
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Huh, I'm A What

"I pulled onto much energy and went overboard," Randy said still looking at the long stretch of destruction he had caused just because he wanted to stop a human-sized fire attack.

Randy wasn't at all worried about the land or the vegetation he had destroyed, rather despite his tendency to be destructive he still knew the value of control.

"Imagine if there was a big boob pretty lady behind them, it would be such a travesty to end such a life," Randy thought and began letting out a low chuckle which stretched for more than a few minutes as with ease several scenarios containing well-equipped women began popping in his head.

Randy was quite lost in his thoughts and it wasn't until someone beside him cleared his throat that he left the comfort of his mind and turned to his right.

"Oh, it's you, sorry I forgot about you," Randy said with a facepalm and then he looked at the man questioningly "Why didn't you try running away."

"Because I know I can't escape you" The man answered with a trembling voice.

"That's true, so now, tell me, how do you want to die" Randy sincerely asked giving the man a caring smile.

When the sword-wielding man had left his sword in Randy's hand and jumped away, he hadn't returned to Roy's side but instead to the side and that action had saved him as he was nowhere in the path of Randy's punch.

 Now while the others had simply been shocked by Randy's spike of a strange powerful energy which seemed to come out of nowhere the man knew a bit more about his type of energy and how to behave before someone who possessed it.

"My Lord" the man who had once wielded his sword against Randy said, dropping to his knees.

"I am Yakush Zatsubi, and I offer myself with bended knees to be taken as your servant."

"Erhh Servant, did I spook you that much, that you've lost your senses," Randy said putting his hand on his chin and for the first time properly observing the man kneeling before him.

"Bald hair, wrinkled face, sharp eyes that spoke of experience, and armour that seemed to be suffering from inadequate iron, though Randy couldn't be sure since the armour was quite shiny.

Hearing Randy's words Zatsubi was a bit perplexed on what to say but in the end, decided to keep silent and bow his head till his forehead touched the ground.

"Sorry Zatsubi, but I'm still going to have to kill you, nothing personal," Randy said with a lazy shake of his head.

"My lord please reconsider, I am ready to give you my life, all I want is to serve you," Zatsubi said his voice trembling.

"Welp, though there are a number of other issues, I do wonder, why do you keep calling me 'my lord' I don't especially feel comfortable with it," Randy said with a scrunched expression his words being honest.

For a moment Zatsubi was stunned and then he slowly lifted up his head and stared at Randy warily.

"I call you 'my Lord' because it is what you are, it is the proper way to address a ranked demon, or will you prefer something else."

"Ehhh, are you saying I am a demon," Randy asked pointing at himself in total confusion.

"Yes" Zatsubi answered confusion also creeping on his face.

Randy's eyes squinted at Zatsubi, and the man could see that for some reason Randy didn't believe his words.

Full of confusion Randy placed his hands on his forehead and felt it all over and then he checked his fingers and butt and then looked at Zatsubi unhappily.

"No horns, long nails or tail, how am I a demon," Randy asked unhappily.

"You have Riatsu, my lord, and that is demonic energy which only demons possess," Zatsubi said hesitatingly the man becoming unsure of his analysis due to Randy's ignorance.

Zatsubi's words made Randy cock his head to the side and then after a while, he looked towards the village which though still a distance away was in his sight.

"Are there any other strong opponents in the village?"

"No, my lord."

"Though I'm still mulling over whether to spare you or not, for now, I want you to kill everyone in the village and then wait for me right here, I'll come to check up on you when I decide to."

After saying these words Randy gave a shocked Zatsubi a pointed stare and it wasn't until the man whose face had turned ashen had nodded his head that he turned and drawing on a little of the energy within himself shot away.

Whether Zatsubi followed his orders or decided to run away, Randy didn't care, right now he was more focused on remembering Linda's words and this time doing as the woman had said.

"She said to do my best to find somewhere really safe, so I guess that is what I have to do"

Initially, Randy's plan had been to have plenty of fun before even thinking about doing as Linda said but then Zatsubi's words on him being a demon and one for the man to be respectful to made him rather wary.

For all the strength he could feel in himself, Zatsubi helped remind him of how completely ignorant he was about himself and most importantly how panicked Linda had been when she dropped him her last message.

"Urghh between the top of a tree and a cave, which is safer." Randy mused as he sped through the never-ending forest.

"She said safest, so let's go with trees, the number of creatures that can find me there and even attack me are quite limited.

A second later after crashing into and destroying another tree due to a misstep as he tried to stop running, Randy jogged to a rather tall tree with numerous branches and with a smile on his face scaled it.

"That was fun "Randy said seconds later having already found a strong branch quite high up.

"Alright let's do this" Randy thought closing his eyes having already looked left and right several times.




The second Randy finished his words he felt his mind sink like it was in an ocean, and then all of a sudden, it floated back up, his eyes opening to see a totally hysterical Linda.

"You don't look good" Randy muttered.

"You don't say" Linda replied her eyes filled with rage and looking like she wanted to strangle Randy.