him in his eye which he dearly avoided because Darla had one of the greenest eyes he had ever seen, all it took was a short eye-to-eye gaze and she would read his soul out like a fucking newspaper.

"Anderson, talk to me now, what is that red glow in your chest, what have you done?," Darla asked again, this time more fierce and meaner, she had been on to him since they were at the hotel at the place they performed their last tour, he had been acting strange since then, being all quiet and mysterious even though back home, that's mostly how he was.

"Can we atleast go back inside the bar or something, people are still staring at us," Anderson suggested, adjusting his shirt that she had pulled with her super strength.

Darla looked around and saw a few people still looking at them a little alarmed, some even had their phone out taking a video, that was when she realized that she might have applied a little more strength than she intended to while trying to save Anderson from whatever trance he was in, it was almost like he was being control to cross the main road and he was about to be ran down by a commercial bus.

They got into the bar that Anderson said he left a few minutes ago to have a drink and talk, knowing Anderson was probably shaken up by whatever happened out there because she saw his eyes after she saved him, they weren't the normal cold eyes that bore no emotions that she knew, no this were eyes of the real Anderson Syre, there was a tale of fear, lack of control, and a little fog like he didn't know where he was.

After they sat down, the bartender gave Anderson a weird look after he ordered two shots of vodka.

"Why is he looking at you weird?," Darla asked, already starting to get defensive.

"Oh don't mind the chap, I had seventeen shots earlier or rather lost count after seventeen, and he suggested I go home or I would be battling with alcohol poisoning," Anderson said, chuckling. He wasn't surprised though, the man was a simple weak human, so of course he would think that such a measly shot of vodka was going to give him alcohol poisoning.

"Damn, sometimes I forget how weak humans are, I actually feel sorry for them," Darla shook her head downing her first shot, she could feel the slight burn as the hot liquid trickled down her throat. Gave her memories of the first night of her transformation, she went out with Williams and Anderson, she was scared to death of breaking all the bone in her body so they gave her some alcohol to take away her mind from it, that was the first time she got drunk and the first time she had the world shittest handover.

"So the red glow in your chest?," Darla reminded him again, she knew he was avoiding the whole topic.

"Yeah, about that, uhmm...you sure you wanna know?," Anderson asked, feeling a little unsure about how she was going to take everything.

"Anderson, fucking spill the beans already," Darla deadpanned as she turned to fully face him.

"TONE," Anderson growled at a low voice, his eyes beaming a crimson glow as he faced her directly, even though she was his closest friend after William, she should respect him as the next Alpha.

"I'm sorry, but that won't work on me, not until you have drank and dined with the elders, you do not scare me Anderson," Darla said, flat out not hiding her emotions, she was tired of working on eggshells around him.

Anderson swung his head back and inhaled deeply, before combing his hands through his hair only to rough it up again, they were getting longer and wilder, taming it was definitely no use now, the bar was no longer noisy as before as the bunch of drunk teens finally left the bar, leaving a few people in it, probably people trying to take edge of evening shift or people that had worries generally and came to just drown them in cheap alcohol only to face the same problem tomorrow with a band of hangover over their heads. He brought out the old globelet necklace to show it to her.

"What the hell is this?," Darla asked, holding what looked like a definitely old artifact, it had ancient carvings to it, she could only make out a few words out of it, which was thought to her by papa joe, "Night crawlers" was the word that stood out, from the red energy that was hovering around the globelet, she knew it was definitely enchanted.

"What the hell is this Anderson?," Darla asked again, turning the object around her hand, it had an old chain attached to the globelet, she couldn't make up the remaining ancient writing inscribed on it but the phrase "Night crawlers" was not a stranger to her, she knew whatever this was, it had something to do with Vampires, which didn't added up because they were werewolves.

"What do you think, Darla?" Anderson asked, he knew Darla was smart. From the distant look she had on her face while studying the necklace, it definitely was all coming together and she was close to figuring it out.

"It has something to do with vampires, but now I'm curious because what does it have to do with you, now that's what I don't understand," Darla said, handing it back to him.

"Well as you said, it has something to do with vampires, I didn't know you could read ancient pasak(pasak is an ancient language spoken between wolf and vampires who were on Good terms)," Anderson said.

"I understand a little, are you going to tell me what the necklace does and what is the liquid inside?," Darla asked, getting impatient as Anderson started to stall by asking questions trying to divert her attention.

"It is a Vampire alert specific to Xerses bloodline," Anderson said...

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