
Crossover Naruto Fanfics

A compilation of Naruto fanfics that are crossovers. Fanfic Names Captain Naruto Supreme Reincarnated Maelstrom of Wakanda Powerman Unchained Naruto, Precursor of Project AMAZO Naruto Ootsutsuki God of Speed and Elements Prince of Asgard Naruto Black Ops Agent Naruto! A Modern Story Marvel's God of the Cosmic Forces Marvelous Maelstrom Godspeed Lethal Protector of Gotham Eternal Saiyan Unbound Eternal Maelstrom The Most Complete Fighter The Versatile Hero- Kyuubi Maelstrom of Atlantis Cosmic Degenerate Maelstrom Conqueror of DC Ruler of Ero-Justice Hidden Heir Jump Cities Shinobi New God Kitsune Trolling the League Shadow of Arkham Harley Quinn's Ace The Ninja Titan A Raven's Sage Sage Among Titans Maelstrom Asgardian Kitsune of Midgard Nathaniel Kent Konoha's Inventor Saiyan Destroyer of Justice Not Going Home Curse of Boredom The Black Arrow Archangel Starscourge Naruto: Earth's Mightiest Ninja I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=word_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=NidaimeKyuubi94&user_id=NidaimeKyuubi94 https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=word_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&pseud_id=SouthCentraLnoSato&user_id=SouthCentraLnoSato https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12213689/1 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13664323/1/Hidden-Heir https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13795323/1/Jump-cities-shinobitr https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905097/1/New-God-Kitsune https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10486210/1/Trolling-the-League https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14045963/1/Shadow-of-arkham https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14105506/1/Harley-Quinns-ace https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13998757/3/The-Ninja-Titan https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13370141/1/A-Raven-s-Sage https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4953343/1/Sage-Among-Titans https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11477990/1/Maelstrom https://archiveofourown.org/works/22374592 http://archiveofourown.org/works/22318843 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9019632/1/Konoha-s-Inventor https://archiveofourown.org/works/23146303 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11226674/1/Not-Going-Home https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13229102/1/Curse-of-Boredom https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12825429/1/The-Black-Arrow https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14040332/1/Archangel https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14161691/1/Starscourge https://archiveofourown.org/works/32840698/chapters/81492310

HersheyHeist · Cómic
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355 Chs

Chapter 1

Summary: Living a fast life on Krypton, Naru of the house of To, life was shaken to the core when his planet was destroyed and he was sent to another universe. Now known as Nathaniel Kent, watch as Naru becomes Earth's champion, better than Kal, ever could dream of. Kryptonian/Speed Force conduit Naruto.

In the vast reaches of space, a large cluster of asteroids was approaching the Solar System, inside that cluster was a pod, with a 3 year old black haired boy, when suddenly a freak black hole opened and another pod shot out of it, and hit the pod, before it connected with the ship, and after a moment the three lines connecting the two ships sent the original into an asteroid, where it exploded killing the young boy inside, while the new pod began to travel inside the cluster of astroids, inside the pod was an unconscious 3 year old with wild spiky golden blonde hair, with 3 whisker marks on each cheek

My name is Nar-To son of Min-To, and Kushi Uzuma-Ki, I am one of the last Kryptonian's in the universe. My people were scientists, and philosophers, my parents were among some of the brightest minds on my planet with my father's greatest scientific achievement being his discovery of the existence of an extra-dimensional source of energy.

My mother was the highest ranking general on the planet, she was a woman who commanded respect and was widely loved and respected by everyone, to know her was to love her.

But this isn't about them, it's about me, this is my story.

Day of Krypton's Destruction


24 year old Nar raced toward a building jumping over fallen debris entering Naru ran over to a couple with their daughter as they stood by a pod "Alura! Zor! Where are my parents? Have you seen them?!"


Nar turned around to see his parents standing by a pod, and ran over to them "Mom, dad, we have to get off the planet, we can make it to my teleporter I rebuilt it, we can all survive."

"We've decided to stay, Naruto." Kushi said

"What? Now isn't the time to pull a prank mother, Krypton is going to blow, I won't leave without you guys." Naruto said as Kushi, and Min looked at each other and nodded

"We know." Min said as Nar noticed his mom's eyes were a familiar red, with three tomoe spinning around her pupil, before his eyes glazed over and he fell over into the arms of his parents who placed him in the pod "We are sorry son, but there are only 3 pods one for your fiancee Kara, one for Kal, and one for you. We want you to watch over the younglings. Protect them."

Min pulled out a syringe filled with orange energy before he injected Naru with it,

Kushi walked forward and kissed Nar's forehead as she cried "We love you." she said wishing she could say more but with the state of the planet her son had to go and quickly

The parents stepped back as the pod closed and their son shot off, three sets of parents all friends, sat in the hanger sharing a drink and laughing as their planet crumbled around them the three dying happy with the knowledge that they're children would survive. Unbeknownst to them, when Nar was shipped out of Krypton his ship along with Kara's was hit by the Shockwave sending them in two completely different directions, Kara went into the Phantom Zone, while Nar was sent into a blue portal never to be seen again


Nar's ship spun out of control, while inside the pod he glowed before he began to deage, as static sparked around his pod before it exited the portal and smacked into another Kryptonian pod, Nar's AI Gideon took control of the ship, and attached itself to the other Kryptonian pod downloading all of its data, and taking everything that would be useful to its creator before Gideon entered a sleep mode

Smallville Universe


Smallville, Kansas

Johnathan and Martha Kent were a happily married couple with no children, thanks to Johnathan's war wound he was impotent, the two were regarded as the nicest, and most respected couple in town.

As the couple were driving they suddenly jumped when a meteor hit beside them, and more continued to rain down

"What's happening Johnathan?" Martha asked terrified

Johnathan didn't answer as he continued to drive before he slammed on the breaks as a meteor hit the ground and slid across the road in front of them, causing the car to tumble over from the trench the meteor caused

5 Minutes Later

John, and Martha groaned as they regained consciousness, before they began to look around and paused when they saw a child's feet walking over toward them, before the child knelt down allowing them to see bright yellow hair, and ocean blue eyes blinking at them innocently

Moments Later

Martha and Johnathan walked the trail toward where the meteor landed, while Martha held the 3 year old boy that found them "Kids don't just fall out of the sky, Martha." Johnathan said

"Then where did he come from?" Martha asked looking at the adorable whiskers on the child's face

"I don't know. But he must have parents." Johnathan said only to stop when instead of a meteor he found a ship

"If he does, they're definitely not from Kansas." Martha said looking down to the boy

Johnathan looked back to see his wife staring at the boy and said "Sweetheart, we can't keep him. What'll we say? We found him in a field?"

"We didn't find him. He found us." Martha said before they jumped in shock when a head appeared from the ship

"Hello Johnathan, and Martha Kent." Gideon said looking at the wide eyed humans "I am an Artificial intelligence named Gideon, I have much to tell you."

Martha, and Johnathan looked at each other as the floating head began to explain the origins of the boy they learned name was Naru, an alien from a different dimension who will become the strongest being on the planet, they decided to hide the ship and to protect the boy he would for now be Nathaniel Kent their adopted son.

12 Years Later

Music played as 15 year old Nathan Kent did one handed push ups, in his room, a glowing green rock in his free hand, usually the glowing green rock would make him feel nauseous and weak, but 9 years of keeping the glowing meteor fragment helped him build a tolerance.

"Nate, your going to be late!" Martha shouted

"Coming, Mom." Naruto said as he finished his 200th push up, before he got up, and placed the glowing rock on the top of his shelf


Naruto walked into the kitchen, straight to the fridge and got a bottle of milk and began to drink "Ah, ah!" Martha screamed taking the bottle from him

"It tastes better from the bottle." Naruto said bending down and grabbing a bag of chips

"Where'd you learn your manners?" Martha asked

"On a farm." Naruto said walking to the table as he opened his chips before Johnathan walked in and saw his adopted son

"Afternoon, sleepyhead." Johnathan greeted only for Naruto to grunt

Martha and Johnathan sighed seeing as Naruto was still upset Johnathan wasn't letting him sign up for football "I have class tonight so you two are on your own. And no pizza! There's food in the fridge." Martha said

"Got it mom." Naruto said

"Look Nate, I'm trying to protect you, anything could happen out on the feild, and you can expose yourself."

"Last year the problem was me not participating enough, now I chose something that I think might be fun, and you shoot it down." Naruto said looking at Johnathan

"It's for the best. Your destined for more than being a football player."

"What exactly am I destined for? Huh? Being a professional liar, hiding who I truly am for the rest of my life, and dying alone? Some destiny." Naruto asked before he grabbed his backpack and stormed off,

"Nathan!" Johnathan called

"Gonna be late for school." Naruto said closing the door behind him

Johnathan sighed as Martha rubbed his back


Naruto with his backpack on walked out toward the exit of his families farm to see the bus leaving,

School Bus

A blonde girl and an African American boy sat on the bus looking out at Naruto, before the blonde Chloe Sullivan turned to her friend, and handed him $10 "I can't believe you bet against your best friend."

"It's a scientific fact, Nate moved any slower, he'd be extinct." Pete Ross said taking the money

Naruto sighed before he looked around and immediately sped off, leaving a trail of yellow lightning behind him

Smallville High

The students got off the bus, and began to enter the campus "So, did anyone ask you to the dance?" Pete asked

"Not yet." Chloe shrugged

"Well if nothing pans out, with you know who, maybe you,"

'Pete, do you maybe want to take a break from the soap opera, in your head." Chloe interrupted turning to face Pete, "I've told you a 100 times, I'm not interested in Nate."

With a huff, Chloe began to walk away "Your vehement denial has been duly noted." Pete called out following after her as she smiled "Maybe you and I could go together, not as a date, date thing, more of a friend, friend thing."

Before Chloe could answer their attention was caught by Naruto who walked up behind them "Hey guys." he greeted

Chloe looked at Naruto in shock "Wha-uhh, I uh, didn't you just...Weren't you?"

"I got a ride from Felice." Naruto said jabbing a thumb over to the cheerleader who was entering school with her friends

"Nate, you'll have to excuse our reporter. Her "weirdar" is on Defcon 5." Pete said leading Naruto toward the school "She thought someone was attacking the bus."

Naruto raised an eyebrow before Chloe ran in front of him and Pete "Just because everyone ignores the strange things that go on in this leafy little hamlet, doesn't mean that they don't happen." she said

"While we'd love to join you and Scooby for another zany adventure in the mystery machine, we need to hand in these slips before homeroom." Pete said with a football slip in hand

"I'm not joining Pete." Naruto said with a small sigh

"Come on." Pete said

"Look, you don't need me to join with you, there is no way they'll not choose you."

"This is the only way." Pete said knowing Naruto knew what he was referring to

"Wait." Chloe said looking at her friends "You two are trying out for the football team? What is this, some sort of teen suicide pact?"

Naruto made to speak, but Pete grabbed Chloe by the back of her neck and lead her away, before he whispered "We're trying to avoid being this years scarecrow."

"What are you talking about, and why the whispering?" Chloe asked

"It's tradition. Before the big game, the players pick a freshman take him out to Radley Field strip him down to his boxers and paint an ""S"" on his chest."

"And String him up like a scarecrow."

"Jesus, sounds like years of therapy waiting to happen." Chloe commented

"That's why we're trying out for the football team, they won't choose one of their own." Pete said

"I told him he was worried about nothing, that I'll kick there ass, but he was adamant about being a football player." Naruto shrugged before he looked over to see Lana Lang laughing with her friends "I'll see you guys in class." he said heading into school, taking a deep breath as he walked by Lana, whose kryptonite necklace made him nauseous


After a boring school day, Naruto was sitting in the bleachers, watching practice, but his focus was on Lana who was practicing with the other cheerleaders, "Nate!"

Naruto looked up to see Pete in front of him with his helmet to big for his head "How do I look?" Pete asked fixing his helmet, as Naruto smirked

"Like a tackle dummy." Naruto said standing up "Good luck buddy."


Naruto sighed as he stopped on a bridge, and looked out into the water, getting lost in his thoughts, and looked down to his palm, and clenched his hand into a fist, all his life he has had dreams of himself doing amazing things, and being happy, most of them revolved around a beautiful red haired woman, and a man who looked just like him, he knew he knew them as everytime the memory would come up a feeling of love, and sadness would be felt by him

Hearing brakes being slammed on, Naruto turned to see a Porsche out if control headed for him, quickly he rolled out of the way, watching as the Porsche sped off the bridge, before he quickly jumped in to save the bald headed driver,

Swimming to the driver side of the car, Naruto punched the window out, before he pulled out the man, before swimming up to the surface and began CPR compressions

"Come on, man wake up, cause I'm not giving you mouth to mouth!" Naruto said just as the man spat up water and began to cough

"Thought I hit you." the man groaned looking at Naruto

"You missed." Naruto said


Johnathan ran pass the yellow tape to the side of the river to see Naruto standing at the side of the lake looking down at his hand "Nate!"

Naruto looked up to see Johnathan and blinked as the man grabbed him and began to look him over "Are you alright, son?"

"I'm fine." Naruto nodded causing Johnathan to nod in relief

"Who's the maniac driving the car?" Johnathan asked a sheriff

"That would be me." Naruto and Johnathan looked to see the bald man with his hand out "Lex Luthor."

"I'm Jonathan Kent." Johnathan said with a frown while Naruto rose an eyebrow he sensed a spike in anger from his dad, when he heard the name Luther "This is my son."

"Thanks for saving my life." Lex nodded to Naruto

"Least I can do, with you almost hitting me and all." Naruto smirked causing Lex to smile,

"You have an extraordinary boy. If there's any way I can repay you," Lex said to Johnathan who turned to him

"Drive slower."

Lex watched as Johnathan followed after Naruto, before he looked to his car that was fished out of the drink, and noticed nothing strange, just the window was busted


Lana walked onto the porch of her house, to see, Naruto sitting on the roof of his house, looking up at the stars, she smiled softly looking at him, Naruto was the first friend she made in Smallville after her parents died, with the two living in such close proximity to each other it was no surprise that they were close, and almost became more than just friends until suddenly she began dating Whitley and Naruto backed off, only speaking to say 'Hi, and bye."

Lana frowned looking at Naruto before she jumped in surprise when Whitley hugged her from behind "My aunt'll be back any minute." she smiled

"Oh, come on! We're living on the edge." Whitley replied

"Of Aunt Nell finds us here, your life won't be worth living." Lana giggled

"Where is she anyway, bridge club?" Whitley asked as they sat down

"Lex Luthor's."

"I didn't know your aunt knew them." Whitley said surprised

"She sold them land." Lana nodded

"They own the Metropolis Sharks. She could put in a good word." Whitley said hopefully

"If you want a good word, ask Nate." Lana said causing her boyfriend to raise an eyebrow "He saved Lex's life today."

"You're kidding."

"Sometimes people can surprise you. I think it's kind of cool." Lana smiled causing Whitley to frown in jealousy as he looked over to Naruto who was still on the roof

"A scout from Kansas State is coming Saturday. " Whitley said hoping to get away from the subject of Nathaniel Kent

"That's great." Lana smiled happily

"I don't want to be a ""Remember him?"" Smallville's got enough of those guys." Whitley said solemnly hoping to win sympathy points

Lana smiled before she took off her necklace and gave it to Whitley "I want you to wear this to the game." she said

"I can't take this." Whitley said shaking his head

"You can give it back after you win." Lana nodded

"Is it really made from a piece of the meteor that, you know?" Whitley asked getting a sad nod from Lana

"So much bad luck came out of it there can only be good luck left." Lana smiled,

Across the street on his roof Naruto looked at the two, and sighed before he climbed down

Frank's Auto Repair Shop

Frank, whistled as he finished working on a truck, staring it up, he smiled and patted the car before he closed the hood only to jump when he saw a kid in the back "Jeez, kid! Scared the crap out of me."

Frank walked up wiping the oil off his hands, taking a closer look at the kid "Don't I know you? You look like that scarecrow kid...Where the hell you been? Hey, Freakazoid, wake up!" Frank tried to tap the kid before he was electrocuted and sent flying back into a wall hard. Breathing deeply he looked to the see the kid standing over him "That was 12 years ago, man. That was just a game...What do you want?"

The teen knelt down and smiled "To play." he said before he grabbed the man causing him to shout in pain before he picked him up and slammed him into the wall, his scream of pain getting louder as he was electrocuted to death

Next day

Naruto walked downstairs, and paused when he saw Johnathan and Martha sitting waiting for him, "What'd I do now?" he asked Johnathan

"Nothing, son. It is time we told you the truth." Johnathan said

"What truth?" Naruto asked watching as Johnathan got up

"Follow me."

Naruto looked to Martha who nodded to him, and he sighed before following his dad to the storm cellar

"What's going on?" Naruto asked as he saw something covered by a sheet,

"This is how you came to your mother and I." Johnathan said taking the tarp off showing Naruto his ship, while Naruto blinked

"Your saying I'm an alien?" Naruto asked looking at the ship, as Johnathan nodded, before he pressed a button, and Naruto flinched back when Gideon appeared

"Hello, Master Naruto."

"What the hell?" Naruto asked in shock

"I am Gideon an Artificial Intelligence, created by you."

"Me?" Naruto asked as Johnathan left

"You are Naru-to. Son of lead scientist Mina-to, and high General Kushi- Uzuma-ki. Weeks after your twenty third birthday planet Krypton was in the process of blowing up, your parents knocked you unconscious and placed you in this pod, unfortunately when Krypton blew, we were sent hurtling into a wormhole, and you were deaged, we ended up here, and I downloaded the data of another ship carrying the counterpart of Kal-El, unfortunately his ship didn't make the journey, but I managed to grab some of the artifacts inside of the ship."

"So, I'm an alien from another dimension? Why don't I remember this?" Naruto asked

"It is possible you hit your head, and when you were dealer your mind shot down to protect itself. You've been under the yellow sun for 15 years, and In reading the the speed force energy your father injected you with has completely bonded to your body. To get your memories back, all you need to do is take this pill."

Naruto watched as the ship opened and a small pink/white pill was seen, "Created by the scientists Jor-El, in the case a Kryptonian ever suffered from amnesia it will jumpstart your mind and your memories will return."

Naruto picked up the pill, and after a moment of thought took it, and grunted when 23 years worth of memories appeared in one huge wave causing him to fall to his knees,

"I remember." Naruto said with a small frown standing up "Thank you Gideon."

"Always a pleasure, helping you master." Gideon said before she vanished as Naruto walked to the ship and began to look around, before he found a compartment and opened it, pulling out pictures of his parents, Naruto smiled as tears streamed down his face, as he looked at the faces of his parents, before he decided to take a walk



Lana on her horse, arrived at the graveyard and climbed down before collecting a small bouquet of flowers from a side compartment and moved to walk through the line of graves, before she jumped in fright when she heard a branch snap

"Who's there?" Lana asked

"It's me, Nate." Naruto said by a tombstone having been walking through

"Nathan Kent? What are you doing creeping around the woods?" asked Lana and frowning slightly when she saw sadness in his eyes

"Clearing my head. You'd probably want to be alone, I didn't mean to scare you." Naruto said before turning to leave

"Nate, wait." Lana said quickly as Naruto stopped and turned turned to her "I just wasn't expecting to see anyone out here. Are you okay?"

"I'm hanging out in a graveyard. Does that strike you as okay behavior?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"Hey, I'm here too." Lana said

"Good point. What's your story?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Lana asked

"Like you wouldn't believe." Naruto said

"I…came out here to talk with my parents." Lana revealed turning away as Naruto raised an eyebrow "You must think I'm pretty weird; you know, conversing with dead people."

"Of course I don't, it's not weird to miss your parents, Lana. Do you remember them?"

"They died when I was three." Lana said

"I'm sorry." Naruto said

"It's not your fault Nate." Lana smiled softly, before she tool his hand, causing him to raise an eyebrow "Come on, I'll introduce you."

Naruto was lead to the grave by Lana, and kneeled down beside her "Mom, Dad. This is Nathaniel Kent." Lana introduced to the tombstone with the names of both her parents Lewis and Laura Lang enscribed upon it.

"Yeah, he is kind of shy." Lana said as Naruto quirked an eyebrow he was not shy "How should I know?" Lana asked before looking to Naruto "Mom wants to know if your upset about a girl." said Lana only for the blonde to shake his head "Dad wants to know if your upset about a guy." said Lana.

"No!." Naruto said quickly causing Lana to giggle

"He has a twisted sense of humor." Lana smiled "Seriously, Nate. Why are you out here?"

"I found these today." Naruto said before he pulled out photos,

Lana took the photos and gasped seeing the beautiful red haired woman, and the blonde man that looked just like Naruto, going through the photos she saw one of the couple hugging while the woman was pregnant, another of a new born Naruto in the woman's arms, as the man hugged them both laughing, and another of them with a 3 year old Naruto at a carnival

"Are these your?" Lana began as Naruto nodded

"My real parents. Minato, and Kushina." Naruto smiled

"You look just like your dad." Lana smiled handing the pictures back

"Lana you ever feel like your life was supposed to be something different?" Naruto asked, getting a nod from Lana

"Sometimes I dream I'm at school, waiting for Nell to pick me up. But she doesn't come; instead my parents drive up and they're not dead, they're just really late. I get in their car and we drive back to my real life in Metropolis. That's usually when I wake up. For a minute, I'm totally happy. Until I realize I'm still alone." Explained Lana frowning quite heavily.

Naruto frowned before he looked to the gravestone "What's that, Mrs. Lang? Yeah, I'll tell her." Naruto said turning to Lana who was also looking at him in surprise "Your mom wants you to know you're never alone. That she's always looking over you. No matter what." he said putting a smile back on the Lana's face

"What's that Mr. Lang?" Naruto asked before speaking up again quickly. "Your dad thinks you're a shoe in for homecoming queen." He said causing Lana to nearly laugh "And he wants me to keep an eye on Whitley, make sure he doesn't do anything inappropriate," Naruto leaned in and whispered "Your dad sound like a proud gun owner."

Lana laughed as she looked to a smiling Naruto "They really say all that?"

"Oh yeah, they're quite chatty once you get them started." Naruto nodded

Moments Later

"Thanks for walking me home" said Lana as the two walked away from the stables behind Lana's house

"Well it was either walk the most beautiful girl in Smallville home, or walk by your lonesome in the woods" Naruto said causing Lana to chuckle.

"Do you realize this is the longest conversation we've had in years?" asked Lana turning to Naruto "We used to be so close, I miss that."

"I do to. We should do it again." Naruto said

"Yeah, we should." Lana smiled

"So are you going to the dance?" Naruto asked

"Yeah, with Whitley"

"Right." Naruto said stretching the word out

"Why you say it like that?" Lana asked

"No reason." Naruto smiled

"How about you?" Lana asked

"Well I was thinking about going, but the person who I was going to ask has a boyfriend, and the other person, a friend of mine has a crush on, so going to sit it out." Naruto shrugged

"I see, well if you change your mind, I might save you a dance." Lana said before she kissed Narito's cheek "Good night, Nate."

"Night, Lana." Naruto said watching her go before he began to head home, as Whitley stepped out of the shadows having seen the whole thing

Next Morning

The next morning found Clark walking the halls of the Luthor mansion. The mansion itself was located on the outskirts of Smallville within a heavily wooded area and was in all actuality a castle.

"Hello." Naruto called as he walked through the halls

He was answered as he turned into a room and was greeted by a pair of white garbed figures and the sound of clashing steel as the two fenced their way through the room. Surprised Naruto stopped at the door and watched the two go at it until finally one of the figures found themselves pinned to the wall. As the figure was released they angrily tossed the weapon and bedded it tip first into the wall meters away from Nate's face. Surprised the figure reached up to reveal the face of Lex Luthor.

"Nate?" Lex asked surprise "I didn't see you."

"I buzzed, but no one answered." Naruto said as Lex walked over and reached up before he snatched the sword from the wall

"How'd you get through the gate?" Lex asked

"I kinda hopped it, but if this is a bad time..." Naruto began pointing back indicating that he would leave

"No, I think Heiki has sufficiently kicked my ass for the day." Lex chuckled as he walked over and tossed his helmet to the blonde woman he'd been sparring against.

"This is a great place." Naruto admired

"Yeah, if your dead and in the market for something to haunt." Lex joked with a grin as he moved out into the hall

"I meant its roomy." Naruto said following after him

"It's the Luthor ancestral home or so my father claims. He had it shipped over from Scotland stone by stone." Lex revealed

"Yeah, I remember the trucks rolled through town for weeks but no one ever moved in." Naruto said looking about

As Lex stopped on his way up the stairs and turned to face Nate absently removing the fencing gloves from his hands.

"My father had no intention of living here. He's never even stepped through the front door." Lex scoffed

"Then why ship it over?" Naruto asked

"Because he could." Lex shrugged before resuming his walk up the stairs, and eventually they found their way into an office like room complete with a fireplace, a pool table and even exercise equipment.

"How's the new ride?" Lex asked, having sent Naruto a new truck

"That's why I'm here." Naruto said

"What's the matter? You don't like it?" Lex asked as he moved over to a glass table and moved to open a bottle of water.

"Well, I'm not much of a truck guy, and as much as I appreciate the gift, I can't keep it." Nate said causing Lex to place the bottle down

"Nate, you saved my life. I think it's the least I can do." said Lex causing Naruto to sigh before he made to speak but Lex beat him to it "Your father doesn't like me, does he? But, It's okay I've been bald since I was nine." Lex said running a hand over his head."I'm used to people judging me before they get to know me."

"It's not personal. He's just not crazy about your dad." Naruto shrugged

"Figures the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Understandable. What about you Nate? Did you fall far from the tree?" asked Lex

"I'm adopted, so I couldn't tell you, but I better go. Thanks for the truck." Naruto said tossing Lex the keys before heading toward the door.

"Nate." Lex called causing Naruto to pause and turn to him "Do you believe a man can fly?" asked Lex

"Sure, in a plane." Naruto shrugged

"No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about soaring through the clouds with nothing but air beneath you." Lex said softly

"People can't fly Lex." Naruto said

"I did. After the accident, when my heart stopped. It was the most…exhilarating two minutes of my life. I flew over Smallville. And for the first time I didn't see a dead end; I saw a new beginning. Thanks to you I have a second chance. We have a future Nate, and I don't want anything to stand in the way of our friendship."


Elsewhere a crowd had gathered around the entrance of a store barricaded by the sheriff's department watching as a young man was wheeled out upon a stretcher by a team of medics. From within the crowd Chloe and Pete watched the scene as well, with the former recording it on a digital video camera.

"That's the third guy this week." said Pete.

"And they're all former jocks." said Chloe

Across from them Pete noticed another young man who stood out only due to the rather strange look upon his face.

"Who's the weirdo?" asked Pete tapping Chloe on the shoulder and motioning with his head

"I don't know. Let's check him out." said Chloe before snapping a quick photo of him


Smallville High

"His name's Jeremy Creek. This is a picture of him 12 years ago." said Chloe as she pointed to a black and white year book picture, in the library "This however is the one I took four hours ago." she said pulling up the picture she'd taken outside of the store

"That's impossible." Naruto said having met up with the 2 moments ago "He'd be like 26 today. It must be a kid that looks like him."

"My money was on the evil twin theory until we checked the missing persons." Pete said

"Jeremy disappeared from the state infirmary a few days ago where he'd been in a coma for 12 years. They say he suffered from massive electrolyte imbalance." Chloe said handing over a piece of paper for Naruto to see

"That's why he hasn't aged a day." Pete nodded

"So your telling me he just woke up." said Clark raising an eyebrow

"No there was a huge electrical storm and the hospital's generator went down and when it came back on Jeremy was gone." explained Chloe

"Electricity must have charged him up like a Duracell." said Pete

"And now he's back in Smallville, putting former jocks into comas. Why?" asked Naruto

"Because 12 years ago today, they chose Jeremy Creek as the scarecrow." said Pete as Chloe handed Naruto a newspaper article

"Comatose boy found in field 20 yards from meteor strike." said Naruto reading the headline of a newspaper article

"The explosion from the blast must have done something to his body." said Chloe standing from her seat

"No, this can't be right."

"I think you ought to show him." said Pete tapping Chloe's arm

"Show me what?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

Moments Later

Chloe lead Naruto and Pete to the office of the school's newspaper, the Torch, into the darkroom, which appeared more like closet space that had been cleaned out. However what caught Naruto's attention was the collage of newspaper and magazine articles covering the right wall.

"It started out as a scrapbook and just kind of mutated." said Chloe.

"What is it?" asked Naruto looking at the wall

"I call it the Wall of Weird. It's every strange, bizzare, and unexplained event that has happened in Smallville since the meteor shower, that's when it all began. The town went schizo." Chloe said before she noticed Naruto frown as he focused on a magazine cover of Lana crying during the incident before he ripped it off the wall "Hey!"

"You have the photo of a 3 year old girl, who just witnessed her parents being crushed to death by a meteor, posted on your wall of weird. Don't you think that's messed up?" Naruto asked balling up the photo and tossing it into the trash before he walked off as Chloe frowned


Naruto walked out of the school headed home for the day, when a hand gipped his shoulder "Not now Chloe." he said only to turn and see Whitley

"Congratulations Nate, your this year's scarecrow." Whitley smirked

"If you don't want me to break your arm, I suggest you let me go, now." Naruto said causing Whitley to frown before he pushed Naruto

"Come on then!" Whitley said moving to push Naruto again, but the boy grabbed his arm and with a hip toss slammed him into the ground,

"Say goodbye to football, Whitley." Naruto said before he made to break the kids arm but 4 other football players rushed Naruto from behind tackling him to the ground

Naruto headbutted one, and kneed another while fighting off the nausea he was feeling from being in close quarters with Whites who had Lana's necklace one, before he was overpowered and taken down the ground as Whitley grabbed his shirt

"What's going on with you and Lana?" Whitley asked

Naruto smirked as he looked at Whitley, "Nothing yet, but give it time, I'm sure I'll be balls deep in her, soon, when she hears how her mediocre quarterback douche bag boyfriend needed 4 guys to string me up like a scarecrow."

Whitley punched Naruto in the face, only for the blonde to laugh "You hit like a bitch." Naruto said before he slammed his forehead into Whitley's nose breaking it, causing him to fall back before Naruto was kicked in the torso, as the jocks began to wail on him, before Whitley with his broken nose, put Lana's necklace on Naruto glaring at him

"This is as close you'll ever get to her, you hear me!" Whitley shouted before Naruto was tossed into the back of the truck and they left


Naruto took deep breaths as he prepared to bust out of his bounds while he was strung up like a scarecrow with a red 'S' painted on his torso

"Never changes." Jeremy said catching Naruto's attention "Hurts, doesn't it?"

"You, your Jeremy Creak, right?" Naruto asked

"I thought if I punished them it would stop. But it never stops" Jeremy said before turning to walk away

"Wait. Where are you going." Naruto called getting Jeremy to stop in his tracks

"Homecoming dance. I never made it to mine." Jeremy said as Naruto's eyes widened as the boy walked off, before Naruto with a grunt snapped the post he was tied too and fell to the ground snatching off the necklace he grabbed his clothes and sped off just as Lex arrived

Smallville High

The dance was in full swing as Chloe smiled as she was twirled and pulled back to Pete. Chloe now wearing a leopard print designed dress with a black shawl around her shoulders while Pete wore a black tux. Lana and Whitney were also in attendance each of them wearing crowns and sashes denoting them as the Homecoming King and Queen.

"So are you going to tell me what happened to your nose?" Lana asked

"Hit a door." Whitley lied as Lana frowned

Jeremy watched from outside, before he began to go for the sprinkler system.

Jeremy smirked as he opened the door before he was grabbed in a sleeper hold, "People important to me are in there, your not going to hurt them." Naruto growled before Jeremy grabbed him and electrified him, while Naruto grunted, before, he was blasted off of the boy, who turned but saw Naruto wasn't there, before he was tapped on his shoulder

Turning around he grunted when Naruto punched him in the jaw, sending him flying into a water tank, on another building, before Naruto raced up to the roof and saw Jeremy crawl out of the tank breathing heavily before he looked around

"W-where am I?" Jeremy asked confused causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"Smallville, Kansas. You'll be alright." Naruto said


Naruto was on the balcony, watching as the students were unaware of the drama that had just occurred continued their dancing.

With a shrug he jumped down to the ground and began to walk away but paused when he saw a line of trucks, smirking to himself and seeing no one around he cracked his knuckles.

Moments Later

Whitley smiled as he and Lana walked out of the dance along with other students but frowned and ran forward as he saw his truck being crushed by 2 others while everyone else laughed with a message in the side of it

"From the Scarecrow."

Whitey frowned as Lana walked up and frowned seeing a familiar red swirl on the door, one that she saw in Naruto's photos, before she looked to Whitley with a deep frown, and walked away

Kent Farm

Naruto entered the barn, wiping his face with a towel having just of the shower and was looking for him backpack, as he placed the towel on his neck, and fastened his belt, he walked upstairs and picked up his backpack, when he heard "Nate?"

Naruto turned to see Lana standing there in her dress "Lana, you look, beautiful." he said causing Lana to blush as she smiled "What are you doing here?"

"Did Whitley make you the scarecrow?"

"Yeah." Naruto said before he picked up a lead box, and opened it showing Lana, her necklace, "He doesn't particular like me being friends with you, said this is as close I'll ever get."

Lana frowned as she took the necklace "I'm so sorry."

"It's fault, besides you didn't give me the necklace that I'm allergic to, and string me up."

"Your allergic to my necklace?" Lana asked getting a nod

"Makes me nauseous, and prolonged exposure could kill me. Lead is the only thing that protects me from its affects." Naruto nodded as Lana quickly closed the lead box "So why you come over? It's been years since you came over not since"

"8th grade summer break." Lana smiled with a blush

"Yeah," Naruto nodded remembering the night he lost his virginity well in this reality anyway to the beautiful girl next door

"I uh saved you a dance." Lana said putting down the box and walking up to Naruto

"Should I put on a shirt?" Naruto asked as Lana looked at the ripped form of Naruto, and licked her lips

"No, it's okay." Lana smiled

Naruto, and Lana began to slowly dance, holding each other intimately, "I want you to know something, Lana." Naruto said as Lana looked at him "No matter who your dating, you'll always have me. Your never alone, I'll be there for you all you just have to do is call. I apologize if me putting distance between us made yo-"

Lana interrupted Naruto with a sweet kiss, "I understand, that I hurt you. We shared something special with each other, and then I turn around and start dating Whitley. I'm sorry for that."

Naruto smiled, as the two continued to dance before they sat and talked before he walked her home.