
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

15. Tasca and Maid

"you're so fragrant tasca, what perfume did you use?"

"that's right, i think tasca smells like... is it gardenia?"

"tasca, did you make perfume? perfume was expensive, i don't think you bought it right?"

in the next day, patients were mostly middle aged women, they flocked toward the sweet-smiling tasca whom sat at her desk.

"hehehe, aunties. tasca didn't use any perfume you know?" then she reached her hand toward several jars of mosquito repellent from behind.

"tada! here aunties try smells it!" tasca opened one of the small wooden jar, in it there was clear green colored gel with gardenia scent.

"what's this?"

"wow! this smells good!"

"is it perfume? ointment? or new medicine?"

several aunties began to inquires about the gel, and tasca with proud childish expression begun to promote it.

tasca was popular, she was smart, cute and attentive, lots of patients especially housewives dotes on her. because of her, the usually free housewives which sometimes gossiping all day, moved their usual gathering place at the clinic.

"this is mosquito repellent aunties, it can prevent mosquitoes from biting you!"

gasps of surprise could be heard, tasca continue her promoting act, "....other than that, look at my skin aunties, isn't it becoming better and better?"

she pull her sleeve revealing her now bright blooming white skin. the aunties start to look at her closely, more gasps let out of their mouths.

"...thats right! this gel can help your skin brighten and prevent mosquitoes bite, it also has nice scent!" tasca finished her speech with puffed cheeks. she was feeling proud, after all this was made by her dear buddy.

soon the patients began to ask about the price, knowing the price was only 7 copper, chaos ensues! even doctor moi steps out to keep the clinic in order.

with 1 gold coin, commoner families with a couple and 2 childs could live their life without worrying their 3 needs for a month! and 1 gold coin was equivalent to 10 silver coins, and 1 silver was equivalent to 50 copper coins. so, the price of 7 coins was ridiculously affordable for most housewives.

the income of maron city commoners especially those whose lived at the outter ring were on average 1,2 gold coins a month, that was why when the first time claudus observed the people living here, he had deemed that the city was really prosperous.

with beaming smiles, most of the aunties left the clinic. soon, more people whom heard about the repellent came and bought it.

not long after, all repellent had sold out, doctor moi even wrote the notice about it at clinic's front door.

when lunch came, the clinic closed for a while. the trio gathered in dining room, tasca with brilliant smile held the money pouch with the repellent earnings in it, she grinned so wide that her teeth and saliva could be seen.

"huwaa....hahah, hahahaha...brother! brother! brother! its its 1, 2, 10, 20, 30...." tasca counting the coins nonstop. her speech were incoherent as she couldn't stop happiness overflowing from her face.

"everything sold?" claudus asked the smiling doctor while putting the lunch for each of them.

"indeed, you're brilliant claudus." said the doctor nodding.

claudus could seen tasca's eyes turned into coin now, helplessly he put the coins back while tasca protesting him.

knowing about the success, he considered to increase the price to 10 copper in future. essentially, one small jar could hold up for around 2 weeks for families with 4 members, he already calculated it in advance.

seeing tasca hitting claudus shoulder with her small hands the doctor could only shook his head.

"okay, okay. let's eat for now." said the doctor,

tasca looked toward claudus with fire in her eyes, she looks like offended cat at this point, claudus ignores her with helpless smile.


next day, claudus prepares for more jars. he sets 50 jars for each scent, he didn't use doctor's flowers this time, as he decided to increase the price he bought flowers from the woodsman yesterday afternoon.

he also made another aroma from lily of the valley flower extract, in this world it was called white angel flower and it has sweet smells, he gave another jar with new scent to the old doctor for testing.

in the morning, lots of people already lined up in front of the clinic, they were not patients though, they came for mosquito repellent, and mostly housewives.

in a flash, 150 jars of repellent already sold out, leaving the excited tasca with wide smile. as claudus saw her, he couldn't help but shook his head then returned back toward the basement, intending to make another batch.

as tasca humming in small tone, she noticed there was an unfamiliar woman at the door, she looks like in her twenties and had arrogant looks on her face, her hair were tied in bun style, wearing brown maid dress and polished black bar shoes⑴.

thinking nothing about it, tasca approached her with usual smile.

"hello, do you need something miss?" she asked politely.

"you! quick give me that repellent whatsoever!" with rude tone the young maid spoke.

stunned for while, tasca awkwardly apologized, "...i'm sorry miss, but unfortunately our repellent had already sold out, you can get it next morning.."


however, without warning the young woman slapped tasca's face hard! the impact even made her bounced back!

the waiting patients stood up, ready to pounch at this rude maid, glancing at her surrounding, she warned, "how rude! do you know who i am? i'm young lady vivian bradtford personal maid! you dare?"

hearing that, several patients soon sat back to their seat, while the others helping tasca on her feet, her eyes were now reddening holding back her tears, clear red slap mark could be seen on her right cheek.

hearing the commotions, doctor moi stopped his examinations and goes out. claudus already heard something wasn't right, they both meet each other and went to see tasca.

claudus could barely contained his anger but doctor moi whom noticed several guards outside his clinic held him back, doctor moi discerned that this rude woman had big background, so he signaled claudus to prevent him from trouble.

claudus gritted his teeth went to tasca and brought her to dining room, he began to treat her cheek with wet cloth. tasca began sobbing quietly, it was really hurt after all.

"you're the clinic's owner?" asked the rude maid.

doctor moi nodded, he too wasn't keen on smiling like usual, "i am, what do you want miss?"

she snorted loudly, "hah! don't you hear what i said? give me that repellent! that brat said its sold out? i dare you! now if you don't give me what i want, don't blame me if the guards sword behind have no eye!"

hearing the threat, doctor moi gritted his teeth helplessly, "...wait here."

doctor moi soon took the ceramic jar from his bedroom, the jar were bigger than the wooden ones, it was also much more pleasing to the eyes, it contained the new white angel flower scents made by claudus.

"...this is our last jar, miss the price is..." yet before the old doctor finished his sentence, the rude maid already snatched the jar from his hand!

"price? what price! offering this to our household is already your honor!" she exclaimed while sashaying away, soon several guards followed her from there, leaving the now black faced old doctor behind.

worried with tasca, doctor moi went to dining room, he saw claudus pulled tasca head to his embrace, he patted her shivering back gently.

soon the patients inside the clinic began to complain loudly, their voices were filled with anger and indignant!

"what's with that maid! just because she worked at city lord mansion could make her behave like this?"

"we must complain! how dare she used lady vivian name to threaten us all!"

"thats right! lady vivian was kind girl, she was always gentle to us commoners!"

"poor tasca, i can't believed that anyone would slap her cute face!"

"let's go! lets go to inner circle! we'll filled complain against that wench!"

after checking tasca cheek, doctor moi apologized to her for unable to protect her in time, tasca forced a smile while calming the old doctor and claudus which already want to stormed toward that rude maid.

hearing people talk, doctor moi soon went to the waiting room and calming down the people telling them that everything was all right, and there was also no need to mentioned this to the lord's mansion.

after a while the people began to calm down, but some of them left to tell the tales, attempting to spread that rude maid behavior.

"its okay brother, im used to it..." said tasca calming her dear buddy down, she pressed the cool wet cloth toward her cheek.

claudus peevishly snorted, then he stroke her hair gently.

"she asked for it, next time she come, don't expect me to stay still..." claudus indignantly said.

tasca had gentle smile on her face, she put her head to claudus shoulder, snuggled into it.


at east of maron city outermost gate, the rude maid from before stood while accompanied by several guards behind. she looked at the distance, seemingly waiting for something.

seeing cloud of dust flew about accompanying an elegant white carriage pulled by four horses, behind the carriage several knights with horses followed closely, the maid begun to smile wide.

the rude maid initially had gone to welcome lord's mansion young lady at maron city east gate from her travel, she had coincidentally passes several housewives on the way, and heard from them about the miraculous mosquito repellent, as she inquired about it rudely, she found the clinic.

not long, the carriage stopped just right beside her and the guards, soon the door with golden willow tree insignia engraved on it were open.

at the door, stood a pretty girl around 13 years old with noble bearing, she smiled toward the bowing maid and guards outside.

the noble girl soon said with pleasant voice, "rise..."

the maid and the guards obeyed her in subversion.

the rude maid from before now put her most polite smile on her face, unlike before at clinic. she had completely transformed into courteous and well mannered woman in front of this noble girl.

"welcome young lady vivian, the lord ordered us to welcome you here to lead you home.." she said in gentle voice.

vivian nodded, "its very toughtful of lord father, come in. you can tell everything happened in the city to me along the way."

"my lady?" the maid was startled.

"its okay, come in. the rest of you please follow." vivian sat back while the maid hop in with polite manner, soon the entourage entered maron city with salute from the gate guards.

on the way many people saw the entourage, when they learned that it was young lady vivian bradtford carriage, they soon welcomed her in excitement, young lady vivian kindness was well known toward the citizens, she was popular.

inside the carriage, the maid told young lady vivian all she knows about whats happening in city while she was away from maron earldoms.

"...i see, so thats happened..." vivian said while nodding.

"yes my lady..."

"you say you're my new personal maid? right, what was your name again? i'm sorry i have rather hard time memorizing new people's face." vivian said in apologetic tone.

"please my lady, its okay. your ladyship don't need to do that, this lowly ones name is daney. otherwise you can call me by anything."

"oh, thats right! you're daney! i knew about your name from mother's letter, how was maya?"

"ah? sister maya had already entered the hospital in preparation for her child's delivery, it said that she would expect to give birth next week, my lady..." the maid shows jolly expressions from her master acknowledgment.

"is that so? thats good, thats good. she had always with me ever since i was a baby. oh, by the way, what's this smell? did you use perfume?"

vivian could smell some sweet scents coming from the maid's body, lord's mansion never prohibit their workers to dolled up. but perfume was different, it was expensive so most people rarely use it unless they're wealthy.

startled a little, daney answered, "ah, no no my lady, of course not. i just used this lotion." the maid daney picked something from her dress pocket, then she presented it with both hands.

vivian eyes shone as she saw an exquisite ceramic jar on daney's hands, she picked it up then opened it, the fragrance of white angel flower pervade her carriage interior.

"wow! what's this? its smell so nice!" vivian scrape some clear gel from inside, the texture was smooth with cool sensation after she smear some of it onto her palm.

the maid soon told her of what was it.

"mosquito repellent? i thought it was only sold at vedora royal capital? don't expect it to appear here!" vivian murmured in low voice, soon she returned the jar, "pity that it has already sold out for today."

"if my lady wills it, i can return to that clinic to ask for more."

lady vivian shook her head, as she said, "its okay, there always be another time. i'm not in hurry, for now lets just go home."

the entourage soon entered the middle ring then inner circle of maron city, heading toward the center with huge mansion stood in it.


in a large courtyard inside one of the mansion in maron city inner circle area, the old magician leisurely sipping a cup of fresh cold apple juice.

the courtyard were large, it has koi pond and on its side there was a rockery with meticulous arrangement of small and big rocks, it looks complimented each other. several trees and bamboo swaying by at its surrounding.

the old magician leisurely lean back on comfortable wooden recliner, he just bid farewell to di'en his disciple last night.

the dead-pan face 2 stars magician went back to witchcraft tower, which located at vannahar kingdom old capital falsteed to reports his last activaties in maron city, the old magician had also gave him delivering task.

he ordered di'en to delivers the black sinister bottle toward his sister which currently away from vannahar kingdom.

as the old magician enjoyed his rest accompanied by summer soft breeze, he saw edna running towards him in excited manner, her steps looks like skipping higher than usual.

"master! maaasteeerrr!" edna called in cheerful voice.

the old magician shook his head with helpless smile, he then straighten the recliner seat.

"what is it edna? did you make some mischief again?" the old magician spoke as he stroke edna's short brown hair.

edna squinted her eyes as she enjoyed her master's hand stroke on her head.

"master, lets go to vivi's home! she should have arrived by now!" edna exclaimed as her eyes shone brightly.

"young vivian? is it today?"

the old magician pondered for a while. yet, he leaned back on the recliner seemingly wanted to continue his relaxation time.

"master? lets goo! why are you sitting again?"

"edna, as a magician what's the foremost thing i thought you?"

edna pouted while answered, "...don't be hasty, but master, you must accept her as your disciple right? if we can be fellow disciple, that will be the best!!!"

seeing the excited edna, with smile the old magician spoke, "..don't be hasty edna. i only want to judge her character first, i'm not making any promise to take her as disciple. beside, young vivian must've be tired now, we could just...."

before the old magician finished, edna had already stormed off in puff.

she exclaimed in aggrieved manner, "...stingy master!!!"

seeing her running back inside the mansion, the old magician could only smile helplessly with a slight headache.


as night fall, the clinic had already closed. in the attic tasca and claudus sat on their respective mattress.

"brother? its okay, i'm not hurt anymore." said tasca, claudus still had an upset behavior since noon, and she tried to calm him down once again.

seeing claudus didn't say anything, tasca revealed her sly smile. seeing that, claudus had some idea.

"...tasca? did you...." before claudus finished, tasca already beat him with action.

"hehe, brother look whats this..?"

on her hand, there sat a brown pouch unfimilar to him.

"this, could it be..."

tasca nodded, with a grin she revealed her proud look, she looks funny as her cheek still has some trace of red on it.

"thats right! this is that rude maid money pouch! muhehhee...she must be really, really angry now..."

claudus raised his thumbs up, satisfied with her performance. tasca was slightly taken aback, she thought her buddy would scold her yet it seems like he approved?

"why? did you think i will scold you?" claudus smile, "...that woman deserves it. if you didn't do it, i would."

"hehehe...old habits dies hard." she mumbled, tasca felt warmth on her heart, she giggled while turned to sleep.

"yawn*...good night brother.."

"sleep well tasca..."

after a while tasca had fell asleep across claudus, now and then tasca's face frowned and perspiration soon soaked her face, she was seemingly experiencing a nightmare.

this wasn't unusual, ever since both of them changed their lifestyle leaving the dark world behind, tasca occasionally had bad dreams.

noticing her restless behavior, claudus closing on her. he held her hand and stroke her blonde hair gently, tasca's frown eased up after claudus soothe her by injecting small amount of mana into her brain.

claudus then returned to his bed, after taking off his wooden leg, he sat in lotus position.

recalling what happened to tasca at noon, he scowled peevishly once more.

'...I've been too complacent these days, if only i had my previous ability...' he was upset.

even though claudus could already use mana, it was abysmally ineffective compared to before.

'...if my conditions was the same as before, i could known in advance by spreading my mana to protect her! god d*mn it...' his face turned uglier and uglier.

after letting out his regrets and vexation, claudus regulate his breathing and began to refining mana as usual, he was calm but there was a sense of urgency this time.

claudus couldn't let go of the thought his dear buddy gotten hurt. so, driving his mind to maximum he began his analytical effort, to quicken the process of his theory.

inside the dim attic, the waning moonlight seeping through the attic window on the roof, claudus absorbs the mana madly.

however, the usual phenomena which the mana would disturbs the surrounding air whenever he was doing that, oddly didn't occur.

it looks normal. yet on his vision, he could see the golden mana spheres rotating madly all around him before turning into funnel and assimilate with his body.

when the waning moon already moved toward the other side of the world, claudus open his left eye abruptly, there was slight golden flash in it.

the surrounding mana turned from its previous crazy state to tranquility, yet the quantity of the surrounding mana gradually diminished in alarming rate!

'...10 revolutions? my theory is right!!!"

claudus continue his act until dawn.


today chap....

⑴bar shoes : mary jane style or doll shoes

thx for reading...

Thousand_Stupacreators' thoughts