
Crossing Into Japan, I Meet An Eccentric Family

Lin Yuan, who died accidently, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the body of a Japanese high school student Kazuya Matsuoka. Aiming for a prestigious university, nothing can stand in his way! In my new life, I want to become a successful person! However, his life takes a subtle turn after encountering an eccentric family... "Why did I encounter you family?" Kazuya shouted. (This book is going to enter the second volume. It’s a new book for newcomers. Please support me.)

Tokinoshi · Ciudad
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184 Chs

Various Speculations About This Matter

Yoko checked the time and did not want to interfere with Kazuya's part-time work. She opened the door and looked outside for a while, feeling that the other party must have been deceived by her and that she should be fine for the time being, so she finally decided to wait at home.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening before Kazuya came back happily. He was very energetic after working all day. He was still planning to take a shower and read for one hour before going to bed. As soon as he entered the door, Yoko rushed up to him and told him what happened in the afternoon.

She was restless all night, and now she found her support when she saw Kazuya. She talked stumblingly for a long time, and handed over the two thousand yen to him. Then, she looked at him pitifully and waited for him to make up his mind.

She has no confidence in herself. Only she could feel at ease after Kazuya made a decision. She believed that he really cared about her and would never harm her.

Kazuya didn't expect that something like this would happen out of nowhere. After repeatedly asking what the two men had said, he pondered and asked: "It sounds like they're looking for you, Yoko. Could it be... your biological father want to find you?"

Judging from the conversation alone, the other party was mainly looking for a child of about ten years old, who should be Yoko. And if they were looking for a ten-year-old child who was helpless and obviously had no money, then there seemed to be no other choice but to recognize his relatives. Other possibilities of revenge or debt collection was not high and could be ignored for the time being.

Yoko sat there and huddled up into a small ball, looking weak and helpless. She said sadly: "But why does he suddenly come to me? Onisan, what should I do now?" She was really scared. , she is living a good life now, and hopes to live peacefully for ten years without any changes.

She used to really long for a father who could pamper and protect her. But after waiting for ten years, she didn't see anyone. Instead, Kazuya came to her and started to play the role of her brother. Now she didn't care about the father who had abandoned her. On the contrary, his sudden appearance made her feel scared.

Kazuya was also confused. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse for the other party to find Yoko. What if he stupidly took Yoko to recognize her relatives but made her in bad luck? No one knew what shit that woman Yumi Shiraishi did before to leave such a huge mess, which caused that someone still wanted to find her even after she eloped...

Even if her biological father was really here, he had ignored her for so many years. What did he want to do suddenly? It sounded like he not only hired those two men, but also hired a large group of people to look for his children. Was it because he were urgent or they were rich and powerful?

Maybe he seriously ill and dying and want Yoko to inherit hundreds of billions of assets? But how could such a good thing happen?

It was more likely that his body was failing and he needed an organ replacement, but due to his special constitution, he had never been able to find a suitable one. So he was going to take her biological daughter back and extract her bone marrow to extend his life? Or maybe for his son who was in this situation?

Although it was conjecture, it wasn't impossible! If people are going to die, they can do anything crazy. In everything, we have to think about the worst. 

So in the current situation, Kazuya felt that it was better to just wait and see what would happen. Yoko's choice wasn't wrong.

It would be nice if that old fox Naotaka Sakura hadn't fallen ill. It would be best to ask him to inquire about this kind of thing. He was well-informed and could give advice. At least he could warn them if the other party wanted to take some evil tricks.

Kazuya thought carefully for a while and considered that he couldn't hand over Yoko when the situation was unclear. He couldn't live here anymore. Yoko has lived here with her mother for too long and had too many people knowing their information. Today, those two happened to meet Yoko and she was also clever enough to fool them away.

It might be that her father was hiring someone to search privately at this time. But if he had the ability to use power for private purposes, such as using the police, Yoko really had nowhere to hide. Or maybe Yoko's mother registered her household registration again to hide her past, so the police had trouble finding her with her previous name and they had to employ private detectives to investigate.

If it weren't for such a coincidence, they might have found Yoko's true identity by now and went back to report to their employer. 

Kazuya really wanted to fight for her custody. But they were not related by blood and Naotaka's relationship was probably not of much use. He wasn't an adult at the moment and Yoko would definitely be taken away based on the law.

In any case, the current situation was acceptable. Kazuya planned to move to a new place where no one knows Yoko, and then negotiated with the apartment manager named Kirito and gave him some money to ask him to keep secrete. Yoko's mother had eloped to Hokkaido, so maybe they could confuse others and make them think Yoko got was took away by her mother. As long as Yoko would b promoted to junior high school and changed her name and school, it was completely safe for them.

Kazuya had planned everything, but he also needed to respect Yoko's personal wishes, so he asked softly: "Yoko, if it's true that your biological father was finding you, do you want to live with him?"

Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility that the other party just wanted to find his child and fulfill his responsibilities as a father. If Yoko wanted to recognize her biological father, that would be another matter. He would have to find out who her father was and what his plans were. If there was no ill intention, he would send Yoko there happily.

He simply hoped that Yoko could be happy, but if Yoko didn't want to recognize him, he could follow the original plan and run away with Yoko. He would be responsible for her growing up.

Yoko shook her head desperately without even hesitating. She had no feelings with her biological father at all. If she had to choose one, she would rather maintain the status quo and live with Kazuya, "Onisan, I want to be with you!"

Kazuya was relieved when she had this attitude. As for her father, even if he really needed his daughter to survive, he wouldn't care about it. In these ten years, that bastard had never raised or cared her even for a day, and now even if If he was really sick and needed this daughter to save his life, he would drive him away without hesitation!

What you pay for should be rewarded! It doesn't matter if Yoko didn't want to recognize this kind of father. Did he still want his daughter to be filial to him even if he didn't raise his her? 

Kazuya immediately made up his mind: "We should move. Tomorrow I will go to an agency to find a house. Let's find another place to live."

As long as Kazuya was still willing to take her, Yoko had no objection at all. It didn't matter where she moved, even which could be sewers. She nodded her little head desperately, "I'll start packing our things right away!" But then she said a little sadly: " I've caused you trouble again, Onisan. I'm sorry!"

Kazuya smiled and rubbed her head, "We are originally going to move. Even if it's because of this matter, it's okay. As long as it's something that should be done and responsibilities that should be borne, your brother is never afraid of trouble. I promised to protect you, so no one can hurt you!"