
Crossing Into Japan, I Meet An Eccentric Family

Lin Yuan, who died accidently, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the body of a Japanese high school student Kazuya Matsuoka. Aiming for a prestigious university, nothing can stand in his way! In my new life, I want to become a successful person! However, his life takes a subtle turn after encountering an eccentric family... "Why did I encounter you family?" Kazuya shouted. (This book is going to enter the second volume. It’s a new book for newcomers. Please support me.)

Tokinoshi · Ciudad
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184 Chs

The Sword She Can't Touch

Kazuya actually didn't know much about armor. He had only read some rough introductions in swordsmanship books. But even so, he could tell that this set of armor was not a decoration. There were sword marks on the helmet, and a pair of short tiger teeth on the front stand had been chopped off in half. There are also many pieces of armor missing on the trunk and shoulder armor, and one of the cage hands was directly damaged. Half of it is missing.

Obviously, someone had worn this armor in many battles many years ago.

Kazuya looked at it for a while, suspecting that the ancestor of the Sakura family might be a low-level samurai. This suit was inconspicuous and had very few decorations. It is basically composed of leather, rattan and a small amount of metal, whcih focused on light combat and was completely different from the gorgeous colors of high-level warriors. But more importantly, this was a walking armor. It was estimated that their ancestors were not qualified to ride horses yet.

There was also a four-layer paulownia lacquered sword holder placed next to the armor. There were many swords in long and short lengths. Perheps Naotaka felt that there was less moisture in the place and put these things here so that they could be stored for a long time.

Kazuya thought that it wouldn't matter if Naotaka didn't notice him, so he gently picked up the top sword from the holder, lightly touched the sword with his thumb. Looking at the shining blade, he was stunned for a moment. This was the first time in his two lives that he was holding a real murderous weapon, and the [Sword Mastery] passively took effect naturally, which made the sword faintly exude a cold air.

He sat quietly holding the sword and found that deep down in his heart he really wanted to chop something. Could this be that saying "with a bare blade in hand, murderous intention arises"?

He sighed and was about to sheath the sword, but when his ears moved, he heard a soft knock on the door, followed by the sound of extremely light footsteps, sneaking in directly.

Kazuya quickly inserted the sword into the scabbard and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me!" Haruna's voice came from the bookshelf and then she tiptoed over like a large raccoon cat. She whispered, "I came in and saw no one was there. I thought you weren't here!"

As she spoke, she glanced at Kazuya and suddenly the expression on her face was a little awed. She didn't dare to come near at all, so she knelt down from a distance and carefully observed this side.

Kazuya didn't know why and asked strangely: "What's wrong with you, Haruna? Why don't you come over?"

Haruna shook her head quickly, "I can't touch that sword, my dad told me to stay away."

"Can't you touch this sword?" Kazuya lowered his head and looked at the sword in his hand. He saw that the leather of the scabbard was old and dull, and there was nothing special about it. However, he quickly put the sword back properly on the sword holder. Naotaka didn't even allow his daughter to touch, so serious? Could it be that he had committed some taboo?

Seeing he putting the sword back, Haruna relaxed a lot. She moved in front of Kazuya with a pair of big eyes shining. She kept tilting her head and peeking at the sword holder, wearing the feet in the white socks were curled up, as if a cat has seen a hedgehog and wants to play on it but doesn't dare.

"Haruna, is there anything special about these swords?"

Haruna's attention was still on the sword holder, but she started counting with her fingers, "This seems to have been used by my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's brother?"

She looked very unsure. After counting for a while, she asked Kazuya, "Do you think it's right?"

Kazuya looked at her speechlessly. Are you asking me about your own ancestors?

Haruna was a cheerful girl. She calculated for a while and gave up when she couldn't figure it out. "Anyway, it was about 100 years ago, when our family followed a group of big shots to fight and settled here after winning the battle. But it seems that our family didn't take any advantage though we won the battle. All the benefits were taken by the big shots above and many people died in vain. From then on, our family is no longer allowed to contribute to the government."

Kazuya calculated silently and suspected that her ancestors participated in the Boshin War. But Haruna's words were vague and he couldn't be sure. If true, the Sakura family seems to have moved here from Kyushu or Shikoku.

But these were all histories. He apologized to Haruna, "Sorry, I didn't know it was such a commemorative sword. I picked it up and looked at it out of curiosity..."

Haruna waved her hand and interrupted him, still cheerfully saying: "It's okay for you, but I can't touch it. My father told me not to touch a real sword in my life. If I dare to touch a real sword, he won't let me take last name Sakura."

She pondered for a moment, then glanced at the four-layer sword holder again, and said depressedly, "I really want to pick it up and play, but even though I was still young, my father was very serious about what he said. If my surname isn't Sakura, I'll be finished! Without a surname, you don't have a family. Without a family, you can only be called a loner and become a loner. No! No!"

However, she was obviously still eager. She looked at the sword and then at Kazuya, seeming to be considering the possibility of Kazuya letting her last name Matsuoka if her surname was no longer Sakura.

Kazuya immediately became frightened and quickly changed the topic, "Stop talking about the sword, Haruna, why do you come to me?"

Haruna slapped her head and remembered the business, "I heard that you fighted others, of course I come and care about you. I am a very loyal person! If you don't believe me, you can ask people in this area, I am definitely the person responsible for the loyalty... I heard that there are many people on the other side, have you suffered any loss?" 

As she said this, she looked at Kazuya carefully and saw that his face was pale, "You look so pale. Big loss?"

She didn't wait for Kazuya to answer and began to blame herself, "I should have asked you when I went to school today, but my father gave a strict order last night. We were not allowed to ask questions in school. If we do so, it may have a bad influence on you... I don't know where the influence is bad. Hey, it would be great if I asked you at school. Then we will set off directly from school this afternoon to take revenge. Lest I have to run back early and wait for you."

She kept talking like a child, but Kazuya felt a little warm in his heart. He didn't expect that Haruna skipped the club training because she was worried about him. That's why she was caught directly by that little radish and punished.

He said softly, "I didn't suffer any loss. Thank you for your worry!" There were very few people in his life who cared about him like this, so he was a little touched.

"Don't be brave. You are my friend, I will help you!" Haruna didn't believe it, so she patted her chest, "I never just watch my friends suffer. If you have suffered a loss, let's take revenage and give those people a good beating."

"I really didn't suffer any loss!"

"Then why do you look so pale?"

"This...I felt a little uncomfortable just now."

"You were fine the day before yesterday. Why wouldn't you be feeling well?"

"I really didn't suffer any loss!"

"Then why do you look so pale?"


It took Kazuya ten minutes to convince Haruna that it was him who beat up the gangsters and not the gangsters who beat him up.

But Haruna was full of regrets, "They don't seem to be very strong! No matter, if you are bullied in the future, just tell me. I have many followers and I guarantee to punch their shining teeth through the back of their skull!"

Kazuya felt disappointed. I don't know you are the biggest bully in your neighborhood. He nodded without strength and gave up struggling, "Next time I'm bullied, I'll let you know."

"That's right!" Haruna was very happy. She took out her mobile phone, "I'll give you my number and email address. You don't have to be polite to me. Just call me if you have anything. Friends have to go out of their way to express loyalty. The friendship is the first!"

Kazuya resignedly took out his mobile phone, turned on infrared transmission, and exchanged email addresses and phone numbers with Haruna. Is the way you stand up for your friend by forcing him to let you fight together? This is really simple and crude.