
Crimson Sand

In the heart of the vast Zahara Desert lies the Kingdom of Azura, a realm where the harsh beauty of the desert shapes the lives of its people and the pulse of ancient magic flows as freely as the shifting sands. At the center of this mystical land stands Al-Qamar, a city of architectural marvels and deep-rooted traditions, ruled by a dynasty as old as the desert itself. Crimson Sand follows the story of Zayd Al-Azraq, a young prince born into the luxury and intrigue of the Royal Palace. With his piercing yellow eyes and a mind as sharp as a scimitar, Zayd is the epitome of a royal heir. Despite his privileged upbringing, his spirit is as wild as the desert winds, and a sense of entitlement shadows his every step. Spoiled yet charismatic, Zayd navigates the complex labyrinth of palace life, where every whisper could be a secret and every glance a challenge.

sus_doa · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Festival's Splendor (1)

As the sun reached its zenith over the city of Al-Qamar, the festival continued in full swing, each event unfolding as a testament to Azura's rich culture and heritage. Three main events of the day captured the essence of the kingdom's splendor, drawing crowds of nobles and commoners alike.

In the expansive grounds near the palace, the first major event of the festival was the Grand Tournament. Knights from across the kingdom, adorned in vibrant colors representing their houses, competed in a display of skill and bravery. The thunderous sound of galloping horses and the clash of lances against shields filled the air, sending waves of excitement through the audience.

The Grand Tournament, a centerpiece of the festival, was set in the expansive grounds near the Royal Palace. The tournament field was a spectacle of color and pageantry, with banners representing the various noble houses of Azura fluttering in the breeze. Knights, clad in vibrant armor and mounted on powerful steeds, prepared for a display of skill and bravery that was a testament to the kingdom's rich martial traditions.

As the tournament progressed through its early rounds, the crowd's anticipation grew. By the fifth match, the excitement had reached a fever pitch. The next contender was a young knight of the royal family, a 16-year-old prodigy whose reputation as a skilled jouster had already begun to spread across the kingdom.

Prince Zayd, watching intently from the raised dais alongside King Farid and other members of the royal family, felt a surge of pride. The young knight, though not a full-fledged warrior, represented the future of Azura's martial prowess.

The young knight's opponent was Sir Harun, a seasoned warrior from House Amara, known for his strength and experience in the joust. The contrast between the youthful vigor of the royal knight and the seasoned skill of Sir Harun made for a riveting match.

The trumpets sounded, signaling the start of the joust.

The atmosphere was electric as the match between the young royal knight, Aiden, and the experienced Sir Harun of House Amara was about to begin. The crowd, a mix of common folk and nobility, leaned forward in anticipation, their eyes fixed on the two figures at opposite ends of the jousting list.

Sir Harun, a veteran of many tournaments, sat astride his horse with an air of calm confidence. His armor gleamed in the sunlight, and his lance was steady in his seasoned grip. Across from him, Aiden, the young prodigy of the royal family, presented a stark contrast. His figure was less imposing, his armor less battle-worn, but his posture radiated determination and youthful energy.

As the trumpets sounded, marking the commencement of the joust, both knights lowered their visors and positioned their lances. With a kick to their steeds, they thundered down the list towards each other, lances pointed at their opponent's shield.

The first pass was a blur of motion. Sir Harun's lance aimed expertly at Aiden's shield, but the young knight deftly angled his body, the tip of Harun's lance glancing off harmlessly. Aiden's own lance, however, found its mark, striking Sir Harun's shield with a resounding thud, though not with enough force to unseat the experienced knight.

They circled back for the second pass, the tension palpable in the air. This time, Sir Harun adjusted his technique, aiming lower, trying to catch Aiden off-guard. But Aiden was quick to adapt; he shifted in his saddle, using the momentum to parry the blow. In the same fluid motion, Aiden thrust his lance forward, the tip striking squarely against Sir Harun's chest plate.

The impact was precise and forceful. Sir Harun, taken by surprise by the sheer skill and power behind the strike, lost his balance. For a moment, he teetered in his saddle, struggling to regain composure, but it was too late. With a clatter of armor against the ground, Sir Harun was unseated, his figure sprawling in the dust.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, the excitement reaching a fever pitch. Aiden slowed his horse to a trot, turning to face the onlookers, his lance raised in triumphant salute. The young knight's victory was more than a personal achievement; it was a display of emerging talent, a symbol of the royal family's prowess, and a promise of a new era in Azura's chivalric tradition.

Prince Zayd, from his vantage point on the dais, couldn't help but join in the applause, his face alight with a rare mix of surprise and genuine pride. The young knight's victory was a testament to the strength and future of the kingdom he was destined to lead.

In the aftermath of the fifth match, the crowd's excitement was palpable. The young royal knight, Aiden, had just delivered an unexpected victory, his skill in the joust defying his youth. Prince Zayd, keen to meet this promising warrior, descended from the dais with a demeanor that blended his characteristic arrogance with a hint of curiosity.

Approaching Aiden, who was amidst a throng of admirers, Zayd's presence commanded immediate attention. Aiden, still in his gleaming armor, turned to face the prince, his expression a mix of respect and awe.

"Well, Aiden, it seems you've managed to surprise us all," Zayd began, his tone laced with playful condescension. "Unseating Sir Harun is no small feat, especially for someone barely out of boyhood."

Aiden bowed slightly, a flush of pride on his cheeks. "Your Highness, I am honored. I've trained hard under Sir Khalid, and I aim to serve Azura to the best of my ability."

Zayd studied the young knight, his gaze appraising. "Indeed, your performance speaks volumes of your potential. But remember, skill in the joust is but one aspect of knighthood. There's much more to learn."

Aiden nodded earnestly, hanging on Zayd's every word. "I understand, Prince Zayd. I hope to continue growing and serving our kingdom."

Zayd smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Today is but one day, and knighthood is a journey, not a destination. But you've made an impressive start, I'll give you that."

Their conversation was cut short as the herald announced the next match, and Zayd, with a final nod to Aiden, returned to his seat. As he walked back, his mind whirred with thoughts of the young knight. Aiden's victory and demeanor had indeed impressed him, though Zayd would not readily admit it. Resuming his place on the dais, Zayd watched the rest of the tournament unfold.