
Crimsoux: The Supreme Species

In the unimagined future of mankind and the alien race, one particular outcast lives to cause chaos in the two worlds. Then one day, he receives an invite to a school for unique superhumans like himself. But little did he expect that the peculiar dangers of that 'measly' school would deepen his perspective on why it was good to be alive! This is the story of a virtually-immortal man and his journey as he embarks into a realm of devastating anomalies, other unkillable immortals, and a world where the thin line between life and death quickly becomes clearer. ... This is the journey of Earth's special monster, a Crimsoux. *** Most of the early chapters are 2000+ words per chapter, cuz the pacing is kinda slow.

TheNobleRain · Fantasía
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133 Chs

Cudgel Of A Myth

"... What— what happened?" A student of the Golden-ranks said as he jumped out of his seat. His eyes move from Asher to the woman he had just placed on the ground.

"Hey Chanel... Chanel?! What are you doing lying down like that?! Get up—"

"Not too loud." Asher placed his index finger before his collar as he hushed the shaky man.

"Is she a crush? Or a girlfriend?" Standing back up, Asher spun the staff around his hand as he trudged towards their seats.

"Who's next?"


Kisha, William's assistant squinted her eyes as she stared down at the arena.

"Hey, what happened?" William asked.

"I'm not so sure." She shrugged. "I saw his precise movements, but I still don't exactly what he did."

"But catching a level 74 unawares like that, he must have pulled off quite a trick." Gilbert said, sitting comfortably in his seat.

Thinking back, Kisha recalled what she had witnessed to William.

A few seconds ago...