
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasía
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213 Chs


Daimon stood, his gaze fixed upon his transformed body. The fusion of the Ancient Vampire God's essence with his own had left him feeling both empowered and restrained.

While his appearance had not changed dramatically, he could sense a shift in his capabilities—a portion of his powers had been sealed away.

With a wry grin on his face, Daimon chuckled, his laughter echoing through the realm. "So they dared to place limitations on me, did they?" he mused, his voice tinged with amusement. "How fascinating! It seems they still fear what I might become."

His eyes glinted with a mixture of mischief and curiosity as he examined the limitations placed upon him.

It was true that some of his abilities were now restricted, but Daimon saw this as a thrilling challenge rather than a hindrance.

Restrictions meant new avenues to explore, new ways to defy expectations, and he relished the prospect.

He spread his arms wide as if embracing the newfound constraints. "Ah, how exhilarating! They think they can hold me back, but they have no idea what I'm capable of," he declared, his voice carrying a touch of arrogance. "These limitations are nothing more than an invitation to dance with the unknown!"

Daimon's laughter grew, filling the realm with contagious energy. He could feel the power thrumming beneath his skin, the Ancient Vampire God's essence blending seamlessly with his own. It was an intoxicating sensation, like tasting forbidden knowledge.

His body swayed with fluid grace, a dance of defiance against the boundaries imposed upon him.

He moved as if caught in an invisible rhythm, each step a calculated rebellion against the world that sought to hold him back.

His hand traced intricate patterns in the air, his fingers brushing against an unseen force. "Let them underestimate me," he mused, his voice a sultry whisper. "I shall use their limitations as stepping stones to ascend even greater heights."

As he spoke, the limitations seemed to quiver, as if uncertain of their hold on the immortal being before them. Daimon's laughter intensified, a symphony of defiance and audacity.

Suddenly, a panel appeared in front of him once again. This time, the panel was game-like, displaying his status and abilities.

- ---

Name: Daimon Crimson

Race: Vampire

Rank: A


Strength: A

Agility: A

Constitution: A

Intelligence: A


1. Blood Arts (Active) (A) :

- Possess exceptional control over blood, enabling them to shape it into intricate weapons, barriers, and offensive techniques.

- Can manipulate the blood of other beings, using it to immobilize or control opponents.

2. Eternal Blood (Passive) (S) :

- Virtually impervious to most forms of conventional harm.

- Rapidly recovers from even severe wounds or even a drop of blood.

- Suffers no impact from typical vampire weaknesses like sunlight, enhancing mobility in the world.


Daimon's eyes widened as he absorbed the information displayed before him.

The restrictions had indeed taken a toll on his abilities, but even with the limitations, he was still a force to be reckoned with.

In fact, his current status marked him as a formidable opponent, possessing powers that surpassed the ordinary.

A sly grin crept across his face, revealing the confidence that dwelled within him. "They think they can control me with these restrictions, but little do they know, they've only stoked the flames of my desire for more power," he said, his voice laced with determination.

He knew that the challenges ahead would be unlike anything he had faced before. The World Towers were not to be underestimated, and the foes that awaited him on higher floors were sure to test his newfound powers to their limits. But for Daimon, it was all part of the thrill.

After checking his own status, suddenly, the ground on which he was standing was now shining. It seems that he was going to be teleported to the first floor. The panel in front of him also changed.

-[Teleporting to the First Floor]

Daimon was now curious as to what kind of opponents he would meet on the first floor. His excitement was palpable as he anticipated the challenges that lay ahead.

His crimson eyes gleamed with a mixture of thrill and eagerness, and he felt the exhilaration of stepping into the unknown.

With a flourish of his hand and a mischievous grin, he embraced the teleportation. The world around him blurred, and a vortex of energy enveloped him, transporting him to a new realm of the World Towers.

As the light subsided, Daimon found himself in a vast, ancient forest. Towering trees loomed overhead, their branches whispering secrets in the wind.

The air was heavy with anticipation, and the realm seemed to resonate with the thrill of adventure.

A sense of excitement and anticipation swirled within him as he stood amidst the dense forest.

He felt the energy of the tower pulsating around him, and a tingling sensation crept up his spine. It was then that he sensed movement in the shadows.

With a keen vampire's sense, he detected a group of wolves emerging from the foliage.

Their eyes glowed with a predatory light, and they seemed intent on confronting this intruder in their territory. Daimon's grin widened, a wild glint dancing in his crimson eyes.

"Ah, how delightful!" he exclaimed, his voice a melodic symphony of madness. "Monsters from the beginning of my journey! How fitting!"

The wolves encircled him, their growls a warning of their imminent attack. Daimon chuckled, his body moving with the precision of a seasoned dancer. His every step seemed effortless and yet filled with purpose.

He twirled gracefully, taunting the wolves with his elegant movements. "Come now, my furry friends," he said with a playful lilt. "Let us dance this beautiful dance of blood and steel!"

His laughter echoed through the forest, mingling with the howls of the wolves. With a sudden burst of supernatural speed, he leaped towards the largest of the pack, his eyes ablaze with a feral hunger.

In a flurry of motion, Daimon dispatched the first wolf with a swift, lethal strike. His movements were a symphony of blood arts, each strike precise and deadly.

The wolves attacked with all their might, but their efforts were futile against the immortal vampire infused with the power of the Ancient Vampire God.