
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Cómic
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133 Chs

Chapter 10 - Legal wife?

Erix was pleasantly surprised at the sight of each effect provided by his skills and equipment. He already notices it rapidly changing his way of thinking and adapting to the change as he is able to freely manipulate the fundamentals of the world like tissue paper. Erix only needed to reignite the newly acquired amber in order for him to set ablaze and be enveloped by flames of power.

Frankly, at this point his chances against Guy crimson have increased but the other floor guardian and his home would be affected if he acted on his own. He hardly cared for others when sacrificing them over his home.

Erix tried to summon his spear and a viscous blood-like substance Came out from his hand and solidified into a crimson red spear. Unlike the crown that remained on his head after his transformation giving a kingly splendor, the spear shapeshifted and hid into his body.

[ Wast ev'rything to thy liking, mast'r? ]

{ Yeah, I'm also curious if you enjoyed the power you wield, Master. }

'Yes, however, it is best to remain on high alert rather than blindly feeling this newfound power. I am in control and not my power.'

Erix sharply said knowing that he could become too foolish and chaotic when he let his power poison his ego. He needs to consider every possibility to ensure the highest percentage of success.

'Honestly, do you act as an A.I that knows everything or just assist what I know?'

[ Yond wouldst beest the case, mast'r. I can't gain inf'rmation yond thee knoweth not. Mine own task is to maketh ev'rything easi'r and provideth a bett'r result. ]

{ In other words, she's able to help you analyze information rather easily and assist in giving the most of your situation. Frankly, I can provide some insight for war and conquest since anything related to battle are my expertise. }

Erix pondered who set their personalities but how he had used them and viewed each of them told him that it wasn't strange since a crown is for a leader and weapon for a commander. One leads while the other commands.

'You two are soul bound to me, correct? Does that mean you two are aware of the truth.'

[ We do master but fret not it does matter to us. What's important is out service to you. ]

{ Betrayal wouldn't cross our mind and agree at your decision as those fools are happy at where they are. It's best to not have any nuisance to your plan for conquest. }

[ Speaking of conquest, i've did prepare plans f'r the future and most wondrous to apace adapteth to our new surroundings. Gath'ring inf'rmation already beganeth but behoveful bold actions art currently did need. ]

{ Agree, we should quickly adapt but bold actions are needed. If we remain acting defenseless animals then progress would be out of our reach. }

Erix understands their words knowing that focusing on their presence and taking too long in hiding would stagnant their progress. However, taking into consideration what kind of being their enemy meant that the best course of action is to remain hidden until enough information is gathered.

'That is a given, Demiurge and Albedo are already formulating their own plans for me. Jibril, despite her antics, is next to being the smartest npc since I made sure of it. For now, it's best if I test my strength and how far I can go.'

The agreed acknowledging his words and began to resize himself into human size yet was still 3 meters tall and held the spear spinning it around preparing himself. He already knew that his summoning works splendidly when he made the Nuckelavee but pondered at the other monster that he could summon.

'Arryn, can I summon every monster from Yggdrasil and is it possible to summon daemon here? Also do you have to spend experience points when creating higher level monsters?

[ Aye, because of the "Ultimate Skill: lord of dark mage, Mephistopheles" alloweth thee to summon any creature from yggdrasil and coequal in this w'rld. At which hour the ultimate skill hadst f'rm t gaveth thee ev'ry known magic yond exists within the w'rld. And nay, exp'rience wouldst not beest spendeth since thee has't me but specific spelleth wouldst still requires sacrifice. ]

{ Monster, elemental, Angels, you name it, you got it without spending experience, master. Only super tier and complicated summoning requires sacrifice. }

Erix was a mage, summoner and Spear user that made him a force to be reckoned with. He was Jack of all trades, master of all but only reached it when people called him a madman.

"I think that is enough, well, for now let's test my technique as a spear user."

He took a stance and took deep breath churning the power around him letting the world pass through him that followed his thought and intention and trusting his weapon without using any skill had managed to send a massive wave of exploding power that destroyed part of him.

'How much was that?'

[ It is 2% of your base power attack, master. ]

Erix a bit surprised and pondered if the world itself was the reason why it felt easier and less restricted or because it was due to having ascended and evolved into a higher being becoming a Spiritual life form. He anticipated that the world would reject him and readjust to ensure the balance won't collapse the world.

Erix knows or rather theorizes each world to have a Will similar to counter force that dislike it's rules to be altered but concluded it was becase the world had recognize him and his allies as native. However, it doesn't look explain why his power was that strong.

'Why is my power to be strong?'

[ The reasoneth is because master is True Demon dragon that embodies a concept aft'r becoming a spiritual lifeform. For example, Veldora representeth storm and tempest while Veldanava the star and cosmos. ]

{ And you represent and embodies Armageddon. Furthermore, it is not because of me that your power to be this strong and by using me then your strike would increase several folds. }

Erix grinned hearing that his power and concept gave him an overwhelming power. He pondered how far his power goes and asked Arryn for more information.

'Can you give me a better description of the extent of being a living embodiment of Armegeddon?'

[ Master is able to controleth the final force, the one yond causes all of existence to endeth. Thy power doth not mean those power needeth to necessarily destroyeth, just endeth a universal cycleth making t the representation of end or omega. Those power can truly tamper with the endeth power of existence and terminate any universal cycleth, creating absolute chaos. This meanteth yond t can endeth something coequal concept using thy "Ultimate Skill; lord of despair, khahrakh" ]

{ In other words, a power to end anything. Seriously, sister, why speak in such a manner? It is rather difficult to understand you. }

[ Surely thou jest at which hour thee can translate it quite easily at which hour we art link to our mast'r. ]

{ Still it feels rather troublesome to translate it for others to understand. ]

[ What art thee mean? only mast'r can heareth us. ]

{ You never know but guess it can't be helped. Apologies, master for sounding annoying in your head. }

'It's fine and I rather enjoyed the company. Though, please refrain from reading my thoughts that are private matter unless you decided to become my woman.'

[ We art, as thy second and third legal wife it is our duty to attendeth thee and becometh females. We've scoured thy mem'ry and picketh what we bethink to beest appropriate.]

{ I've gotten my new body and made my own adjustment. A perfect image of what kind of woman I am fufufufu. }

'Second and first?'

Erix never pointed to a first legal wife since he hadn't begun his conquest with the woman in Nazarick but believed that it was appropriate that they had this position. However, he found it strange they started at second rather than first.

'Who's the first legal wife?'

[ We do not know and only have their name. Ara Devi. ]

'Ara Devi?'

Erix muttered under his breath, having understood she was someone connected to him after learning she's the one who brought him there and pleased that she is part of his harem. He never met her yet to such an extent she's willing to help then Erix would make sure to repay everything once they meet.

{ Second and third doesn't sound that bad. And we still task on organize your woman and bed warmers. }

'....Let's talk about this later. For now, let us test our limits and power.'