
Crimson prophecy :manav and the twelve realm

In a world divided by magic, Manav, a young boy marked by a mysterious symbol, embarks on a journey that transcends realms. In the first region, common humans coexist with rare magic users, while demi-humans with unique strength inhabit the second. The third region, home to the enigmatic nobles, holds the key to unlocking the secrets of magic. Manav's dreams extend beyond the confined walls, and with newfound elemental powers, he aims to break free from the constraints of his world. As he trains to harness his abilities, dark rumors swirl about the sealed realms of the Asuras within the ominous Dark Domain. Join Manav as he navigates a world teeming with magic, mythical creatures, and the quest for freedom. Uncover the mysteries of the Elemental Realm and witness the rise of a young hero destined to reshape the fate of his divided world.

Alienxs321 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The unknown man : Agrash

Unknown Man: (smirking) Ah, Manav, you've grown, my boy.

Manav and Aditya find themselves immobilized by the dense aura emitted by this mysterious figure.

Manav: Who are you? What's happening to my body? Why can't I move?

Aditya: (curious) Who is this guy? Why can't we move?

Unknown Man: (chuckles) Impatient, aren't we, Manav? Yes, I know you, and you should know me too.

The enigmatic aura thickens, leaving the two friends puzzled and unable to comprehend the identity of the unknown man. What secrets does he hold, and how is he connected to Manav's past?

Unknown Man, Agrash, uncovered his dark hood, revealing a distinctive white horn on one side of his head. His blue hair added an aura of mystery to his presence.

Agrash: My name is Agrash, and I am here to test how much you have grown. But what's this? You can't even deflect my aura breeze.

Aditya: (whispering) Who is this man? His aura control is on a whole another level. He seems capable of facing elemental masters.

Manav: (in his thoughts) Why does someone of this caliber know me?

As they were conversing, a colossal red serpent emerged behind Agrash, leaving both Manav and Aditya in awe. The serpent opened its mouth, ready to strike. Upon contact with Agrash's aura, it abruptly got sliced in half, as if an invisible blade surrounded him.

Agrash: (noticing Manav's movement) Oh, so you can move a little. But you are still far weaker than you realize, kid.

Aditya was perplexed, witnessing Manav's struggling movement.

Manav, fueled by a surge of aggression, was attempting to break free, relentlessly urging, "Let us go!"

Agrash: Fine, I'm going to release you guys. Show me what you've got.

As Agrash realses his aura, both Manav and Aditya instinctively stepped back. Aditya, recognizing the formidable nature of Agrash's abilities, whispered to Manav.

Aditya: Manav, you shouldn't use your usual attacks. Didn't you see how this guy effortlessly took out that snake? Regular attacks are futile against him. I've got an idea. I've undergone enough training to execute my first spell attack. Manav, do you know how to use spells?

Aditya: Manav, I know how to use spells, but I can only use them once a day. You'll have to be the decoy.

Manav: Sure, I'll distract him. Agrash, have yu children planned your strategy already? I'm getting bored here.

Manav attacked Agrash, his body covered in crimson electricity, launching a barrage of strikes. However, Agrash effortlessly dodged every attack with his hands in his pockets. Meanwhile, Aditya prepared a powerful spell, a flaming bow with a snake-headed arrow.

Aditya: Manav!

Manav swiftly returned to Aditya, and Aditya released the flaming arrow. To their surprise, Agrash casually deflected the attack, transforming it into seven fiery snake heads that Agrash controlled effortlessly. The spell's true power was revealed as it struck a mountain, causing a massive explosion.

Agrash: Impressive skills for your age, young man.

Aditya, realizing their dire situation, whispered to Manav.

Aditya: We can't defeat him. This is no ordinary test from the academy. He's a different kind of opponent.

Agrash smiled and delivered a powerful kick to Manav, sending him crashing through trees. Coughing up blood, Manav lay battered.

Aditya: We need to run, Manav.

On the other side of the forest, Alex sensed the disturbance and felt Manav's aura. The instructor at the exit also detected Agrash's overwhelming aura, expressing concern about his unexpected presence.

Agrash: I've had enough fun for today. We'll meet again, Manav. Make sure you become strong. By the way, I don't think you've fully broken your seal. Take care, my brother.

Agrash vanished, leaving Aditya stunned. Manav, covered in wounds, questioned Agrash's mention of a seal and being his brother. The two decided to discuss it later, realizing they had only five minutes left to exit the forest.

Aditya: We need to go now. Let's run; only five minutes left for this round to be over.

As they raced towards the exit, using their respective powers, the challenges awaiting them loomed in the unknown.